Berthar — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Berthar o Bertachar fue uno de los hijos del rey Basino y Basina. Heredó el trono de los turingios junto a sus hermanos Hermanfredo y Baderico al morir su padre. Pero poco a poco Hermanfredo fue instigado por su… … Wikipedia Español
Berthar — Berthar, 1) B., König der Thüringer um 522, s. Thüringen (Gesch.). 2) B., Major Domus des Frankenkönigs Theodorich III., wurde 987 von Pipin von Heristall geschlagen u. durch falsche Freunde ermordet … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bertachar — Berthar or Bertachar was a son of Bisinus and Basina. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Baderic succeeded their father Bisinus to the rule over the Thuringii. Berthar, however, was soon defeated by Hermanfrid in battle.Berthar had one daughter,… … Wikipedia
Pepin of Herstal — Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal (c. 635 ndash; 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to reign as… … Wikipedia
Battle of Tertry — The Battle of Tertry was an important engagement in Merovingian Gaul between the forces of Austrasia on one side and those of Neustria and Burgundy on the other. It took place in 687 at Tertry, near Péronne in modern France. The powerful… … Wikipedia
The Franks — The Franks † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Franks The Franks were a confederation formed in Western Germany of a certain number of ancient barbarian tribes who occupied the right shore of the Rhine from Mainz to the sea. Their name is… … Catholic encyclopedia
Theuderic III — (or Theuderich, Theoderic, or Theodoric; in French, Thierry ) (654 – 691) was the king of Neustria (including Burgundy) on two occasions (673 and 675 – 691) and king of Austrasia from 679 to his death in 691. Thus, he was the king of all the… … Wikipedia
Radegund — (also spelled Rhadegund ) (c 520–587) was a 6th century Frankish princess, who founded the Convent of Our Lady of Poitiers. Canonized in the 9th century, she is the patron saint of several English churches and of Jesus College, Cambridge.Life… … Wikipedia
Baderic — Baderic, Baderich, Balderich or Boderic (c.480 c.529), son of Bisinus and Basina, was a co king of the Thuringii. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Berthar succeeded their father Bisinus. After Hermanfrid defeated Berthar in battle, he invited… … Wikipedia
Baderico — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Baderico (también Baderich o Boderic) (480 529), fue co rey de los turingios junto a sus hermanos Hermanfredo y Berthar, tras la muerte de su padre, el rey Basino. Eran hijos de Basino y su esposa Basina. Hermanfredo … Wikipedia Español