Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité

Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité
Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité
Common name Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité
Abbreviation CRS
CRS patch
Agency overview
Formed 1944
Employees 13,000+
Legal personality Governmental: Government agency
Jurisdictional structure
General nature
Operational structure
Headquarters Paris, France
Minister responsible Claude Guéant
A CRS in normal gear, standing by a Bastille Day parade
CRS in riot control gear, with the helmet ready

The Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS) (English: Republican Security Companies) are the riot control forces and general reserve of the French National Police. The CRS were created on 8 December 1944 and the first units were organised by 31 January 1945. The CRS were reorganized in 1948. The task for which they are best known is crowd and riot control and re-establishment of order.

The expression les CRS refers the whole force. It would be understood in the feminine plural insofar as the noun compagnie is feminine, but is typically used in the masculine to refer to the troops, most of whom are male (thus, In French slang un CRS ( may mean "a CRS man".



The CRS, created 8 December 1944 and reorganised in 1952, are a civilian corps (unlike the gendarmes, who are military) trained in anti-insurrection techniques following the dissolution of the Groupes mobiles de réserve (GMR) created by the Vichy régime. While Communist sympathisers were highly present among their ranks (which explains their history of engagement in the Résistance, and according to some due to a desire to practice entryism), a purge limited their number after the French Communist Party (PCF) took on the role of opposition to postwar governmentsfollowing a demonstration in Marseille (12 November 1947) called by the CGT union and the PCF that the CRS, a majority of whom were Communists, refused to repress, several companies were dissolved and the CRS were reorganised so as to remove Communist influence among their ranks.


CRS missions include:

  • Motorway police in urban areas
  • Rescue operations on France's beaches (some CRS officers are trained in beach safety)
  • Security of public buildings
  • Mountain Rescue

The CRS are grouped in units living in barracks. They generally operate away from their base town.

French mobile police forces

The two French anti-riot forces, the CRS and the Gendarmerie Mobile are often mistaken with each other, as their missions are similar, but they can be distinguished by uniform. The uniform of the CRS is blue (usually dark blue); the uniform of the gendarmes mobiles is black. The CRS wear a big red CRS patch; the gendarmes have stylized grenades. In January 2009, the French state implemented a rapprochement ("bringing together") of the police and the gendarmerie.[1] While this policy falls short of a complete fusion or merger, at least for now, this is likely to lead to more sharing of missions and less distinction between CRS and Gendarmes Mobiles in future.

Company composition

There are currently 61 companies; most of these companies have four platoons each, and others have six platoons. The 4-platoon companies contain:

  • 1 Commander
  • 1 Captain
  • 2 Lieutenants
  • 1~4 Brigadier-Majors
  • 12~25 Brigadier-Chiefs
  • 100~120 Guards


  • 1 Central Directorate under a Director-general of the National Police in Paris;
  • 7 Zonal Directorates in each of the military's defence zones;
  • 60 General Service Companies (for the maintenance of public order);
  • 1 VIP Escort compagny (CRS n° 1);
  • 9 Autoroute Companies (Highway Patrol);
  • 6 Zonal Motorcycle Units;
  • 1 Mountain Group (Pyrenees);
  • CRS Band (attached to CRS n° 1).[2]


Their suppressive role and occasional abuse of force [3] towards protesters[4][5] or even school children [6] has led to criticisms among human rights supporters. There have also been a number of complaints against CRS officers on the subject of racism[7] and racial profiling.


  1. ^ Police-gendarmerie : le rapprochement officialisé, January 6, 2009.
  2. ^ "Direction centrale des compagnies républicaines de sécurité". DCCRS - Le site officiel du ministère de l'Intérieur de l'Outre-mer et des Collectivités Territoriales, 07/08/2009. Accessed May 12, 2010.
  3. ^ Six CRS poursuivis pour violences envers des jeunes
  4. ^ Manif pour les retraites : les CRS matraquent des journalistes, Rue89
  5. ^ J'ai été tabassée par la police à la fin de la manif pour les retraites Rue89
  6. ^
  7. ^

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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