- List of Ufologists
This is a list of
UFO researchers from around theworld .Asia
Wang Sichao , is currently working as a researcher atNanjing 'sZijinshan Astronomical Observatory .cite web| title =Half of China sees mysterious light-emitting UFO| publisher =UFO Evidence| month =July | year =2002| url =http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc462.htm| accessdate =2008-01-01] cite web| last =Yan|first =Yangtze| title =Pluto's demotion stirs mixed feelings| publisher =Xinhua| date =August 25, 2006| url =http://news3.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-08/25/content_5007596.htm| accessdate =2008-01-01]Indonesia
J. Salatun , pioneer ofUFO research inIndonesia .cite web|url=http://www.skepticreport.com/ufo/ufo-s.htm |title=Skeptic Report/ UFO Bibliography: Salatun, J.|accessdate=2008-02-05]
*Nur Agustinus , (1966 - ), is an Indonesianufologist ,psychologist andwriter , director ofBETA-UFO Indonesia .cite web| title = BETA-UFO - Indonesian largest UFO Community.| url=http://www.betaufo.org]
*Michael Gumelar (UFO-IC) [ [http://ufo-ic.blogspot.com/ UFO Indonesian Community ] ]Japan
G.Garrison Jr ,American engineer,based in southern Japan:Kyushu Reporting Agency [document."Cattle Mutilations,2008" KRA_Japan 2008 Update document."UFO Occupants,2008 document."Alien Abductions 2008"]Pakistan
Syed Muhammed Khurram Reaz (Member of NSPIRES,NASA , USA) [ [http://www.pkcropcircles-ufos.knows.it Pkcropcircles and UFOs, Karachi, Pakistan ] ]Philippines
* [Edwin V. Gatia] , (M.Sc.), Independent Filipino Researcher. Formerly a correspondent to the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) covering the events and incidents related to the Philippine Wave of 1979, and other cases including the alleged landing incidents in Talisay (Negros Occ/1979), and in Ormoc City (Leyte/1984). (Former member), Philippine Astronomical Society, (Life Member), Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science.
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde , (1939 - ), has spoken openly about the hiding of the UFO evidence and otherconspiracy theories .cite web| title = Ufo-Norway: MUFON USES SCANDINAVIAN CONTACTEE ON ITS ADVISORY BOARD OF CONSULTANTS: RAUNI-LEENA LUUKANEN.| url=http://www.kolumbus.fi/lauri.grohn/yk/skepsis/ufonorja.html| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Juhan af Grann , (1948 - ), is a Finnish film director and producer known of hisUFO documentaries.cite web| title = Web: Juhan af Granns Visions| url=http://personal.inet.fi/business/grann/www/thejag.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]France
Yves Sillard (Engineer, former director ofCNES , 1976-1982, head of new French government UFO investigation GEIPAN)cite web| title = UFO EVIDENCE: Official French Gov't UFO study project to resume with new director Yves Sillard| url=http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc2008.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-01]Italy
Enrico Baccarini , is a journalist, writer and researcher. He is an award winner in ExperimentalPsychology with a focus on the anthropological world.cite web| title = Official site: Enrico Baccarini| url=http://www.enricobaccarini.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Monsignor Corrado Balducci , (1923 - ), is aRoman Catholic theologian of the Vatican Curia, a close friend of thepope , long timeexorcist for theArchdiocese ofRome .cite web | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Monsignor Corrado Balducci | work = | publisher = Paradigm Research Group | date = | url = http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Awards/Balducci_Corrado.htm | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Roberto Pinotti , (1944 - ), Sociologist, journalist and author; he is the main Italian scholar inufology .cite web| title = ufopsi.com Biography: Roberto Pinotti| url=http://www.ufopsi.com/articles/robertopinotti.html| accessdate = 2008-01-01]România
Doru Davidovici , (1945 - 1989), was anaviator and writer.cite web| title = Official Site: Doru Davidovici| url=http://www.aviatia.ro/dorudavidovici/index.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-01]Switzerland
Erich von Däniken , (1935 - ), is a controversial Swiss author best known for his books which examine possible evidence forextraterrestrial influences on early human culture.cite web| title = Official Site: Erich von Däniken| url=http://www.daniken.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Billy Meier , (1937 - ), is a citizen ofSwitzerland and an "alleged", "self-claimed" and "controversial"contactee which many times has been proven to be a fraud.cite web| title = Official Site: Billy Meier| url=http://www.steelmarkonline.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]United Kingdom
Georgina Bruni , Investigative journalist,Rendlesham UFO incident researcher. [cite web| last =Bruni| first =Georgina| authorlink =| title =Spotlight by Georgina Bruni| publisher =Hot Gossip| month =February | year =2006|url =http://www.hotgossip.co.uk/February_2006/248.cntns| accessdate =2008-01-01]
*Dr. David Clarke , is a British university lecturer.cite web| title = Official Site: Dr. David Clarke| url=http://www.drdavidclarke.co.uk/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*W. Raymond Drake , (1913 - 1989), published nine books on theancient astronaut theme.cite web| title = (www.crystallinks.com) UFOs in Earth's History| url=http://www.crystalinks.com/ufohistory.html | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Timothy Good , is a British Ufologist and professional violinist.cite web| title = Official web site: Timothy Good- UFO Authority| url=http://www.timothygood.co.uk/ | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
* Dr. George King, regarded himself as "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel" for great and evolved extraterrestrial Intelligences.cite web| title = The Aetherius Society: Dr. George King, Our Founder| url=http://www.aetherius.org/index.cfm?app=content&SectionID=29 | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Elizabeth Klarer , (1910 - 1984), South African contactee and UFO photographer.cite web| title = Galactic Diplomacy: Elizabeth Klarer - Contactee with extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri|url=http://www.galacticdiplomacy.com/Klarer-home.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Nick Pope , Former head of the UFO desk, Ministry of Defence; author ofOperation Thunder Child .cite web| title = Official site: Nick Pope|url=http://www.nickpope.net/ | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Jenny Randles , (1951 - ), is a British author and former director of investigations with theBritish UFO Research Association (BUFORA).cite web| title = UFO EVIDENCE: UFO Researchers & People- Jenny Randles|url=http://www.ufoevidence.org/Researchers/Detail40.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
* Brinsley Le Poer Trench, (1911 - 1995), aUfologist and a firm believer inflying saucers , and in particular, theHollow Earth theory.cite web| title = (www.bibliotecapleyades.net) Brinsley Le Poer Trench: "Legends and the case for Hollow Earth."|url=http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/luna/esp_luna_19a.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Nigel Watson , (1954 - ), UFO writer and consultant.cite web| title = UFO DIGEST: "The Majestic Hall of Mirrors; Secrets of U.S. flying saucer recoveries revealed?"- by: Nigel Watson|url=http://www.ufodigest.com/news/0907/mirrors.html | accessdate = 2008-02-05] Allen david alvaresNorth America
Francois C. Bourbeau , UFO researcher, radio/television host and author. Founder of the [http://www.ovni-alerte.com OVNI-ALERTE] network inQuébec .cite web| title = OVNI-ALERT Network, Quebec: Francois C. Bourbeau| url=http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=fr_en&url=http://ovni-alerte.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-12]
*Errol Bruce-Knapp , Moderator UFO UpDates - Toronto and host of 'Strange Days... Indeed' - The Podcast. [ [http://virtuallystrange.net UFO UpDates, Podcast, News, information, abduction, Reports ] ]
*Geoff Dittman , Ufology Research of Manitoba, compiles annual survey of Canadian sightings statistics since 1998.
*Paul Hellyer , a Canadian politician. Officially inaugurated a UFO landing pad inSt. Paul, Alberta ; the first in the world. [cite web |url=http://www.ufodigest.com/parliament.html |title=Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament Asked To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien "Et" Civilizations |accessdate=2008-01-19 |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date=November 24, 2005 |year=2005 |month=November |format= |work= |publisher=UFO Digest |pages= |language= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= ]
*Jennifer Jarvis , UFO researcher from St. Catharines, Ontario. A member ofCSETI , her ongoing observations can be found at http://orbwatch.com
*Martin Jasek , UFO*BC, investigated and created a comprehensive report on the Little Fox Lake UFO Incident December 11, 1996.cite web| title = UFOBC.CA: Martin Jasek Bio| url=http://www.ufobc.ca/yukon/martin.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Don Ledger , author of a book entitled "Dark Object", a comprehensive report on theShag Harbour incident October 4, 1967.
*Peter Millman , (1906 - 1990), was a Canadianastronomer .cite web| title = Peter Millman Biography| url=http://ufo-joe.tripod.com/gov/millman.html| accessdate = 2008-01-20]
*Chris Rutkowski , Ufology Research of Manitoba, compiles annual survey of Canadian sightings statistics since 1998. The Canadian Federal Government currently (2007) directs all UFO sightings to "Chris Rutkowski" of Ufology Research of Manitoba.cite web| title = Ufology Research of Manitoba| url=http://www.ufon.org/uforom/| accessdate = 2008-01-01] cite web| title = Bio: Chris Rutkowski (Ufology Research of Manitoba)| url=http://www.ufon.org/uforom/mybio.html| accessdate = 2007-12-31]
*David Sereda , (1961 - ), is a Canadian UFOlogist andecologist .cite web|url=http://www.alienresistance.org/aod04_david_sereda.htm |title=(www.alienresistance.org) David Sereda Ancient of Days 2004 Speaker Bio and Topic |accessdate=2008-02-10]
*Wilbert B. Smith , (1910 - 1962), was a Canadian electrical engineer, radio engineer, ufologist andcontactee . [Clark, Jerome, "The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 2, L-Z" Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1998 (2nd edition, 2005), ISBN 0-7808-0097-4]
*Chris Styles , co-author of a book entitled "Dark Object", a comprehensive report on theShag Harbour incident October 4, 1967.cite web| title = Official Site: Don Ledger| url=http://www.donledger.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]Mexico
Jaime Maussan , (1953 - ), is a Mexicanjournalist and notable ufologist.cite web| title = (www.paradigmresearchgroup.org) Jaime Maussan: 2005 PRG Courage in Journalism|url=http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Awards/Maussan_Jaime.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-05]United States
George Adamski , (1891 - 1965), controversial UFO "contactee" of the 1950s, wrote several bestselling books about his encounters with friendly "Space Brothers" from other planets.cite web| title =The Queen & the Saucers| publisher =Time magazine (June 01, 1959)| url =http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,811123,00.html| accessdate =2008-01-01]
*Orfeo Angelucci , (1912 - 1993), was one of the most unusual of the mid-1950scontactees who claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrials.cite web| title = (galactic2.net) "He experienced a cosmic glimpse in the spaceship."- Orfeo Angelucci|url=http://galactic2.net/rune/orfeo.html | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Tom Bearden , is a retiredLieutenant Colonel of theU.S. Army who is in his own judgement "active in the study of scalar electromagnetics, advanced electrodynamics,unified field theory , and overunity systems." [cite web | last = Bearden | first = Thomas | title = His personal site at Cheniere.org | url = http://www.cheniere.org | accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Art Bell , (1945 - ), is an American broadcaster andauthor , known primarily as the founder and longtime host of theparanormal -themed radio program "Coast to Coast AM ".cite web| title =SPACE.COM: "Legal Web Heats Up Around Art Bell."|url=http://www.space.com/sciencefiction/phenomena/artbell.html | accessdate = 2008-02-05]
*Paul Bennewitz , (? - 2005), was an American businessman who played a major role in shaping the development of UFO Conspiracies since the 1980s.cite web| title =PARA VIEW: "The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth."|url=http://www.paraview.com/bishop/ | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Donnie Blessing , Founder of [http://www.soaar.net Southern Ohio Alien Abduction Research] and a State Section Director for MUFON of Ohio. [http://www.soaar.net/team.php]
*Ted Bloecher , (1929 - ), Ufologist, also actor/singer and computer data analyst; inactive in ufology since early 1980s.
* Dr.Thomas E. Bullard , (1949 - ), folklorist atIndiana University , also a ufologist with theCenter for UFO Studies .cite web| title =Fortean Times: Thomas E Bullard's UFO Top Ten |url=http://www.forteantimes.com/strangedays/ufofiles/520/thomas_e_bullards_ufo_top_ten.html | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Jerome Clark , (1946 - ), UFO historian and author of the authoritative "UFO Encyclopedia"cite book| last = Clark| first = Jerome| title = The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 2, A-K Detroit: Omnigraphics| publisher = | year = 1998| isbn = 0-7808-0097-4 ]
*Albert Coe , was an American contactee who supposedly made contact with an alien. [cite book | last = Coe | first = Albert | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = The Shocking Truth | publisher = The Book Fund | year = 1969 | location = New Jersey | pages = 14 | url = | doi = | id = ]
*Philip J. Corso , (1915 - 1998), Army Intel officer/author, wrote highly-disputed book onRoswell UFO incident . [cite web | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Philip J. Corso's Department of the Army Form 66, Officer Qualification Record | work = | publisher = | date = | url = http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_da66.htm | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2008-01-01]
* Robert Dean, (1929 - ), reportedly saw a document called "An Assessment", a purported1964 NATO report on UFOs prompted by an incident on2 February ,1961 during which 50 alleged UFOs appeared overEurope .cite web| title = Own site (Robert Dean): Beyond Zebra| url=http://www.beyondzebra.com/bobdean.shtml| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Glenn Dennis , (1925 - ), is a founder of the "International UFO Museum and Research Center" inRoswell, New Mexico , which opened inSeptember 1991 and self-professed witness to the1947 Roswell UFO incident .cite web| title = Roswell Files: Glenn Dennis| url=http://www.roswellfiles.com/Witnesses/glenndennis.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Don Ecker , author, served as the Director of Research for "UFO Magazine " for over 20 years. [ [http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guests/343.html Coast to Coast AM] . Retrieved on2008-03-05 .]
*Sean Feeney (1987 - ), Founder of [http://www.anomalyresponse.org The Anomaly Response Network] and a MUFON Youth Programs Director forKentucky . [http://www.anomalyresponse.org/about.php]
*Stanton T. Friedman , (1934 - ), nuclear physicist, author-lecturer, ufologist.cite web| title = Official site: Stanton T. Friedman| url=http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/sfhome.html | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Daniel Fry , (1908 -1992), was an Americancontactee who claimed he had multiple contacts with an alien and took a ride in a remotely piloted alien spacecraft on July 4, 1949. [" [http://danielfry.com/index.php?id=1275 My Experience With the Lie Detector] ", Daniel Fry, September 1954, "Saucers", Vol. ii, No. 3, pages 6-8.]
*James Gilliland , is an author, teacher, ufologist, spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and the founder of theEnlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) organization.cite web| last =Schoenmann| first =Joe| title =Among Believers| publisher =Las Vegas Weekly| date =August 21, 2006| url =http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/2002/03_21/news_coverstory_index.html?Among%20Believers| accessdate =2008-01-01 |archiveurl=http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/12693/|archivedate=2002-03-25]
*Allen H. Greenfield , (1946 - ), is an Americanoccult ist, UFOlogist,writer , editor.cite web| title = Mysterious America: Interview with Allen H. Greenfield| url=http://www.mysterious-america.net/allengreenfieldi.html | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Dr. Steven M. Greer , (1955 - ), is an Americanphysician known as a proponent ofopenness in government, media and corporations when it comes to advanced technologies that he and others believe to have been shelved and hidden from public awareness for reasons ofprofit andinfluence .cite book | last = Greer | first = Steven | title = Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications | publisher = Cataloging-in-Publication (Quality Books, Inc.) | year= 1999 | location = USA | pages = 525–526 |chapter=About Steven M. Greer, M.D.| url =http://www.disclosureproject.org | isbn = 978-0-96-732380-0]
*Dr. Bernard Haisch , physicist with an interest in ufology.cite web| title = UFO EVIDENCE: UFO Researchers & People- Bernard Haisch , Ph.D.| url=http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail76.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Richard H. Hall , (1930 - ), former assistant director ofNICAP in the 1960s, former director of theFund for UFO Research in the 1980s.cite web| title = Official site: Richard H. Hall| url=http://www.hallrichard.com/ | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Dr. James Harder , (1926 - ), Professor of Engineering,University of California, Berkeley .cite web| title = UFO EVIDENCE: UFO Researchers & People- James Harder, Ph.D.| url=http://www.ufoevidence.org/Researchers/Detail77.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-06]
*Allan Hendry , (1950 - ), astronomer, full-time UFO investigator for theCenter for UFO Studies in the late 1970s and early 1980s.cite book | authorlink = Jerome Clark | last = Clark | first = Jerome | title = The UFO Encyclopedia: 2nd Edition; Volume 1, A-K | publisher = Omnigraphics, Inc | year = 1998 | isbn = 0-7808-0097-4 "page 481"]
*Paul R. Hill , (1909 - 1990), NACA/NASA research engineer.cite web| title = Synopsis of "Unconventional Flying Objects" by: Paul Hill| url=http://www.philgawen.com/paul_hill.htm | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Budd Hopkins , (1931 - ),alien abduction researcher.cite web| title = Inruders Foundation: Budd Hopkins UFO Abduction Research Foundation| url=http://www.intrudersfoundation.org/ | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Linda Moulton Howe , (1942 - ), journalist known forcattle mutilation investigations.cite web| title =(www.nexusmagazine.com) Bio: Linda Moulton Howe | url=http://www.nexusmagazine.com/Conf%202005/Linda%20Moulton%20Howe.html | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Dr. Josef Allen Hynek , (1910 - 1986), astronomer, consultant to USAFProject Blue Book , founded theCenter for UFO Studies (CUFOS).cite web| title =The J. Allen Hynek for UFO Studies | url=http://www.cufos.org/org.html | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*David M. Jacobs , (1940 - ), Historian and Professor of History atTemple University inPhiladelphia . Teaches a curriculum course on the UFO phenomenon at Temple University. cite web| title =Biography | url=http://www.ufoabduction.com/biography.htm | accessdate = 2008-08-28]
*Morris K. Jessup , (1900 - 1959), was aphotographer , is probably best remembered for his pioneering ufological writings and his role in uncovering the so-calledPhiladelphia Experiment . [Ronald Story, ed., "The Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters", (New York: New American Library, 2001), s.v. "Morris K. Jessup," pp. 276. Others have March 20, 1900.]
*John Keel , (1930 - ), journalist, investigated the famousMothman Sightings in West Virginia in 1966 and 1967.cite web| title =(www.mysterious-america.net) Classic UFO Cases, by: John A. Keel | url=http://www.mysterious-america.net/capemayufocase,j.html | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Donald Keyhoe , (1897 - 1988), deceased aviator and Marine Corps officer, was the leader ofNICAP , the largest civilian UFO research group in the USA, in the 1950s and 1960s. [Jerome Clark , "The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial". Visible Ink, 1998. ISBN 1-57859-029-9]
*Philip J. Klass , (1919 - 2005), deceased senior editor of "Aviation Week and Space Technology ", leading UFO skeptic/debunker from mid-1960s until his death in 2005.cite web| title = About.com: UFO Skeptic- Philip J. Klass| url=http://ufos.about.com/od/ufoskeptics/p/klass.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
* George Knapp, is an Americaninvestigative journalist .cite web| title =UFORC.com NEWS SERVICE: KLAS-TV Reporter - George Knapp to Give Keynote Banquet Speech at 4th UFO Crash Retrieval Conference| url=http://www.uforc.com/news/KLAS-TV_Knapp_UFOCRC_111006.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Bob Lazar (Robert Scott Lazar), (1959 - ), is a physicist and owner of a mail-order scientific supply company who claims to have worked from 1988 until 1989 at an area he alleges exists called S-4 (Sector Four).cite web| title =Official web site: Bob Lazar | url=http://www.boblazar.com/ | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Jim Lorenzen andCoral Lorenzen , deceased founders and directors ofAerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), one of the most prominent civilian UFO research groups of the 1960s and 1970s.cite web| title =SCIFIPEDIA: APRO (the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) | url=http://scifipedia.scifi.com/index.php?title=APRO&printable=yes | accessdate = 2008-02-10]
*Dr. Bruce Maccabee , (1942 - ), retired US Navy optical physicist, has analyzed numerous UFO videos and photos.cite web| title = Dr. Bruce Maaccabee Research Website| url=http://brumac.8k.com/| accessdate = 2008-08-24]
*Jim Marrs , (1943 - ), is a conspiracy theorist, news reporter, college professor, and author of books and articles on a wide range of assortedconspiracy theories . [cite news| title=The truth is way out there |publisher=Dallas Observer |date=2000-07-06 |url=http://web.archive.org/web/20000823222702/http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2000-07-06/feature.html/page1.html]
*Riley Martin , (1946 - ), is a self-described alien contactee, author, and radio host. cite book| last = Martin| first = Riley| authorlink = Riley Martin| coauthors = Tan| title = The Coming of Tan| url = http://www.thecomingoftan.com/read~from~the~book/read~from~the~book.html| accessdate = 2008-01-01| publisher = Historicity Productions]
*Jordan Maxwell , (1940 - ), is a speaker in the fields ofastrology ,theology ,religion ,secret societies , theoccult , andUFOlogy since1959 .cite web| title =Welcome to the world of Jordan Maxwell (www.JordanMaxwell.com) | url=http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/bio/index.html | accessdate = 2008-08-24]
*Dr. James E. McDonald , (1920 - 1971), atmospheric physicist,University of Arizona , leading ufologist of the 1960s.cite web|url=http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1981.htm|title=Congressional Hearings on UFOs|last=Berliner|first=Don|publisher= [http://www.ufoevidence.org ufoevidence.org] ] .
*Dr. John Edward Mack , (1929- 2004), Harvard psychiatrist/professor, alien abduction researcher.cite web| title =The John E Mack Institute (www.johnemackinstitute.org/) | url=http://www.johnemackinstitute.org/ | accessdate = 2008-08-24]
* Dr.Donald Menzel , (1901- 1976), professor of astronomy atHarvard University , leading UFO skeptic of the 1950s and 1960s. [Greenwell, J. Richard, "Menzel, Donald H [oward] " pages 229-230 in "The Encyclopedia of UFOs,' Ronald Story, editor; Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1980, ISBN 0-385-13677-3]
*James W. Moseley , (1931 - ), editor of "Saucer Smear", longtime observer and commentator of the UFO field. [Citation|surname1=Moseley|given1=James W. |surname2=Pflock|given2=Karl T.|authorlink2=Karl T. Pflock|year=2002|title=Shockingly Close to the Truth!: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist|publisher=Prometheus Books |id=ISBN 1-57392-991-3]
*George Noory , (1950 - ), broadcaster of the popular "Coast to Coast" radio broadcast; the program discusses paranormal events.cite book| last = Birnes| first = Noory &| title = | publisher = | year = 2006| isbn = 0-7653-1087-2 ]
*Curtis Peebles , aerospace historian for theSmithsonian Institution , also a leading UFO skeptic.. ["Watch the Skies! A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth", 1994. Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-56098-343-4]
* Dr.Kevin D. Randle , (1949 - ), Captain in the US Air Force Reserves; also a leading investigator of theRoswell UFO Incident in 1947. ["The Roswell Encyclopedia", 2000, Collins Press, ISBN 0380798530]
*Nicholas "Nick" Redfern , (1964 - ), is a BritishUfologist /Cryptozoologist now living inDallas ,Texas , U.S..cite web| title =Nick Redfern Official site (www.nickredfern.com/) | url=http://www.nickredfern.com/ | accessdate = 2008-08-24]
*Edward J. Ruppelt , (1923 - 1960), Air Force Captain who supervisedProject Blue Book , the Air Force's official study of the UFO phenomenon in the 1950s and 1960s. [Diana Palmer Hoyt, "UFOCRITIQUE: UFOs, Social Intelligence and the Condon Committee"; Master's Thesis,Virginia Polytechnic Institute , 2000 [http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-05082000-09580026/unrestricted/UFOCRITIQUE.pdf read it online] ]
*Dr. Harley Rutledge , (1926 - 2006), solid-state physicist,Southeast Missouri State University . ["Project Identification: The first Scientific Study of UFO Phenomena". Prentice-Hall 1981 ISBN 0-13-730713-6 by Harley D. Rutledge, Ph.D.]
*Dr. Carl Sagan , (1934 - 1996), was an Americanastronomer and astrochemist and a highly successful popularizer ofastronomy ,astrophysics , and othernatural science s. [cite web | url=http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/whos_who_level2/sagan.html | title=StarChild: Dr. Carl Sagan | publisher=NASA | accessdate=2008-01-01]
*Dr. Michael Emin Salla , (1958 - ), is an international politics scholar who in 2001 became interested in the study of exopolitics.cite web|last =Carlson| first =Peter| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =Ike and the Alien Ambassadors| work =| publisher =Washington Post| date =February 19, 2004| url =http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&contentId=A53203-2004Feb18¬Found=true| format =| doi =| accessdate =2008-01-01]
*Robert Sheaffer , (1949 - ), member ofCSICOP 's UFO subcommittee, a leading UFO skeptic/debunker.cite web| title =The Debunker's Domain: Robert Sheaffer- Skeptical to the Max | url=http://debunker.com/ | accessdate = 2008-08-24]
*Rob Simone Author of "UFOs In The Headlines" and "UFOs Crop Circles and the Mayan Calendar" [http://www.geocities.com/radiolondon_theheadroom/index.html The Rob Simone Talk Show.]
*Warren William (Billy) Smith , (1929-2003) A prolific author of novels, paranormal magazine articles and books, including UFO titles.cite web| title =Warren Smith: UFO Investigator"|url=http://www.middlecoastpublishing.com/ufo/warrenbillysmith.htm | accessdate = 2008-06-15]
*Whitley Strieber , (1946 - ), author of "Communion," UFO researcher and paranormal phenomena expert.cite web| title = Whitley Strieber's "Unknown Country"| url=http://www.unknowncountry.com/| accessdate = 2008-01-01]
*Dr. Michael D. Swords , biophysicist atWestern Michigan University , prominent ufologist for theCenter for UFO Studies .cite web| title = The CUFON Inteerview of Michael D. Swords, Ph.D | url=http://www.cufon.org/cufon/cir/swords.htm| accessdate = 2008-08-24]
*George Van Tassel , (1910 - 1978), was an American ufologist. [Lewis, James R., editor, "UFOs and Popular Culture", Santa Barbara, CA:ABC-CLIO , Inc., 2000. ISBN 1-57607-265-7.]
*Dr. Jacques Vallée , (1939 - ), scientist-author. [ [http://www.scientificexploration.org/jse/abstracts/v4n1a9.php Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects] - Jacques Vallée, Ph.D.]
*Alfred Webre , (1942 - ), is an author,lawyer (member of the District of Columbia Bar),futurist ,peace activist , environmental activist, and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.cite web |url=http://www.jerrypippin.com/UFO_Files_alfred_webre.htm |title=Alfred Webre |publisher=Jerry Pippin |accessdate=2008-01-01]Oceania
South America
Fabio Zerpa , (1928 - ), is aparapsychologist , historian and UFO researcher. [cite web| title = UFO INFO: "Argentina: Ufologist to Visit Policeman in Disappearance Case." (Fabio Zerpa) |url=http://www.ufoinfo.com/news/argentinapoliceman3.shtml | accessdate = 2008-02-05]Ecuador
Dr. Carol Rosin , (1944 - ), is an award-winning educator, author, leadingaerospace executive and space andmissile defense consultant. [cite web| last =Livingston| first =David| title =Dr. Carol Rosin| publisher =The Space Show| url =http://www.thespaceshow.com/guest.asp?q=209| accessdate =2008-01-01]See also
Hermann Oberth (Physicist, rocketry pioneer)
*Wernher von Braun References
External links
* [http://www.ufoseek.com/UFOlogists/index.html UFO Seek: UFOlogists]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.