List of Hispanic superheroes

List of Hispanic superheroes

Over the years the comic medium has delivered a diverse but stereotypical sampling of minority characters. This article attempts to provide a usable list of Hispanic or Latino superheroes. For a brief history of stereotypical depictions of Hispanic characters in comics see the ethnic stereotypes in comics article.

This page focuses exclusively on documenting the history of the Hispanic superheroes whether they are of European, Mestizo, or Indigenous descent, or some mix of these ethnicities. Hispanics can be of any race, and the designation is not a racial group unto itself.

Brazilian superheroes must not be part of this list as Brazil is not a Spanish-speaking country, and consequently not Hispanic (contrary to what is many times thought in the US, leading to misconceptions), needing a list of its own.

For related non-Hispanic groups, see also: List of Filipino superheroes and List of Native American superheroes, which will provide a somewhat comprehensive listing across many companies and many media including print, the web, television, and movies. While it may appear to focus mainly on the Hispanic experience in the United States, other visions are welcome.

AAA Comics

* Slug ("Atomix")

AC Comics

* Fawn ("Starforce 6")
* Rayda (half Mexican, "Femforce")

Adelita Comic Books

* el Monje Negro / The Black Monk (Mexican)

Antarctic Press

* Chesty Sanchez, female wrestler turned superhero

Azteca Productions

* El Gato Negro (Agustin Guerrero)
* El Gato Negro (II) (Francisco Guerrero)
* Calibre ("Team Tejas")
* Lonestarr ("Team Tejas", Jonathan Gonzales)
* Reata ("Team Tejas", Vanessa Castillo)
* Relampago (Marcos Zapata)

Burrerias de Editormex

* Hermelinda Linda (Mexican witch, August, 1965)


* Felina (of Spanish and French descent, 1979)

Click! Comics

* Rattler
* Rico Chico / Rich Kid
* Santana
* Santo / Saint

Clip Comics

* Mantis (Mexican superhero, January 1994)

Dark Horse Comics

* Clownface
* Nick Cruz ("R.I.P.D.")
* Panda

DC Comics

* Acrata (Andrea Rojas from Mexico)
* Aztek
* El Bagual (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Bane
* El Bastarde / The Bastard
* Bat Hombre
* Big Words ("Newsboy Legion")
* Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
* Bushmaster ("Global Guardians")
* Cachiru (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Carcharo / Shark (Mexican, Helix)
* Cimarron (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* El Castigo (Don Fernando Suarez was a western hero known as "The Whip")
* El Castigo (Rodrigo Elwood Gaynor was the WWII Mexican-American hero known as "The Whip")
* Crackerjack (from Thriller)
* Chronos (a.k.a. Walker, Anachronos, half Mexican, half Chinese)
* El Diablo (Rafael Sandoval, protects the town of Dos Rios, Texas, Mexican-American)
* El Diablo (Chato Santana, Mexican-American)
* Don Caballero / Sir Gentleman or Sir Knight (A Zorro knockoff who operated in 1800s California, from All-Star Western #58)
* El Dorado (Mexican)
* El Espada (The Sword)
* Extraño (former member of the New Guardians)
* Firebrand (Alex Sanchez)
* El Fuego / The Fire
* Gangbuster (Jose Delgado, cyborg ally of Superman)
* Gaucho (from the Global Guardians, Argentinian)
* Hardline (Armando Ramone, brother of Vibe, Puerto Rican)
* Hawkgirl (Hispanic Mother)
* Hero Cruz
* Iman (Diego Irigoyen, Mexican hero in high tech suit of armor)
* El Jefe del Pais / Boss of the Country
* Jolt (Carlotta Rivera, electrically powered member of Snapper Carr's Blasters) []
* Kyle Rayner (former Green Lantern, half Mexican, half Irish)
* El Lobizon (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Más y Menos
* Menagerie (former member of the Elite)
* Mirage (Miriam Delgado)
* El Muerto (Pablo Valdez, undead Mexican hero who protects Mexico City alongside Iman and Acrata)
* Pampero (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Pantha (Rosabelle Mendez)
* El Papagayo / The Parrot (19th C superhero)
* Pedro (member of the Ghost Patrol)
* The Question (Renee Montoya)
* La Salamanca (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Tarantula
* Touch-n-Go (Amelinda Lopez was a member of the Hybrid)
* Troubador ("Green Arrows of the World")
* Flecha Verde ("Green Arrows of the World")
* Vibe (Paco Ramone)
* Vizacacha (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Vulcan (Miguel Devante)
* Xiuhtecutli (member of the Cadre of the Immortal)
* Yaguarette (from Argentina's Super Malon)
* Wildcat (a.k.a. Yolanda Montez, La Garra)

The Guardian Line

* Max (of Joe & Max)


* El Kabong (a.k.a. Quick Draw McGraw)

Homage Comics

* Bravo ("Astro City Irregulars")
* El Hombre (Astro City)
* El Robo ("Astro City Irregulars")
* Los Hermanos

Impact Comics

* The Jaguar (Maria de Guzman)

Milestone Comics

* Aqua-Marie of Blood Syndicate
* BrickHouse of Blood Syndicate (Puerto Rican)
* Dogg
* Dusk (Half-Greek, half Hispanic)
* Fade (Dominican, Carlos Quinones Jr, member of the Blood Syndicate)
* Flashback (Dominican, Sara Quinones, member of the Blood Syndicate)
* Kobalt (Cuban)
* Manuel Dexterity
* Manuella Dexterity
* Mistress Mercy (Puerto Rican)
* Oro of Shadow Cabinet/ System
* Tech-9 (Puerto Rican, Rolando Texador former leader of the Blood Syndicate)
* Templo of Blood Syndicate/System (Salvadoran)


* Bloodmoon (formerly of "Team 7")
* Dozer of "Wetworks", formerly of "Team 7"
* Joe the Indian (Half-Mexican, Half Navajo, "Crimson")
* Powerhaus (Half German, Half Argentinian, "DV8")

Dreamers Magazine

* Apisonador / Roller (Spanish, 2000)
* Capitán Vengador / Captain Avenger (Spanish, 2000)
* Hombre de Negro / Man in Black (Spanish, 2000)
* Maximus (Spanish, 2000)
* Mujer de Rosa / Rose Woman (Spanish, 2000)
* Oskuro (Spanish, 2000)

Ediciones Jose G.Cruz

* El Vampiro Tenebroso (Mexican vampire)

Gauntlet Comics

* Diabla (UNForce)
* Fuego (UNForce)

Group EsComic

* Aqua (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")
* Beto (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")
* Mauriman (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")
* Nico (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")
* Paolo (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")
* Rossana (Mexican, "los Vigilantes del Agua" / "The Watchmen of the Water")

Image Comics/Top Cow

* Avatar of Earth ("Avatars of Good")
* The Darkness (Jackie Estacado is of Spanish and Italian descent)
* Dusk ("New Force")
* Singer of the Specials
* Tempest ("Stryke Force")
* Vortex ("Regulators")


* Kiko (Combo Rangers)
* Lisa (Combo Rangers)
* Luke (Combo Rangers)
* Tati (Combo Rangers)

Editorial Novaro

* Anibal 5 (Mexican cyborg)NOVARO COVERS

la Editoral RaCaNa

* Aguila Solitaria / Lone Eagle (Mexican, 1976)
* Arandu, el Principe de la Selva / Arandu, The Prince of the Forests (South American, 1970)

Los Comex

* El Muerto ("Real Name: Diego de la Muerte, alias El Muerto: The Aztec Zombie, Mexican-American")

Manga Mix

* Cyber-Beast (Mexican, 1998)
* Destello (Mexican, 1998)
* Los Magnificos (a team of Mexican superheroes)

Marvel Comics

* Agony
* El Aguila, the Sword of Justice (Paco Montoya, imaginary country of Boca de Dios)
* El Aguila / The Eagle (Alejandro Montoya, a mutant and a descendant of the original El Aguila)
* Angel Salvadore ("Xavier Institute")
* Arachne ("Death-Web")
* Araña / Anya Sofia Corazon (of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent)
* Arclight Played by Omahyra Mota in ""
* Argo the Almighty (son of Hercules from the MC2 line)
* Armadillo, former Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation member
* La Bandera / Flag (Cuban, she was one of several South American heroes slain by Zeitgeist) []
* Battling Battam (Puerto Rican)
* Bloody Bess, Crimson Pirates member
* Callisto Played by Dania Ramirez in ""
* Capitan Forsa (one of several South American heroes slain by Zeitgeist) []
* Captain Spain (Carlos Fraile), Hispanic superheroes on Ultimate Marvel
* Cheetah (Mexican)
* El Condor (one of several South American heroes slain by Zeitgeist) []
* Crazy Legs (A member of G.I. Joe)
* Crusher (Cuban)
* Darwin (half Black, half Hispanic, "X-men")
* Defensor / Defender (Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda, former hero of Argentina, slain by Zeitgeist)
* Lasher
* Luz Delgado ("H.E.A.R.T.")
* Doghead ("Spirit of Vengeance", ally of Ghost Rider)
* Echo (a.k.a. Crazy Horse, Ronin)
* Empath, former Hellion
* Fabian Cortez, now with Genosha's government, formerly of the Acolytes, the Upstarts, the Genoshan Rebels
* Feral ("X-Force")
* Firebird (a.k.a. La Espirita / Spirit, Bonita Juarez, of "the Rangers" and "the Avengers")
* Fleischmann (Colombian)
* Gideon of the Externals
* Helix (New Warriors)
* HighNote of the Young Gods (Part Colombian, part Indian)
* Hit-Maker (half Black, half Mexican)
* Huntara of Fantastic Force
* Jaguar
* Killian, Crimson Pirates member
* Kukulcan /El Tigre / The Tiger
* Living Lightning
* Machete of Batroc's Brigade
* Makina ("Metahumes")
* El Muerto (superpowered luchador from "Spider-man").
* Nocturne (part Cuban)
* Noise (Mexican)
* Ojo Macabra (one of several South American heroes slain by Zeitgeist) []
* Paco ("Recession Raiders")
* Pathfinder ("Berserkers")
* Poison (Cuban)
* Quentino (member of Silver Sable's "Wild Pack")
* Ranger (Harriers)
* Raphael Suarez (ally of the "Fantastic Four")
* Rapidfire
* Rapido / Fast with the Mob, Hunted by Punisher
* Cecilia Reyes (A Puerto Rican-American doctor, former member of the X-Men)
* Rictor ("X-Factor") (Mexican)
* Rigger Ruiz ("")
* Ripper ("")
* Riptide / Janos Quested (Mexican)
* Risque Half Cuban
* Roc of the Magnificent Seven
* Sangre / Blood
* Satana of the "Supernaturals"
* Scream (Donna Diego)
* Senor Muerte / Senor Suerte Death/Luck
* Senor Muerte, Brother of #1
* Senor Suerte Brother of #1
* Silverclaw / La Garra Argentado ("Avengers")
* Sister Salvation, mutant healer and nun, Wolverine ally
* Skin ("Generation X") (Mexican-American)
* Stealth (of Argentine and Irish descent)
* Tag (former member of the Hellions)
* Tarantula (Clay Riley)
* Tarantula (Anton Miguel Rodriguez)
* Tarantula (Luis Alvarez)
* Tarantula (Maria Vasquez, "Heroes For Hire")
* Tequila of the Magnifient Seven
* Thornn of the Morlocks
* Tito Bohusk Mutant son of Barnell Bohusk Beak and Angel Salvadore
* Tores (ally of Skin)
* Toro (Young Allies)
* Toro / Bull of the People's Defense Force (Cuban)
* El Toro Negro / The Black Bull ("Great Game")
* Toro Rojo / Red Bull (Deviant) of the Delta Network)
* Truthsayer ("Blood")
* Uplink ("Chain Gang")
* V-2
* Vargas
* Vengeance ("Spirit of Vengeance", ally of Ghost Rider)
* Victor Mancha (Runaways, Mexican-American)
* Void / Darkling
* White Tiger (Hector Ayala)
* White Tiger (Angela Del Toro, the niece of the first White Tiger)
* Wind Dancer (Sofia Mantega) Former New-Mutant (depowered)
* Windeagle (Dragon's Circle, racist with a glider)
* Wolf (Thunderiders, Mexican)
* Zona Rosa (one of several South American heroes slain by Zeitgeist) []

Marvel UK

* Pacer of the Gene Dogs
* Perez of Warheads (Mexican)
* Villarosa of Mercy Corps


* Argo the Almighty (half, son of Hercules)
* Black Tarantula (Fabian)

Marvel 2099

* Book (Mexican, X-men)
* Breakdown (Mexican)
* Brimstone Love (Mexican)
* Darkson / Joachim Eduardo Vasquez (Mexican)
* La Lunatica / Luna of the X-men (Mexican)
* Quirk (Part Mexican)
* Rosa (Mexican)
* Spider-Man 2099 (Mexican-American)

New Universe

* Golem in the Paranormal Army
* Relampago / Lightning of Medusas Web (Chilean)

Misión Santiago

* Capitan Chile (Chilean, November 2001)


* Aníbal Gris (Spanish)
* Aquaviva (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Capitan Furia / Captain Fury (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Cascabel / Bell (Spanish, "Triada Vertice")
* Dolmen (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Drac de Ferro / Iron Dragon (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Estigma / Stigma (Spanish, "Triada Vertice")
* Flechita / Little Arrow (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Gavilan / Sparrowhawk (Spanish)
* Lince Dorado / Golden Lynx (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Lobisome (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Melkart (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Mihura (Spanish, "Triada Vertice")
* Sangre / Blood (Spanish, Jaque Mate)
* Traka (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Trasnu (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")
* Trueno / Thunder (Spanish, "Iberia Inc.")

Portal Comics

* Apolo ("Liga de los Vengadores" / "League of Avengers")
* Argentineman, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Asterisco / Asterisk (Argentine)
* Atalanta ("Los Universales")
* El Avisador / Warning man (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Bandera / Flag (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Batería Azul / Blue Battery (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Baudioman (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Bicho / Bug (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Capitán Rioplatense / Riverplate Captain (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Chanchman / Pig man (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Eléctrico / Electric (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Escarlata / Scarlet ("Los Universales")
* Fábula / Fabulous (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Fantasy ("Los Universales")
* Farmaboy (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Hades ("Liga de los Vengadores" / "League of Avengers")
* Helios ("Liga de los Vengadores" / "League of Avengers")
* Hermes ("Liga de los Vengadores" / "League of Avengers")
* Hunter ("Los Universales")
* Ínfimo (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Lumbrí de Seda / Silk Worm (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Poseidon ("Liga de los Vengadores" / "League of Avengers")
* Powerman ("Los Universales")
* Rata-man / Rat-man (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Supermarcos (Argentine, "La Liga de Plato" / "The Silver League")
* Supremo / Supreme ("Los Universales")
* Titan ("Los Universales")
* Titania ("Los Universales")
* Vengador / Avenger ("Los Universales")


* Cerdotado (Mexican comic, anthropomorphic pig)

Publicaciones Herrerías

* Alma Grande, el Yaqui Justiciero (Mexican Yaqui, July 1961)

hibalba Press

* el Bulbo / The Bulb (Mexican comic, anthropomorphic lightbulb)


* Meteorix (Mexican superhero)

Visual Ediciones

* Diablo / Devil (Chilean, Bandido imprint, 1996)


* Aguila Negra / Black Eagle (Mexican cowboy)
* Aguila Roja / Red Eagle (Mexican hero)
* Alcotán (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* Angel Negro / Black Angel (Uruguay)
* La Antorcha / The Torch (Spanish, Encapuchado)
* Aqua (Mexican comic)
* Araña Verde / Green Spider (Mexican comic)
* Atome Kid / Kid Atom (Spanish)
* Azor el primitivo / Azor the Primitive (Mexican Tarzan-like character, 1964)
* Boro-Kay (Spanish)
* Borromeo (Mexican, "Los Superfrios", 1960s)
* La Bruma / the Mist (Spanish, "Circulo Justiciero")
* El Búho / The Owl (Mexican superhero)
* Caballero Rojo / Red Knight (from Argentina)
* Camisa Blanca / White Shirt (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* Capitan Jupiter (Chilean, "Space Patrol")
* Capitan Leo (Peruvian)
* Carita (Mexican, "Los Superfrios", 1960s)
* Cazador (Argentine)
* Chanoc (Mexican comic created by Ángel Mora (artist) and P.Z. Fernández (writer).)
* Circulo de Superheroes (Spanish)
* Clavel (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* Count (Mexican, "Los Superfrios", 1960s)
* Cybersix (Argentine)
* Dave Speed (Spanish, Poliziotto superpiù, 1980)
* El Duende (Mexican superhero)
* El Encapuchado (Spanish, la colección Misterio 1943)
* Enigma (Mexican superhero)
* Espada / Sword (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* El Eternauta / Eternity Traveller (Argentine, "Hora Cero Semanal")
* Fly Man (Argentine, "Supervolador")
* Gardino (Mexican, "Los Superfrios", 1960s)
* El Gavilán / The Sparrowhawk (Mexican superhero, Hombres Intrépidos presentan / Intrepid Men, 1960)
* Graviman (Argentine, "Supervolador")
* Guardián invisible (Mexican superhero)
* El Guerrero del Antifaz created by Manuel Gago García.
* El Halcon Blanco / The White Hawk (Mexican superhero)
* El Hombre Aguila / Eagle Man (Mexican superhero)
* El Hombre Araña / Spider Man (Spanish)
* El Hombre Eléctrico / Electric Man (Spanish)
* El Hombre Invisible / The Invisible Man (Mexican hero from the 50s and 60s)
* El Hombre Mosca / Man Fly (Mexican superhero, Hombres Intrépidos / Intrepid Men, April 1960)
* El Hombre de Negro / The Man in Black (Mexican superhero)
* Imagen Extrema (Spanish)
* los Invencibles (Mexican duo, Zor y los Invencibles)
* El Jinete Fantasma / The Ghost Rider (Chilean)
* Korvus (Argentine)
* El Lama Carmesí / Crimson Lama (Spanish, "Circulo Justiciero")
* Legión Justiciera (Spanish)
* Libertad / Liberty (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* la Llanera Vengadora (Mexican hero, Flor Silvestre, la Llanera Vengadora)
* Mampato (Chilean)
* Manticore (Spanish)
* La Máscara Roja / The Red Mask (Mexican superhero)
* Murciélaga She-Bat (Hispanic American, Created by Dærick Gröss)
* Murciélago / Bat (Mexican superhero)
* Ogú (caveman from ancient Chile)
* Orion (Created by Modesto Vazque R, 1981)
* Paloma Roja / Red Dove (Spanish, "Escuardo Guernica")
* El Pantera / The Panther (Mexican)
* Pantera Roja / Red Panther (Mexican)
* Patoruzú (Argentine)
* El Pequeño Pantera Negra / The Small Black Panther (Spanish)
* Quintin (Mexican, "Los Superfrios", 1960s)
* Radius, el Hombre Increible / Radius, the Incredible Man (Mexican superhero created by V. Arzote (writer) and R.L. Gayten and A. Segura (artists), 1965)
* Relámpago, el ser increible / Lightning, the Incredible Being (1960's Mexican superhero)
* Rena (fron 40th C. Chile)
* Scratchbuilt (Half Miskito, Half Central American, "F.R.E.E.Lancers")
* El Señor Destino (Mexican superhero)
* Serpio (Mexican cyborg, El Camino Amarillo, November 2002)
* Sonoman (Argentine)
* Starman (Mexican superhero)
* El Supergrupo (Spanish)
* Superhijitus (Argentine)
* SuperLopez (Spanish)
* Supermaya
* Supervolador / Super-flier (Argentine)
* Tawa, el hombre gacela (Mexican, Created by Joaquin Cervantes Bassoco)
* Tess Tinieblas (Spanish)
* Zooman: el Hombre Mosca / Zooman: The Human Fly (Mexican superhero, 1979)
* Zor (robot, from the 1960s Mexican comic Zor y los Invencibles)


* Paco ("Los Supersabios" / "The Super-Wise", Novedades, Mexican newspaper strip, Created by German Butze, January 27th, 1936)
* Panza ("Los Supersabios" / "The Super-Wise", Novedades, Mexican newspaper strip, Created by German Butze, January 27th, 1936)
* Pepe ("Los Supersabios" / "The Super-Wise", Novedades, Mexican newspaper strip, Created by German Butze, January 27th, 1936)

Novels and Prose

* El Coyote pulp-western hero created by José Mallorquí.
* El Guerrero del Antifaz / The Soldier with the Mask created by Manuel Gago García.
* Marco from the book series Animorphs.

=Luchadores Enmascarados=

* Averno
* Abismo Negro / Black Abyss / Black Hole
* Blue Demon / El Demonio Azul
* Blue Panther
* Cien Caras / Hundred Faces
* Dr. Wagner, Jr.
* Fishman
* El Hijo del Santo / Santito / Son of the Saint
* Huracan Ramirez
* Mil Mascaras / Man of a Thousand Masks
* Mr. Lince
* Místico
* La Mujer Murcielago / The Batwoman
* Neutrón
* La Parka
* Rey Bucanero / Buccaneer King
* Rey Misterio, Sr.
* Rey Mysterio, Jr.
* El Santo Enmascarado de Plata / Silver Masked Saint
* Silver King / Black Tiger III / César González
* Tinieblas
* Último Guerrero / The Last Warrior


* Frijolito (Venezuelan)
* Martin Valiente (Venezuelan)
* el Monje Negro / The Black Monk (Mexican, 1936)


* Batmanuel (from The Tick)
* Bumblebee Man (parody of el Chapulin Colorado on The Simpsons)
* el Chapulin Colorado / The Red Cricket or The Red Grasshopper (Mexican TV show)
* Dark Angel (Maxine "Max" Guevara, portrayed by Jessica Alba).
* Maya Herrera of Heroes.
* Jade ("Guatemala Clan", Gargoyles)
* Kennedy (half, slayer from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
* Marco from the TV series Animorphs.
* Isaac Mendez of Heroes
* Obsidiana ("Guatemala Clan", Gargoyles)
* Turquesa ("Guatemala Clan", Gargoyles)
* Zafiro ("Guatemala Clan", Gargoyles)
* Zorro / the Fox
* La Mascara Negra

Video Games

* Armor King (Mexican, Tekken)
* El Blaze (Mexican, Virtua Fighter 5)
* King (Mexican, Tekken)
* Lisa (Latin American, Dead or Alive)
* Ramon (Mexican, King of Fighters)
* El Stingray (Mexican, Slam Masters)
* Tizoc (Mexican, King of Fighters and Fatal Fury)
* Angel (Mexican, King of Fighters)
* Vega (Spanish, Street Fighter)


* El Coyote in "La Vuelta de El Coyote" (The Return of El Coyote), played by José Coronado.
* Gail from Sin City, portrayed by Rosario Dawson.
* Puss in Boots / El Gato con Botas (from Shrek II, anthropomorphic cat, voiced by Antonio Banderas)
* Supersonic Man (Spanish, 1979)
* Vadinho (Aztec, mentor of Pumaman, L' Uomo puma / Pumaman, ADR Films 1980)
* Zorro / the Fox
* Zovek ("Invasión de los muertos", costarring with the Blue Demon).

External links

* [ Internationalhero (Superheroes from around the world)]
* [ Superheroes Lives (Superheroes movies outside the United States)]
* [ Jorge's Superlists]
* [ Marvel Universe Appendix]
* [ The Religious Affiliation of Comic Book Characters]
* [ DCU Guide]

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