

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Kendra

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Kendra is a female name of disputed origin.

Possible origins and definitions include:

#A Polish name meaning long-haired woman.
#An Anglo-Saxon name meaning understanding or knowledge.
#An English name derived from the combination of the names Ken and Sandra, or Ken and Andrea.
#A variation of the name Kenda, which may be English for water baby, or Dakota for magical power.
#A female form of Kendrick, which may originate from the Welsh word "Cynwrig", "greatest champion", or the Anglo-Saxon word "Cyneric", "family ruler".
#Referring to a beautiful woman; goddess-like.
#A Curonian word "kendrā" meaning 'ceder', Latvian "ciedra".
# "Center" or "middle" in Hindi language

Spelling variations include Kendrah, Kendria, Kenna, Kenndrea, Kindra, Kinna, and Kyndra.

Kendra is a moderately popular female first name, ranking 403 out of 4275 for females of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census. Kendra is an infrequent surname, ranking 21,483 out of 88,799 for people of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census.

Uses in popular culture

*Kendra Young, a character from the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".
*, a character from the TV series "".
*Kendra Wilkinson, one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends and star of the E! reality show "The Girls Next Door".
*The names of two tropical cyclones:
** 1966's Tropical Storm Kendra, an eastern Atlantic October storm that was operationally declared a tropical storm but later determined to have not even been a tropical cyclone and was removed from the official records.
** 1978's Hurricane Kendra, which was not a threat to land.
* Kendra Sorenson, a fictional character in the Fablehaven
* Kendra Dumbledore, mother of Albus Dumbledore, a fictional character in the Harry Potter novels.
* Kendra Saunders, a DC Comics superheroine, known as Hawkgirl.

External links


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