- List of topics named after Carl Friedrich Gauss
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 – 1855) is theeponym of all of the topics listed below.Topics including "Gauss"
Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize , a mathematics award
*Degaussing , to demagnetize an object
*Gauss (unit) , a unit ofmagnetic field (B)
*Gauss-Bolyai-Lobachevsky space , ahyperbolic geometry
*Gauss–Bonnet theorem , a theorem about curvature indifferential geometry
*Gauss-Codazzi equations
*Gauss-Jordan elimination , a method inlinear algebra
*Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing constant , a constant innumber theory
*Gauss-Manin connection , a connection on a vector bundle over a family of algebraic varieties
*Gauss–Markov process
*Gauss–Markov theorem
*Gauss–Laplace pyramid , sometimes called the Burt–Adelson pyramid.
*Gauss linking integral (knot theory )
*Gauss-Krüger coordinate system
*Gauss–Seidel method
*Gauss-Newton algorithm
*Gauss-Legendre algorithm
*Gauss-Lucas theorem
*Gauss' principle of least constraint
*Gauss's constant , thereciprocal of the AGM of 1 and scriptstylesqrt{2}, innumber theory .
*Gauss's continued fraction, an analytic continued fraction derived from the hypergeometric functions.
*Gauss's digamma theorem , a theorem about thedigamma function .
*Gauss error function
*Gauss gun
*Gauss's hypergeometric theorem , an identity onhypergeometric series .
*Gauss's law , giving the relationship betweenflux through a closed surface and the enclosed source.
*Gauss's law for magnetism
*Gauss's lemma in relation topolynomial s
*Gauss's lemma innumber theory
*Gauss map
*Gauss Peninsula , East Greenland
*Gauss sum , anexponential sum overDirichlet character s.
*"Gauss' theorem" may refer to thedivergence theorem , which is also known as the "Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem".
*Gauss composition Topics including "Gaussian"
Additive white Gaussian noise
*Gaussian beam
*Gaussian binomial , also called the "Gaussian coefficient"
*Gaussian blur , a technique inimage processing .
*Gaussian curvature
*Gaussian distribution, also named theNormal distribution , a type ofprobability distribution .
*Gaussian elimination
*Gaussian function of "Gaussian distribution"
*Gaussian filter
*Gaussian free field
*Gaussian graph
*Gaussian gravitational constant
*Gaussian grid
* Gaussian'smodular arithmetic
*Gaussian integer
*Gaussian integral
*Gaussian isoperimetric inequality
*Gaussian measure
* Gaussian model; seeVariogram
*Gaussian network model
*Gaussian method
*Gaussian noise
*Gaussian optics
*Gaussian orbital
*Gaussian period
*Gaussian polynomial; seeGaussian binomial
*Gaussian prime
*Gaussian process
*Gaussian quadrature
*Gaussian rational
*Gaussian surface
*Gaussian year
*The GAUSSIAN software programOther notable achievements of Gauss
Gauss's proofs
Proofs for conjectured theorems.
* Thequadratic reciprocity law
* Thefundamental theorem of algebra
*Fermat polygonal number theorem for "n" = 3proofs for theorems he discovered in his own:
* ProvedCauchy's integral theorem before Cauchy but never published it.
* Discovered and proved thetheorema egregium .Gauss's inventions
Electromagnetic telegraph
* Heliotrope
*Double-Gauss lens
*Gauss gun Gauss's identities
* Gauss multiplication formula may refer to the
multiplication theorem .
*Gauss interpolation formula
*Gauss-Kummer series
*Gauss formula
*Gauss transformation
*Gauss' inequality
* Gauss theorems (two theorems) about theEuler function .
*Gauss test Gauss conjectures
* The
prime number theorem
*Gauss-Kuzmin distribution , the distribution of integers in a continued fraction.
*Gauss circle problem
* Gaussclass number problem .
* Gauss made progress toward proving theKepler conjecture .
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