- Ringing
In electrical circuits, ringing is an unwanted
oscillation of avoltage or current. It happens when an electrical pulse causes the parasitic capacitances and inductancesFact|date=May 2008 in the circuit (i.e. those that are not part of the design, but just by-products of the materials used to construct the circuit) to resonate at their characteristicfrequency . Ringing artifacts are also present insquare wave s; seeGibbs phenomenon .Ringing is undesirable because it causes extra current to flow, thereby wasting energy and causing extra heating of the components; it can cause unwanted
electromagnetic radiation to be emitted; it can delay arrival at a desired final state (increasesettling time ); and it may cause unwanted triggering of bistable elements indigital circuit s. Ringy communications circuits may sufferfalsing .Video
In video circuits, electrical ringing causes closely spaced repeated ghosts of a vertical or diagonal edge where dark changes to light or vice versa, going from left to right. The electron beam upon changing from dark to light or vice versa instead of changing quickly to the desired intensity and staying there, overshoots and undershoots a few times. This bouncing could occur anywhere in the electronics or cabling and is often caused by or accentuated by a too high setting of the sharpness control.
In hearing, ringing is an endaural phenomenon in which a person hears a sound, somewhat like a
pure tone , without any external acoustic stimulation. Ringing in theear s commonly follows exposure to loud noises, and is a sign of damage to thehair cell s of the innerear . Ringing in the ears is a common sort oftinnitus .Ornithology
Bird ringing is using individually-numbered small metal leg rings placed onbird s' legs to track their activity.Telephony
Ringing current is the pulsating DC current that powers a telephone bell.
External links
* [http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Articles/VideoArtefacts/VideoArtefactsMicrophony.html Microphony with older video cameras]
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