List of voluntary welfare organisations in Singapore

List of voluntary welfare organisations in Singapore

This is a list of voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) in Singapore.

These organisations are members of the National Council of Social Service in Singapore.


* Action for AIDS
* Adventist Community Services
* Adventist Home for the Elders
* Adventist Nursing & Rehabilitation Centre
* Agape Counselling and Training Centre
* Ain Society
* Alexandra Hospital, Medical Social Service
* All Saints Home
* Alzheimer's Disease Association
* American Women's Association
* Ang Mo Kio - Thye Hua Kwan Hospital
* Ang Mo Kio Family Service Centres
* Apex Club of Singapore
* Apex Day Rehabilitation Centre for Elderly
* Apex Harmony Lodge
* APSN Centre for Adults
* Archdiocese Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerant People
* Ark Quest
* Asian Women's Welfare Association
* As-Salaam Family Support Centre
* Assemblies of God Community Services Society
* Assisi Home & Hospice
* Association for Early Childhood Educators
* Association for Person with Special Needs
* Association for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
* Association of Apex Clubs of Singapore
* Association of Muslim Professionals
* Association of Women for Action and Research
* Australian & New Zealand Association
* Autism Association
* Autism Resource Centre
* Balestier Special School
* Baptist Student Care Centre
* Bethesda Care & Counselling Services Centre
* Bethesda Community Assistance and Relationship Enrichment Centre
* Bethesda Community Services Society
* Beyond Social Services
* Bible-Presbyterian Welfare Services
* Bishan Toa Payoh CCC North Child Care & Delpmt Ctr
* Bizlink Centre Singapore
* Blue Cross Charitable Institution
* Bo Tien Home for the Aged
* Bo Tien Welfare Services Society
* Boon Lay Neighbourhood Link
* Boys' Brigade in Singapore
* Boys' Town Singapore
* Breadline Group
* Breakthrough Missions
* Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group
* Bright Hill Evergreen Home
* Bright Vision Hospital
* Buddha of Medicine Welfare Society
* Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation
* Buddhist Culture Centre
* Buddhist Union
* Bukit Ho Swee FSC
* Canossian Daughters of Charity
* Care Community Services Society
* Care Corner Child Development Centre
* Care Corner Child Development Centre
* Care Corner Counselling Centre
* Care Corner Family Service Centre
* Care Corner SAC
* Care Corner SAC
* Care Corner Singapore
* Care for the Elderly Foundation
* Care Link
* CareCancer Society
* Caregiver Counselling Welfare Association
* Catholic Welfare Services Singapore
* Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisation (Majlis Pusat)
* Central Singapore CDC (SS BoonHua)
* Centre for Exceptional Children
* Centre for Fathering
* Centre for Promoting Alternatives to Violence
* Centre of Activity & Recreation for the Elders
* Charis Centre
* Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home
* Chen Su Lan Trust
* Cheng Hong Welfare Service Society
* Cheshire Homes Far Eastern Regional Council
* Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE Singapore)
* Children's Aid Society
* Children's Cancer Foundation
* Children's Charities Association of Singapore
* Chinese Development Assistance Council
* Chinese Women's Association
* Chong Hua Tong SAC
* Christian Care Services
* Christian Outreach to the Handicapped
* City Harvest Community Services Association
* Compass Welfare Foundation
* Concern & Care Society
* Cornerstone Community Services Centre
* Cornerstone Life Skills Centre
* Counselling & Care Centre
* Covenant Family Service Centre
* Credit Counselling Singapore Society
* Crime Library
* Daybreak Family Service Centre
* Diabetic Society of Singapore
* Disability Information and Referral Centre
* Disabled People's Association
* Dover Park Hospice
* Down Syndrome Association
* Dreams @ Kolam Ayer
* Dyslexia Association of Singapore
* Eagles Mediation & Counselling Centre
* Eden Community Services Centre
* EN Community Services Society
* Endometriosis Association
* Eurasian Association Singapore
* Ex-Services Association of Singapore
* Family Life Centre
* Family Life Society
* Federation of Youth Clubs
* Fei Yue Community Services
* Fei Yue Family Service Centre
* Filos Community Services
* Focus on the Family Singapore
* Food from the Heart
* Foundation of Rotary Clubs
* Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
* Friends in Deed Counselling Society
* Gabrielite Centre for School Counselling
* Gerontological Society
* Geylang East Home for the Aged
* Geylang Senior Citizens' Health Care Centre
* Girl Guides Singapore
* Girls' Brigade Singapore
* Glory Centre Community Services Association
* Golden Years Fellowship
* Good News Community Services Centre
* Grace Lodge


* Habitat for Humanity Singapore
* Haemophilia Society of Singapore
* Handicaps Welfare Association
* Happy Arts Enterprise
* Happy World Student Care
* Hariprasad Children Centre
* Hariprasad
* Healthy Aging Association
* Hearty Care Centre
* HELP Family Service Centre
* Helping Hand
* Hiding Place (Christian Home Mission)
* Highpoint Community Services Association
* Home Nursing Foundation
* Hope Centre
* HOPE Worldwide
* Hospice Care Association
* Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre
* Hua Mei Care Management Service of Tsao Foundation
* Hua Mei Seniors Clinic
* Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics
* Indus Moral CARE
* Infant Jesus Homes and Children's Centres
* Inner Wheel Club of Singapore
* International Y'S Men's Club of Singapore
* iPaLs
* Islamic Theological Association of Singapore (Pertapis)
* Istavin Dynamics
* Jenaris Home@Pelangi Village
* Jewish Welfare Board
* Jia Ying Community Services Society
* Joy Centre
* Joy Place - Centre for Children w/Special Needs
* Ju Eng Welfare Association
* Junior Chamber of Singapore
* Kallang Bahru Family Service Centre
* Kamala Club
* Kampong Kapor Family Service Centre
* Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation
* Kang Ming Free Clinic
* Kheng Chiu Loke Tin Kee Home
* Kidney Dialysis Foundation
* King George's Ave SAC
* Kiwanis Club of Singapore
* Kreta Ayer SAC
* Kwan-In Welfare Society
* Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital and Nursing Home
* Lakeside Family Centre
* Lee Foundation
* Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation
* Life Community Services Society
* Life Spring Community Network
* Light & Love Welfare Services Centre
* Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens
* Lioness Club of Singapore
* Lions Befriender Service Association
* Lions Club of Singapore
* Lions Community Service Foundation
* Lions Home for the Elders
* Loving Heart Multi-Service Centre
* Lutheran Community Care Services
* Macpherson Moral Family Service Centre
* Mainly I Love Kids Fund (MILK)
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* Malay Youth Literary Association (4PM)
* Malay Youth Literary Association (Persatuan Persuratan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu)
* Man Fatt Lam Home for the Aged
* Man Fut Tong Nursing Home
* Man Fut Tong Nursing
* Marian Centre
* Marine Parade Family Service Centre
* Marymount Centre
* Methodist Children & Youth Centre
* Methodist Hospice Fellowship
* Methodist Welfare Services
* Metropolitan YMCA
* Metta Welfare Association
* Ministry of Community Development & Sports (Social Support Division)
* Moral Family Service Centre
* Moral Home for Disabled Adults
* Moral Neighbourhood Link
* Moral SAC (Toa Payoh)
* Morning Star Community Services
* Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore
* Muhammadiyah Welfare Home
* Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore
* Muslim Missionary Society Singapore (Jamiyah)
* Muslim Social Welfare Association of Sembawang
* Muslimin Trust Fund Association (Darul Ihsan)
* Nanyang Technological University Welfare Services club
* National Arthritis Foundation
* National Cancer Centre (Psychosocial Oncology)
* National Kidney Foundation
* National Safety Council of Singapore
* National St John Council
* National University of Singapore Students' Union
* Neighbour Ring Community Services
* Netherlands Charity Association
* New Hope Community Services
* New Horizon Centre (Loke Yew - Tampines)
* New Horizon Centre (Toa Payoh)
* New Life Community Services Centre
* North West Community Development Council
* NTUC Child Care Co-operative (Kim Keat)
* NTUC Child Care Co-operative (Toa Payoh)
* NTUC Eldercare Co-Operative
* Nulife Care & Counselling Services
* O'Joy Care Services
* Oxley Student Care Centre
* Pakinson's Disease Society
* Parkway HealthCare Foundation
* Pasir Panjang Hill Community Services Centre
* Passiton Admin
* Passiton Mobility
* Peace-Connect
* Pertapis Children's Home
* Pertapis Halfway House
* Philippine Bayanihan Society Singapore
* PPIS-Jurong Family Service Centre
* Presbyterian Community Services
* Promised Land Missions
* Promisedland Community Services
* Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Memorial Scholarship Fund Board
* Pu Ti Lian She


* Queenstown Multi-Service Centre for the Elderly
* Rainbow Centre
* Ramakrishna Mission
* REACH Community Services Society
* Reach Family Service Centre
* Realm of Tranquility
* Red Swastika Charity Foundation
* Ren Ci Hospital & Medicare Centre
* Renewal Self-Development Centre
* Retired & Senior Volunteer Programme
* Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore
* RiverLife Community Service Centre
* Rochore Kongsi for the Aged
* Rotary Club of Singapore
* Salem Welfare Servces
* Salvation Army
* Samaritans of Singapore
* Sathya Sai Social Service
* Save the Children
* Sembawang Tamils' Association
* Serangoon Moral Family Service Centre
* Shan You Counselling Centre
* Sian Chay Medical Institution
* Sikh Sewaks Singapore
* Sikh Welfare Council
* Sinda Family Service Centre
* Singapore Action Group of Elders
* Singapore After-Care Association
* Singapore Airport Terminal Services Staff Association
* Singapore Amalgamated Services Co-Operative Organisation Senior Citizens Home
* Singapore American Community Action Council
* Singapore Anglican Community Services
* Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association
* Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association
* Singapore Association for Counselling
* Singapore Association for Mental Health
* Singapore Association for the Deaf
* Singapore Association for the Study of Obesity
* Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists
* Singapore Association of Social Workers
* Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators
* Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped
* Singapore Baptist Convention Golden Age Home
* Singapore Branch of the Missions to Seafarers
* Singapore Buddhist Federation
* Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic
* Singapore Buddhist Lodge Vision Family Services
* Singapore Buddhist Lodge Welfare Foundation
* Singapore Buddhist Welfare Services
* Singapore Cancer Society
* Singapore Cheshire Home
* Singapore Children's Society
* Singapore Christian Home for the Aged
* Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution
* Singapore Committee of the World Organisation for Early Children Education
* Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises
* Singapore Council of Women's Organisations
* Singapore Dental Health Foundation
* Singapore Disability Sports Council
* Singapore General Hospital, Medical Social Service
* Singapore Gujarati Society
* Singapore Heart Foundation
* Singapore Hospice Council
* Singapore Indian Development Association
* Singapore Indian Education Trust
* Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
* Singapore International Foundation
* Singapore Kadayanallur Muslim League
* Singapore Leprosy Relief Association
* Singapore Life Saving Society
* Singapore Malay Youth Library Association (Taman Bacaan)
* Singapore National Stroke Association
* Singapore Nurses' Association
* Singapore Physiotherapy Association
* Singapore Planned Parenthood Association
* Singapore Polytechnic Welfare Services
* Singapore Professional Centre
* Singapore Psychological Society
* Singapore Red Cross Society
* Singapore Regional Centre of the World Fellowship of Buddhists
* Singapore Scout Association
* Singapore Tenkasi Muslim Welfare Society
* Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution
* Singapore Women's Association
* Singhealth Polyclinics
* Society Against Family Violence
* Society for Continence
* Society for the Aged Sick
* Society for the Physically Disabled
* Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
* Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge
* Society of Moral Charities
* Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services
* Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
* Soroptimist International of Singapore
* Spastic Children's Association of Singapore
* Special Olympics Singapore
* Speech-Language and Hearing Association
* Sree Narayana Mission
* Sri Krishna Mandir Welfare Society
* St Andrew's Cathedral Home for the Aged
* St Andrew's Mission Hospital
* St Gabriel's Foundation
* St Hilda's Community Services Centre
* St John's Ambulance Brigade
* St John's Home for Elderly Persons
* St Luke's Elder Care
* St Luke's Hospital
* St. Hilda's Community Services Centre
* Student Advisory Centre
* Student Volunteer Corps
* Students Care Service (SCS)
* Sun-Dac Centre for the Disabled
* Sunlove Abode for Intellectually-Infirmed
* Sunshine Welfare Action Mission


* Tai Pei Old People's Home
* Tampines Family Service Centre
* Tanjong Pagar Family Service Centre
* Teen Challenge
* The Tent
* Thong Kheng Seniors Activity Centre (Radin Mas)
* Thong Kheng Welfare Services Society
* Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society
* Toa Payoh East Student Care
* Toa Payoh Senior Citizens' Health Care Centre
* TOUCH Community Services
* Touch Home Care
* Touch Seniors Activity Centre
* TRANS Centre
* Tsao Foundation
* Turning Point
* United Indian Muslim Association
* Very Special Arts Singapore
* Viriya Community Services
* We-sharecare Society for Children & Youth
* Wesley Counselling Services
* Whampoa Eldercare Centre
* Whispering Hearts Family Service Centre
* Wicare Support Group
* Women's & Children's Healthcare Foundation
* Woolands Social Centre
* World Red Swastika Society
* Yayasan Mendaki
* Yong-En Care Centre
* Young Men's Christian Association of Singapore (YMCA)
* Young Women Muslim Association
* Young Women's Christian Association of Singapore
* Youth Challenge
* Youth Guidance Outreach Services
* YWCA Adult Care Centre
* YWCA Child Development Centre (Bishan)
* Zion Home for the Aged
* Zonta Club of Singapore

ee also

* List of disability organisations in Singapore
* List of youth organisations in Singapore

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