- Elmer Keiser Bolton
Elmer Keiser Bolton (
June 23 ,1886 -July 30 ,1968 ) was an American chemist and research director forDuPont , notable for his role in developingneoprene and directing the research that led to the discovery ofnylon .Personal life
Bolton was born in
Frankford, Pennsylvania the oldest of two brothers. His father ran the furniture store on Main Street and both he and his brother attended public school in Frankford and went on to college. Bolton went toBucknell University in Lewisburg,Pennsylvania and took the "Classical Course", receiving a B.A. Degree in 1908. From there he went toHarvard University , receiving his A.M. degree in 1910 and his Ph.D. in organic chemistry in 1913. His thesis advisor wasCharles L. Jackson and his dissertation concerned the chemistry ofperiodoquinones .Several other prominent contemporaries of Bolton's at Harvard Graduate School were
Roger Adams ,Farrington Daniels ,Frank C. Whitmore ,James B. Sumner andJames Bryant Conant . Adams was particularly influential through Bolton's career. They shared diverse interests, yet a drive for accomplishment in organic chemistry. In later years Adams had significant influence on Bolton's ideas about industrial support of chemical research and university students.In 1913 Bolton won the Sheldon Fellowship, which he used to work at the
Kaiser Wilhelm Institut outside of Berlin, Germany for two years with ProfessorRichard Willstätter . Here he worked on anthocyanins, a major program for Willstätter, and published three papers on isolation and structures ofanthocyanin pigments . Willstätter, apparently impressed by Bolton's ability but frustrated by his tendency to make arithmetic mistakes, commented "You must have been a bank teller." To his surprise Bolton replied that he had been a bank teller, this was how he paid his way through college.Bolton was very impressed by Willstätter's careful, logical approach to tackling a research problem. He felt that this was the result of good training in the German university system. He also observed the relationship between German universities and industry, for which there was no counterpart in the United States. Another aspect of German research that impressed Bolton was the effort to create artificial rubber. This work was significant to German industry, and later to the German war effort in
World War II because Germany did not have ready access to sources of natural rubber. Also, the approach being used by the Germans undoubtedly lead to the development of neoprene rubber years later at DuPont Labs.Bolton married Margarite L. Duncan in 1916 and they had three children, a daughter and two sons. He retired from DuPont after a distinguished career in 1951, but continued to follow the scientific literature. He died July 30, 1968 at the age of eighty-two.
World War I and DuPont
Up to the onset of
World War I (1914) most organic compounds had been imported fromEurope , but disruptions caused by the War presented an opportunity for American chemical companies to become established in this area, and to meet a wartime need. When Bolton returned from Germany in 1915 he discovered American organic chemists struggling to develop methods for manufacturing these compounds. The Dupont Company needed chemist and hired Bolton in 1915.Bolton joined the Chemical Department at the Experimental Station outside Wilmington,
Delaware , where most of DuPont's research was conducted. Being groomed for advancement, he started working on the synthesis of glycerol. By 1916 Bolton was selected to lead theDye Group that was newly formed to research the synthesis of dyes. The United States had little knowledge of dye manufacture at this time, so later in 1916 Bolton traveled to England to learn about British technology in this area, and upon return he was assigned to the Wilmington Office to be advisor on dyes and intermediates. In 1918 he transferred to the Dyestuffs Department and was assistant general manager of the Lodi Works where silk colorants were made. In 1919 he returned to the Chemical Department as manager of the Organic Division. During this time he learned a lot about developing manufacturing processes and developed two principles; that high priority must be given to cost and time effectiveness of research, and that a manufacturing process should be perfected using pure materials then later adapted to use materials available to the plant. Bolton's friend from Harvard, Roger Adams shared much of Bolton's philosophy in his work at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign .In 1922 DuPont reorganized its research by dividing the entire research enterprise into four parts, each assigned to one of its four production areas. Bolton was made director of research for the Dyestuffs Department where his ability in this capacity was quickly realized. Dye manufacture requires the synthesis of a large number of intermediate compounds, and Bolton realized these could be used in many activities outside the Dyestuffs Department. By 1923 his lab was working on accelerators for manufacture of
synthetic rubber and soon after extended the research to includeantioxidants for gasoline and rubber,floatation agents ,insecticides , seeddisinfectants , and large scale manufacture oftetra-ethyl lead .The Stevenson Act and Synthetic Rubber
In the early 1920s the supply and demand of
natural rubber became a concern in international trade. In November 1922 England enacted theStevenson Act that was intended to protect rubber producers by restricting production. This caused a great deal of concern in the United States because an expanding supply of rubber was needed to support the growing number of automobiles in use. Bolton saw this as an opportune time to start research on synthetic rubber. However, research did not begin in earnest until 1925 when the high price of rubber was attracting considerable attention and other scientists such asThomas Edison were also taking an interest in the problem.Work on synthetic rubber began with the
polymerization ofbutadiene obtained from thehydrogenation ofdiacetylene , and at first not much progress was made. At the end of 1925 Bolton met a chemist fromUniversity of Notre Dame namedJulius Arthur Nieuwland who had discovered a way to polymerizeacetylene using acuprous oxide catalyst . Unfortunately the resulting polymer would explode when struck, but Bolton believed the process could be modified to produce a stable compound that would replace butadiene in the reaction. Bolton brought Nieuwland into the project as a consultant to DuPont, and Nieuwland taught the DuPont chemists how to use his catalyst. Acontinuous-flow reactor was developed that would produce a good yield of the stable polymer Bolton was looking for. However, while the polymer was highly chemical resistant, it degraded with exposure to light.In 1927 DuPont's Chemical Director
C.M.A. Stine persuaded the company to take on a fundamental research project for synthetic rubber and received $250,000 in funding for this purpose. In 1928Wallace Carothers , an instructor at Harvard University, was hired to lead the newly formed group. Bolton operated within this group and by 1929 had discovered that his polymer could be readily converted into 2-chlorobutadiene (choroprene ) with a copper catalyzed addition ofhydrogen chloride . This material was both chemical and light resistant, with the properties of a synthetic rubber.The new material was announced at the Rubber Division of the
American Chemical Society on November 2, 1931, and was calledDuprene (today it is calledneoprene ). By this time the Stevenson Act had been repealed and theGreat Depression had begun. Rubber prices were low and the new material cost twenty times what natural rubber cost. Therefore it never became a substitute for natural rubber, but it did find commercial use in applications where a rubber compound was needed that was more resistant to oils and outdoor degradation. Applications of neoprene include: theRigid-hulled inflatable boat ;diving suit s, anddiveskin s;glove s,balaclava s, sleepsacks,Knee high boots ,wetsock s and other protective clothing; radar absorbent material;plumbing fixture s;gaskets , hoses, seals and belts;foam (mousepad ,wetsuit ); orthopedic braces; and solid fuel rocket propellant ("seeAGM-114 Hellfire ").ynthetic Fibers
When Wallace Carothers arrived at DuPont in 1928 one of the tasks his group took on was the development of
synthetic fibers fortextiles . At that time a number of naturalpolymers such aslatex andcelluloid were known and some syntheticpolymers such asbakelite were also known and relatively common. TheGeneral Bakelite Company company was producing about 200,000 tons of Bakelite annually. Unfortunately the existing polymers could not be drawn into fibers and spun into thread, so the opportunity was to manufacture thread from synthetic polymers to replacenatural fibers such ascotton .The approach taken by Carothers' group was to adapt known synthesises that produced short chain polymers to produce long chain molecules. The first break was finding that bifunctional esterification could produce long molecule chains which today are known as
aliphatic polyester s, but at that time were calledsuperpolymers . Then there was the key observation byJulian W. Hill in April, 1930 in which it was seen that the superpolymers could be drawn in the molten state to form thin, transparent fibers that were much stronger that the polymers were in the undrawn state. However, the superpolymers the group was able to synthesize either had too low a boiling point and insufficient chemical resistivity or had too high a melting point to be spun. By late 1932 the entire project was discontinued.Bolton, now the Chemistry department director, refused to give up. Most likely he was aware of the re-discovery of
polyethylene byEric Fawcett andReginald Gibson atImperial Chemical Industries in 1933. In early 1934 Bolton urged Carothers to continue the research, and Carothers decided to take another look atpolyamides .Carothers surmised that the problem with the polyamides that had been made from ε-
aminocaproic acid was due tocyclization reactions , so he replaced ε-aminocaproic acid with 9-aminononoic acid which would not cyclize. This produced results that were encouraging, so Carother's group prepared polyamides from a variety of compounds includingamino acids ,dibase acid s anddiamine s. The leading candidate for development became 5/10 polyamide made frompentamethylenediamine andsebic acid . It had the right melting point, the desired properties in fiber form and could bespun withoutgel formation.Bolton at this point made a bold and characteristically visionary decision. He decided that practical synthetic fibers could not be made from
castor oil , the only practical source ofsebacic acid . To use anagricultural product as a primary feedstock would mean the new synthetic material would have very similar mass production problems as existing natural fibers had. Instead he wanted to usebenzene as the feedstock for making bothadipic acid andhexamethylenediamine to make a 6/6 polyamide.This polymer was first made early in 1935, and thanks to concurrent development of polyamine spinning technologies, could be spun into fibers. The fibers had high strength and elasticity, were insensitive to common solvents and melted at 263 °C, well above ironing temperatures.
Bolton insisted that every aspect of the synthesis of this polymer be thoroughly worked out in a pilot plant at the Experimental Station. He insisted that the development begin with pure materials then be adapted to use materials available to a plant in bulk.
On October 27, 1938 DuPont announced it would build a plant at
Seaford, Delaware to makenylon , the world's first fully synthetic fiber. The Seaford plant was essentially a scaled up version of the pilot plant, and had remarkably trouble-free startup.Publications
*E.K. Bolton, "Development of Nylon", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, (Jan 1942)
*Twenty-one U.S. PatentsAwards and honors
Bucknell University ::*Honorary D.Sc. degree (1932):*Board of Trustees (1937-1967):*Trustee Emeritus (1967-1968)
*University of Delaware , Honorary D.Sc. degree (1942)
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology visiting committees (1938-1939)
*Harvard University visiting committees (1940-1941)
*American Chemical Society ::*regional director (1936-1938):*director-at-large (1940-1943)
*"Industrial and Engineering Chemistry and Chemical Engineering News " Advisory Board (1948-1949)
*TheChemical Industry Medal (1941)
*ThePerkin Medal (1945)
*Elected to the National Academy of Sciences (1946)
*TheWillard Gibbs Medal (1954)References
* [http://www.nap.edu/books/0309033918/html/50.html Robert M. Joyce, "Elmer Keiser Bolton" Biographical Memoirs V.54 page 50, National Academy of Sciences (1983)]
*Patrick J McGrath, "Scientists, Business, and the State, 1890-1960", UNC Press (Jan 3, 2002), ISBN 0-8078-2655-3
* [http://heritage.dupont.com/floater/fl_bolton/floater.shtml DuPont Heritage: Elmer K. Bolton]
* [http://heritage.dupont.com/floater/fl_jacksonlab/floater.shtml DuPont Heritage: Jackson Laboratory]
* [http://heritage.dupont.com/touchpoints/tp_1903/depth.shtml 1903: Basic Research]Categories
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