Academic genealogy of theoretical physicists

Academic genealogy of theoretical physicists

An academic genealogy tree of researchers and scholars in theoretical physics can be constructed by following the pedigree of thesis advisors. If an advisor did not exist, or if the field of physics is unrelated, a link can be constructed by using the university from which the physicist graduated. Of significant interest are genealogy trees containing a physicist of the highest distinction (Nobel Prize in Physics, Fields Medal, or similar merit).

Conventions on this page

*"Italic" tells us that the subtree for this name appears in some other place in the tree.
*If the PhD date and school is known, it is listed in parenthesis.
*Bold typeface is used for Nobel prizes, although it may be preferable to add a notation instead, for typographic reasons. Format:
*Full Name (school, year of PhD) Other notes. []

If physicists are advised by mathematicians, their genealogy can be readily traced using the Mathematics Genealogy Project.

Founding fathers

*Max Planck (Munich, 1879, Alexander von Brill)
**Max von Laue (Berlin, 1903)
*** Leo Szilard (Berlin, 1922)
**Gustav Hertz (Berlin, 1911)
**Walter Schottky(Berlin, 1912)
**Walther Bothe (Berlin, 1914)----
*Albert Einstein (Zurich, 1905)
**Ernst Straus(Columbia, 1950)----
* Arnold Sommerfeld (Königsberg, 1891, v. Lindeman)
** Peter Debye (Munich, 1908)
** Wilhelm Lenz (Munich, 1911)
*** Ernst Ising (Hamburg, 1924)
*** J. Hans D. Jensen (1932, Hamburg)
** Gregor Wentzel (Munich, 1921)
*** Markus E. Fierz (Zürich, 1936)
**** Frans Cerulus (Zürich, 1954)
***** Raymond Gastmans (Leuven, 1968)
****** Antoine Van Proeyen (Leuven, 1978)
*** Res Jost (Zürich, 1946)
** Wolfgang Pauli (1921, Munich)
*** Nicholas Kemmer (1935, Zurich, also under Gregor Wentzel?)
**** Ron Shaw (1955, Cambridge) []
**** Sergio Albeverio
**** Klaus Hepp (1963,Zurich, also Res Jost) []
***** Jürg Fröhlich []
***** Konrad Osterwalder (1970 Zurich, also Res Jost) []
** Hans A. Bethe (1928, Munich?)
*** Freeman Dyson(Cornell)
*** Robert Eugene Marshak (1939?!, Cornell)
*** Roman Jackiw (1966, Cornell, Hans A. Bethe, & K. G. Wilson ) []
**** Stefano Forte (1987 MIT)
***** Joan Rojo (U Barcelona, Coadv. J. I. Latorre)
*** John Irwin (1963, Cornell)
**P S Epstein
*** Boris Podolsky (1928 Caltech)
** Werner Heisenberg (1923, Munich)
*** Felix Bloch (1928 Leipzig)
*** Sin-Itiro Tomonaga?? (Leipzig & Tokio, 1939)
*** Rudolph E. Peierls
**** John Bell (Birmingham, 1956) (coadv. Paul Matthews)
**** Edwin Ernest Salpeter (Birmingham, 1948) []
*** Edward Teller (1929 Leipzig)
**** Marvin Leonard Goldberger (Chicago, 1948, coadv Fermi?)
***** Franz Gross (Princeton,1963)
**** Chen Ning Yang (Chicago, 1948)(coadv Fermi?)
**** Lincoln Wolfenstein []
*** Hans Kastrup
**** Thomas Thiemann (Aachen, 1994)
**** Martin Bojowald (Aachen, 2000)
*** Reinhard Oehme
***Friedwardt Winterberg (Göttingen, 1955)
** Karl Bechert (Munich, 1925)
**Herbert Froehlich (Munich, 1930)
***Sebastian Doniach (Liverpool, 1958)
** Walter Franz (Munich, 1934)
*** L Tewordt (Munster, 1953)
**** Uwe Brandt (Hamburg, 1969)
***** H Leschke (Dortmund, 1975)
** Heinrich Welker (Munich, 1936)----
*Max Born (1880, Berlin, Carl Runge)
** Friedrich Hund (Göttingen, 1922)
*** Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (Leipzig, 1933)
**** Karl-Heinz Höcker (Berlin, 1940)
*** Harry Lehmann (Jena, 1950)
**** Bert Schroer (Hamburg, 1963)
***** Bernd A. Berg (Berlin, 1977)
**** Klaus Pohlmeyer (Hamburg, 1966)
***** Karl-Henning Rehren (Freiburg, 1984)
*** Heinz Bilz (Frankfurt, 1958) []
** Lothar Wolfgang Nordheim (Göttingen, 1923)
** Maria Goeppert-Mayer (Göttingen, 1930)
**Pascual Jordan (Göttingen, 1924)
** Max Delbrück (Göttingen, 1930)
*** Carsten Bresch (Berlin, 1950)
** Siegfried Flügge (Göttingen, 1933)
*** Achim Weiguny (Freiburg, 1963)
*** Gerhard Vollmer (Freiburg, 1971)
** J. Robert Oppenheimer (Göttingen, 1927)
*** Melba Phillips (Berkeley, 1933)
*** Sidney Danicoff (Berkeley, 1936)
**** Sidney Drell (Urbana, 1949)
***** Steven Frautschi (Stanford, 1958)
****** Stephen D Ellis (Caltech, 1971)
******* David J E Callaway (University of Washington, 1981)
******** Randall Furlong (Rockefeller, 1987)
*** Willis Lamb (Berkeley, 1938)
**** Marlan Scully (Yale, 1965)
*** Philip Morrison (Berkeley, 1940)
*** Robert Christy (Berkeley, 1941)
*** David Bohm (Berkeley, 1943)
**** Yakir Aharonov (Bristol, 1960) []
** Victor Frederick Weisskopf (Göttingen, 1931) [] [] (Born was formally advisor, but thesis work was done under co-advisor Eugene Wigner as Born was sick)
*** J. D. Jackson (MIT, 1949)
**** Gordon L. Kane (Illinois U., Urbana, 1963)
*****David R. Richards (1971, University of Michigan, 1971)
*****Howard Haber (1978, University of Michigan, 1978)
******Marco Diaz (1992, UC Santa Cruz, 1992)
******Heather Logan (1999, UC Santa Cruz, 1999)
*****Chien-Peng Yuan (University of Michigan
******Csaba Balazs (Michigan State University, 1999)
******Timothy Tait (Michigan State University, 1999)
*****J. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz (University of Michigan, 1989)
*****Robert Garisto, (University of Michigan, 1992)
*****James Wells (University of Michigan, 1995)
******Brandon Murakami (UC Davis, 2002)
******Shrihari Gopalakrishna (UC Davis, 2002)
*****Christopher Kolda (University of Michigan, 1995)
*****Graham Kribs (University of Michigan, 1998)
*****Lian-Tao Wang (University of Michigan, 2002)
*** F. L. Friedman (MIT, 1949)
*** Murray Gell-Mann (MIT, 1951) []
**** Kenneth G. Wilson (Caltech,1961)
***** Michael E. Peskin (Cornell U., 1978) []
**** Sidney R. Coleman (Caltech, 1962) []
***** Leonard Parker (Harvard, 1967)
***** Stephen B. Fels (Harvard, 1968)
***** Arnold J. Cantor (Harvard, 1970)
***** David J. Griffiths (Harvard, 1970) []
***** John E. Mansfield (Harvard, 1970)
***** Anthony Zee (Harvard, 1970)
***** Lawrence R. Thebaud (Harvard, 1971)
***** Wu-Yang Tsai (Harvard, 1971, coadv Julian Schwinger)
***** Erick J. Weinberg (Harvard, 1973)
***** James P. Butler (Harvard, 1974)
***** H. David Politzer (Harvard, 1974) []
***** Eldad Gildener (Harvard, 1975)
***** Frank De Luccia (Harvard, 1979)
***** Lee Smolin (Harvard, 1979, coadv. Stanley Deser) []
***** Gerald E. Sobelman (Harvard, 1979)
***** Fred Posner (Harvard, 1980)
***** Bernard Grossman (Harvard, 1981)
***** Jacques Distler (Harvard, 1987) []
***** Stelios M. Smirnakis (Harvard, 1997)
***** Nathan Salwen (Harvard, 2001)
**** Christopher T. Hill (Caltech, 1977)
**** Barton Zwiebach (Caltech, 1983)
*** Kerson Huang (1953, MIT) []
** Herbert S. Green (Edinburgh, 1947)
** Cheng Kaijia (Edinburgh, 1948)----
* Niels Bohr (Copenhagen, 1911, C. Christiansen)----
* Lev Landau (Leningrad U, 1927)
** Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov (Institute for Physical Problems, 1951)
** Boris L. Ioffe
*** Mikhail A. Shifman

Mayflower branches, (i.e. North America)

* I. I. Rabi (Columbia, 1927; A. Willis (waw AG Webster, waw [ von Helmholtz] ))
** Julian Schwinger (Columbia, 1939) Schwinger advised over 70 PhD's , according to Wikipedia
*** Bryce DeWitt (Harvard, 1950)
*** Ben R. Mottelson (Harvard?, 1950)
**** Torleif Erik Oskar Ericson ( Lund U., 1959)
*** L. M. Garrido 1955 (¿?) [] Spanish School genealogy list
*** Charles M. Sommerfield (Harvard, 1957)
**** Howard Georgi (Yale, 1971) []
***** John Hagelin (Harvard, 1981) (coadv Sidney Coleman?)
***** Lawrence J. Hall (Harvard, 1981)
****** Nima Arkani-Hamed (Berkeley, 1997)
***** Lisa Randall (Harvard, 1987) []
****** Csaba Csaki (1997)
****** Matthew D. Schwartz (Princeton, 2003)
*****Andrew G. Cohen
*****Ann Nelson
*****David B. Kaplan
*** Sheldon Lee Glashow (Harvard, 1959) []
*** Kalyana T. Mahanthappa (Harvard, 1961) []
*** Norman J. M. Horing (Harvard, 1964) []
*** Roy Glauber
*** Walter Kohn
*** Wu-Yang Tsai (Harvard, 1971, coadv Sidney Coleman)
** Norman F. Ramsey (Columbia, 1940)
*** Daniel Kleppner
**** W. Phillips
**** David E. Pritchard
***** Eric A. Cornell
**** Carl E. Wieman
** Vernon Hughes (Columbia 1950)
** Martin L. Perl (Columbia, 1955)
*** Samuel Chao Chung Ting (Michigan, 1962) also adv. Lw W. Jones

* Enrico Fermi (Pisa, 1922; Prof. Luigi Puccianti)
** Emilio G. Segrè (Rome, 1928) (Co-Recipient - Nobel Physics 1959)
** James Rainwater (1946, Manhattan Project)
*** Val Logsdon Fitch
** "Chen Ning Yang" (Chicago, 1948) (coadv Teller?)
** Geoffrey Chew (Chicago, 1948)
*** David J. Gross (Berkeley, 1966)
**** Frank Wilczek []
***** Chetan Nayak [] (1996, Princeton)
***** Finn Larsen (1996, Princeton)
**** Edward Witten
***** Cumrun Vafa (1985, Princeton)
***** Eva Silverstein (1996, Princeton)
*** John H. Schwarz (Berkeley, 1966) Dirac Medal 1989
**** Michael R. Douglas (Caltech, 1988)
**** Cosmas Zachos (Caltech, 1979)
** Owen Chamberlain (Chicago, 1948) (Co-Recipient - Nobel Physics 1959)
** Tsung-Dao Lee (Chicago, 1950) []
*** Richard J. Drachman (Columbia, 1958)
*** Norman H. Christ (Columbia, 1966)
*** Carl E. Carlson (Columbia, 1968)
*** King Yuen B. Ng (Columbia, 1969)
*** Oleg Tchernyshyov (Columbia, 1998)
**Willem Van Rensselaer Malkus (Chicago, 1950) []
** Jack Steinberger
*** Melvin Schwartz
** Sam Treiman (Chicago, 1952; co-advisor: John Simpson (OW Richardson tree) )
*** Stephen L. Adler (1964) []
*** Curtis Callan (1964) []
**** Igor R. Klebanov (1986) []
***** Steven S. Gubser (1998)
**** Peter Woit (1984-5, Princeton (undergrad Harvard))
**** Juan Maldacena (1996, Princeton)
*** Steven Weinberg (Princeton, 1957)
**** Claude Bernard (Harvard, 1976) [cite web|url=| title="Claude Bernard" | work="Washington University Physics Faculty"]
**** John Preskill (Harvard, 1980)
***** Elias Kiritsis (Caltech 1988)
**** Gerald Gilbert (Texas, 1986)
**** Fernando Quevedo (Texas, 1986)
*** K. Fujikawa (1970)
** Marcello Conversi ? []
*** Carlo Rubbia
** Jerome I. Friedman (Chicago, 1956)

* Friedrich Hasenöhrl (Vienna, 1897)
** Erwin Schrödinger (Vienna, 1910)
** Karl Herzfeld (Vienna, 1914)
*** John A. Wheeler (Johns Hopkins, 1933)
**** Richard P. Feynman (Princeton, 1942)
***** George Zweig (Caltech, 1963)
***** Thomas L. Curtright (Caltech, 1977)
**** Arthur Wightman (Princeton, 1949)
***** Arthur Jaffe (Princeton, 1966)
****** Clifford Taubes (Harvard, 1980)
***** Lawrence Schulman (Princeton, 1967)
***** Jerrold Marsden (Princeton, 1968)
***** Barry Simon (Princeton, 1970)
***** Rafael de la Llave (Princeton, 1983)
**** Hugh Everett (Princeton, 1956)
**** Charles Misner (Princeton, 1957)
**** John R. Klauder (Princeton, 1959)
**** Kip Thorne (Princeton, 1965) []
**** Robert Geroch (Princeton, 1967)
***** Abhay Ashtekar (Chicago, 1974)
**** Jacob D. Bekenstein (Princeton, 1972)
**** Claudio Bunster (Princeton, 1973) (Formerly Claudio Teitelboim)
*** Walter Heitler (Munich, 1926)
**** Norbert Straumann (Zurich, 1961)----
*Eugene Wigner (1925, Berlin, Michael Polanyi)
** John Bardeen (Princeton, 1936)
*** J. Robert Schrieffer
** "Victor Frederick Weisskopf" (coadv. Max Born)
** Marcos Moshinsky
** Abner Shimony
** Edwin Thompson Jaynes

* Henry Augustus Rowland (bachelors Rensselaer, 1870; no Ph.D.) [] , []
** Edwin Hall (Johns Hopkins, 1880)
** Frederick A. Saunders (Johns Hopkins, 1899)
** Joseph Sweetman Ames (Johns Hopkins, 1890)
*** Charles E. Mendenhall (Johns Hopkins, 1898) (coadv. Frederick A. Saunders?)
**** Raymond Thayer Birge (Wisconsin-Madison, 1913)
***** Edward Condon (Berkeley, 1926)
****** Edwin McMillan (Princeton, 1932) (chemistry Nobel 1951)
****** Robert Hofstadter (Princeton, 1938) (Nobel 1961)
*** August Herman Pfund (Johns Hopkins, 1906)
**** Richard Threlkeld Cox (Johns Hopkins, 1924)
***** Clifford Shull (NYU, 1941) (Nobel 1994)
**** Haldan Keffer Hartline (M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1927) (physiology & medicine Nobel 1967)
*** William F. Meggers (Johns Hopkins, 1917)
**** Otto Laporte (Munich, 1924)
**** Curtis J. Humphreys (Michigan, 1928)
*** Gregory Breit (Johns Hopkins, 1921)
**** Charles Kittel (Berkeley, 1941)
***** Albert Overhauser (Berkeley, 1951)
****** John Joseph Hopfield (Cornell, 1958)
******* Bertrand Halperin (Berkeley, 1965)
******** Daniel S. Fisher (Harvard, 1979)
******** Catherine Kallin (Harvard, 1984)
******** Steven H. Simon (Harvard, 1995)
******** Yaroslav Tserkovnyak (Harvard, 2003)
***** Morrel H. Cohen (Berkeley, 1952)
****** James C. Phillips (Chicago, 1956)
******* Marvin L. Cohen (Chicago, 1964)
******** John D. Joannopoulos (Berkeley, 1974)
********* Robert B. Laughlin (MIT, 1979) (Nobel 1998)
***** Alan M. Portis (Berkeley, 1953)
****** Alan J. Heeger (Berkeley, 1961) (chemistry Nobel 2000)
****** N. Phuan Ong (Berkeley)
*** Frederick Sumner Brackett (Johns Hopkins, 1922)

*R. D. Present
**Frederick Reines (New York U. 1944)
***William R. Kropp (Case Western Reserve, 1964)
***Frank A. Nezrick (Case Western Reserve, 1965)

*Gilberto Bernardini
** Leon Lederman (Columbia, 1951) ----
*Hideki Yukawa (Kyoto, 1938, K Tamaki )
** Donald R. Yennie
*** Stanley J. Brodsky (Minnesota, 1964)
*** Thomas W. Appelquist (Cornell, 1968)
**** J. Terrance Goldman (Harvard, 1973)
**** Michael Dine (Yale, 1978)
**** Anthony Carmine Longhitano (Yale, 1981)
**** Dimitra Karabali (Yale, 1986)
**** Piotr Karasinski (Yale, 1987)
**** Daniel Joseph Nash (Yale, 1989)
**** Tatsu Takeuchi (Yale, 1989)
**** Opher Shapira (Yale, 1990)
**** George Triantaphyllou (Yale, 1993)
**** Myckola Schwetz (Yale, 1997)
**** Zhiyong Duan (Yale, 2001)
**** Ho-Ung Yee (Yale, 2003)
**** Yang Bai (Yale, 2007)
*** Geoffey T. Bodwin (Cornell, 1978)

Modern European branches, and other

* Ralph H. Fowler (Cambridge, 1915, Archibald Vivian Hill )
** Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (Cambridge, 1926)
*** Dennis W. Sciama (Cambridge, 1953)
**** George Ellis (Cambridge, 1964)
**** Stephen Hawking (Oxford, 1966)
**** Sir Martin Rees (Cambridge, 1967)
***** Roger Blandford (Cambridge, 1974)
**** Brandon Carter (Cambridge, 1968)
***** Patrick Peter (Paris, 1991)
***** Xavier Martin (Paris, 1995)
***** Reinhard Prix (Paris, 2000)
***** Nicolas Chamel (Paris, 2004)
**** David Deutsch (Oxford, 1978)
** Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Trinity College, Cambridge, 1933)
*** Jeremiah P. Ostriker (Chicago, 1964)
** Garrett Birkhoff
** Noel B. Slater
**John Lennard-Jones

*Ernest Rutherford (rel J. J. Thomson )
**James Chadwick (M.Sc.)

*Georges Charpak (College de France, Paris, 1954)

* Abdus Salam (Cambridge, 1951, under N. Kemmer [] and/or P.T. Matthews)
** "R. Shaw" (Cambridge, 1955)
** Yuval Neeman (Imperial College, London, 1961)
** Ray F. Streater (Imperial College, London, 1960) []
** Christopher Isham
** John Moffat (Cambridge, 1958)
** Michael Duff
** Ali Chamseddine (Imperial College, 1976)William R. Franklin

* Léon Van Hove
** Martinus Veltman (Utrecht, 1963)
*** Gerardus 't Hooft (1972)
**** Erik Verlinde
**** Herman Verlinde
**** Robbert Dijkgraaf (Utrecht, 1989)----
* Henry W. Kendall (,1950?, Martin Deutsch)

* Richard E. Taylor (,,Alberta)

Ancient lineages

The Born tree leads to Gauß and then to Otto Mencke.

The Sommerfeld tree leads to Felix Klein and then to Otto Mencke (via Gauss) and Leibniz. The Leibniz heritage, however, is due to the premature death of Klein's advisor, Plücker, which forced a second supervisor for the final examination, namely Rudolf Lipschitz.

Another impressive advisor line in continental Europe descends from Leibniz via among others, Poisson, Lagrange, the Bernoullis, and Euler.

The main American branch's lineage proceeds via von Helmholtz to [ de Volder] (Leiden, 1643-1709).

*Otto Mencke (a Epicurus scholar, colleague of Leibnitz)
**Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen
***Christian August Hausen (see )
****Abraham Kaestner
*****Georg Lichtenberg
****** Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes (also advised by Kaestner)
*****Johann Friedrich Pfaff "de ortibus et occasibus siderum"
******Carl Friedrich Gauss
******* Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
******** Heinrich Scherk (also advised by Heinrich Brandes)
********* Ernst Kummer
******* Christoph Gudermann
******** Karl Weierstraß (honorary degree, no PhD)
********* Carl Runge (also advised by Ernst Kummer)
********** Max Born
*******Christian Ludwig Gerling " calculos parallacticos facilitandos explicavit simulque eclipsin solarem die" .
********Julius Plücker "... quae geometriae altioris et mechanicae basis et fundamenta sunt e serie Tayloria deducit"
*********C. Felix Klein (also advised by Rudolf Lipschitz the last year)
**********C. L. Ferdinand Lindemann 1873, Erlangen,
***********Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld "Die willkürlichen Functionen in der mathematischen Physik" Universität Königsberg 1891
*********** David Hilbert Universität Königsberg 1885
*********** Martin Kutta München 1900
*********** Hermann Minkowski Königsberg 1885

* Erhard Weigel (Leipzig 1650) "De ascensionibus et descensionibus astronomicis dissertatio"
** Gottfried Leibniz (also Schwendendoerffer -law- and Thomasius -phyl- and Huygens)
*** Jacob Bernoulli (distant, via mail)
**** Johann Bernoulli
***** Leonhard Euler
****** Joseph Lagrange (distant, via mail. Also Beccaria)
******* Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier
******** "Gustav Dirichlet"
*******Simeon Poisson
******** Gustav Dirichlet
********* Leopold Kronecker (also advised by Johann Encke, a student of Gauss)
********* Rudolf Lipschitz
********** "C. Felix Klein"
******** Michel Chasles
********* Gaston Darboux (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 1866)----
*John Cranke (MA Cambridge 1774)
**Thomas Jones (MA Cambridge 1782)
***Adam Sedgwick (MA Cambridge 1811, co-mentor John Dawson)
**** William Hopkins
***** Edward John Routh
****** John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh
****** J. J. Thomson (co-mentor John Strutt ?)
******* Ernest Rutherford
***** Francis Galton
***** George Gabriel Stokes
***** Arthur Cayley
***** William Thomson, Lord Kelvin
***** Peter Guthrie Tait
***** James Clerk Maxwell
***** Isaac Todhunter

See also

*List of theoretical physicists

External links and sources

* [ hepnames] offers a genealogy tool for High Energy Physics.
* Nobel website
* [ Notre Dame Physics Genealogy index]
* keeps track of academic genealogy of mathematicians.
* [ S. Chang] , "Academic Genealogy of American Physicists", AAPPS Bulletin Vol 13, n 6
* [ a particular line, from J. Sibener]
* [ Spanish school academic genealogy list]
* [ Lineage of Kamerlingh Onnes]
* [ Lineage of Lorentz and Van der Waals]
* [ Mathematics Genealogy Project]
* [ Neurotree genealogy]
* [ Chemical genealogy]

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