- Tales from the Vienna Woods
"Tales from the Vienna Woods" (German: "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald") refers to several landmark works in Germanophone culture, including:
*awaltz byJohann Strauss II ;
*a play byÖdön von Horváth ; and
*severalfilm adaptations of the play.Although Strauss originally used the contracted spelling "G'schichten" for his waltz, the name is also commonly cited as "Geschichten", which is also the version by which the subsequent dramas have been known.Waltz
Composed in 1868, "G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald", op. 325 was one of six Viennese waltzes by Johann Strauss II which featured a virtuoso part for
zither . The waltz's premiere that year reiterated the ascendancy that the dance had made from its humble village origins to become one of the pleasures of fashionable Viennese society, largely thanks to the performing and composing talents of the Strauss dynasty. Nevertheless, the title of Strauss' dance recalls the folk music of the inhabitants of the Vienna Woods.The waltz's introduction, which is one of the longest he ever wrote for a waltz (at 119 bars in reference to the actual musical score) of which the first part of the Introduction starts off in
C major , intertwining withF major before gaining ascendancy in volume and mood, finishing with a 'lunga' direction. The second part, which is the more reflective, is in the key ofG major with a soloviolin incorporating bits of material which would crop up in successive waltz sections. A shortflute cadenza invoking birdsong comes in which moves on to the zither solo, marked 'moderato'. The zither part involves two sub-sections of its own; the slowishländler tempo and its more vigorous counterpart, with the direction of 'vivace' (quickly). Loud orchestral chords brings the waltz back to reality, and the familiar waltz theme in F major is played.Waltz 2A and 2B is in
B flat major whereas Waltz 3A is in the key ofE-flat major with a quick section in B flat in Waltz 3B. The entire waltz section 4 is in B flat as well whereas waltz section 5 is wholly in the E flat key. Waltz 5B contains the customary climax withcymbal s and is loudly played. After a brief and tensecoda , Waltz 1A makes a re-entry. As the waltz ushers closer to its end, the zither solo makes another appearance, reprising its earlier melody in the Introduction. A crescendo in the final bars dispels the tranquility and the waltz is concluded with a brass flourish and snare drumroll.Play
In allusion to Strauss' waltz,
Ödön von Horváth wrote a play of the same name in 1931, for which he was honored with the prestigiousKleist Prize that year. ThisVolksstück (popular play) was based in the contemporary setting ofWachau ,Josefstadt , and the Vienna Woods just before the Austrofascist takeover. It tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.Werner Pirchner composed theincidental music to the play.Films
The play was filmed for cinematic release in 1961 and for
television in 1964 by directorErich Neuberg , starringJohanna Matz (Marianne),Walter Kohut (Alfred),Helmuth Lohner , Hans Moser (reprising his role of Marianne's father from the 1931Berlin premiere),Helmut Qualtinger (Oskar) andJane Tilden (Valerie), among others.A 1979 remake was undertaken by director
Maximilian Schell , this time featuringBirgit Doll (Marianne),Hanno Pöschl (Alfred),Helmut Qualtinger (Zauberkonig),Jane Tilden (Valerie),Adrienne Gessner (Alfreds Großmutter),Götz Kauffmann (Oskar),André Heller (Hierlinger) andRobert Meyer (Erich).References
* [http://www.aeiou.at/js-gesch.htm Notes on Johann Strauss II's "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald" (in German and English)]
* [http://www.8ung.at/johann-strauss-gesellschaft Biography of Johann Strauss II (in German)]
* [http://www.ksluzern.ch/diversicum/arbeiten/horvath-r7b/horvath.htm Notes on Ödön von Horváth's "Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald" (in German)]
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