- Vulvovaginal health
Vulvovaginal health is the health and sanitation of the
human female vulva andvagina .Conditions
Problems affecting this area include:
*Infection with "Candida albicans " (candidiasis or "yeast infection")
*Bacterial vaginosis (BV) associated with the "Gardnerella ", formerly called "nonspecificvaginitis "
*Cervical cancer (prevented byPap smear screening)
*Urinary bladder infection ,urinary tract infection (UTI), cystitis,Urethritis
*Various types ofprolapse (where another pelvic organ protrudes into the vagina)
*Lichen Sclerosis (auto-immune disorder)
*Cancer of the vulva
*Genital warts Vulvo-Perineal Localization of Dermatologic Disorders
Systemic disorders may be localized in the vulvo-perineal region.cite journal | author = Dominique Hamel-Teillac sara catanzaro| title = [http://www.health.am/gyneco/more/vulvo-perineal-localization-of-dermatologic-disorders/ Vulvo-Perineal Localization of Dermatologic Disorders] , 2005. | journal =Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vulvo-Vaginal Disorders | volume = | issue = | pages = | year = 2005]
* In
Langerhans cell histiocytosis , lesions initially areerythema tous, purpuricpapule s and they then become scaly, crusted and sometimes confluent.
* InKawasaki disease , an erythematous, desquamating perineal rash may occur in the second week of symptom onset, almost at the same time as palmoplantar desquamation.
*Acrodermatitis enteropathica is a biochemical disorder of zinc metabolism.Tumoral and Hamartomatous Diseases of the Vulva
* Tumoral Diseases
* Hemangiomas and Vascular Dysplasia May Involve the Perineal Region
* Infantile Perianal Pyramidal Protrusioncite journal | author = Dominique Hamel-Teillac | title = [http://www.health.am/gyneco/more/tumoral-and-hamartomatous-diseases-of-the-vulva/ Tumoral and Hamartomatous Diseases of the Vulva] , 2005. | journal =Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vulvo-Vaginal Disorders | volume = | issue = | pages = | year = 2005]Diaper Dermatitis in Infancy
Infectious diseases
* Perinealdermatitis
* Viral infections
* Infestations withpinworm s (rare),scabies and lice.cite journal | author = Dominique Hamel-Teillac | title = [http://www.health.am/gyneco/more/infectious-diseases-except-sexually-transmitted-diseases/ Infectious Diseases (Except Sexually Transmitted Diseases)] , 2005 | journal =Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vulvo-Vaginal Disorders | volume = | issue = | pages = | year = 2005]Causes
The vulva and vagina have a "normal flora" of "friendly" microorganisms (including the "
lactobacillus " which turns milk intoyogurt ) which help to keep the area healthy. When the normal balance is disturbed, an infection can result.ymptoms
The generic term for infection of the vagina is "
vaginitis ". Symptoms may include an unusual or unpleasant discharge, itching, or pain during intercourse. But vaginal infections may also be present without any noticeable symptoms.Maintaining health
The following measures are advisable for keeping the
vulva andvagina healthy:* Washing once a day or so with
water but withoutsoap , since soap disturbs the naturalpH balance of the vagina. Other measures are seldom necessary or advisable. Two notable examples: so-called "feminine hygiene sprays" are unnecessary, may be generally harmful, and have been known to cause severe allergic reactions. Vaginal douching is generally not necessary and has been implicated in helping to causebacterial vaginosis (BV) andcandidiasis ("yeast infections").
* After using thetoilet , wipe from the front toward the back to avoid introducingbacteria from the anal area into thevulva . Use non-perfumed, undyed toilet paper.
* Drink plenty of water and urinate frequently and as soon as possible when you feel the need, to help flush bacteria out of the urinary tract and avoidurinary tract infection s. For the same reason, try to urinate before and after sex.
* Change out of a wetswimsuit or other wet clothes as soon as possible.
* Avoid fragrances, colors, and "deodorants" in products that contact the vulva/vagina:sanitary napkin s,tampon s,toilet paper . Some women who are sensitive to these substances should also avoid bubble baths and some fabric detergents and softeners.
* Avoid wearingleather trousers, tightjeans ,panties made ofnylon or other synthetic fabrics, orpantyhose without an all-cotton crotch (not cotton covered by nylon - cut out the nylon panel if necessary).
* Anything which has been in contact with the anal area (seeanal sex ) should be thoroughly washed with soap and water or a similar disinfectant before coming in contact with the vulva or vagina.
* Usecondoms , practicesafer sex , know your sex partners, ask sex partners to practice basic hygiene of their genitals. Use artificial lubrication during the intercourse if the amount naturally produced is not enough.
* Be careful with objects inserted inside the vagina. Improper insertion of objects into any body opening can cause daWomen who are unable to walk are more likely to have infections. The problem can be prevented according to above-mentioned and following measures:
* Wash crotch and rectal areas (with a soap-substitute if desired) and large amount of warm running water, every morning and evening. The disabled person can sit on a shower chair with an open seat or on a toilet. Use ashower head or water container to wash more directly.
* Use towel to dry.
* DO NOT use talcum/body powder, if desired use corn starch powder (corn-flour) on the skin of the genital area to absorb perspiration.
* Avoid sitting on plastic or synthetic materials for extended lengths of time.
* Wear loose underpants and change if soilage or wetness occurs.References
ee also
Sexually transmitted diseases
*Pelvic inflammatory disease
* Obstetrics and Gynecology
*Reproductive system disease
*Reproductive health External links
* [http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/topics/vaginitis/index.htm Vaginitis/Vaginal infection information from the National Institute of Allergies and Infections]
* Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology - [http://www.health.am/gyneco/more/vulvo-vaginal-disorders/ Vulvo-Vaginal Disorders] - Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
* [http://www.msu.edu/user/eisthen/yeast/causes.html Anti-infection health tips]
* [http://www.scarleteen.com/pink/sexhealth.html Female Sexual Health 101] - by noted sex activist and educator Heather Corinna
* [http://www.scarleteen.com/pink/gyne.html How to Prepare for Your First Gynecologist's Visit] by Heather Corinna
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.