Marcus Atilius Regulus

Marcus Atilius Regulus
This is about the Roman general and consul; for other Romans of that name, see Marcus Atilius Regulus (disambiguation).
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Marcus Atilius Regulus (born probably before 307 BC, died (executed) c. 250 BC), a general and consul (for the second time) in the ninth year of the First Punic War (256 BC). Regulus defeated the Salentini (See also Messapia) and captured Brundisium (now Brindisi) during his first term as consul in 267 BC.

He was one of the commanders in the Roman naval expedition that shattered the Carthaginian fleet at Cape Ecnomus, and landed an army on Carthaginian territory. The invaders were so successful that the other consul, Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus, was recalled to Rome, leaving Regulus behind to finish the war.

After a severe defeat at Adys near Carthage, the Carthaginians were inclined towards peace, but the terms proposed by Regulus were so harsh that they resolved to continue the war. The Cathaginians replaced the outmatched general Hamilcar with new leadership and in 255 BC, Regulus was completely defeated at the Battle of Tunis. He was taken prisoner by the Spartan mercenary general Xanthippus along with 500 of his men.

Regulus returning to Carthage by Cornelis Cels, 1791.

There is no further trustworthy information about him. According to tradition, he remained in captivity until 250 BC, when after the defeat of the Carthaginians at the Battle of Panormus he was sent to Rome on parole to negotiate a peace or an exchange of prisoners. On his arrival, he instead strongly urged the Roman Senate to refuse both proposals and continue fighting, and honored his parole by returning to Carthage where he was executed (Horace, Odes, iii. 5).

Roman writers after Horace record the manner of Regulus' death as either involving his being thrown into a dark dungeon and then dragged out and forced to look at the sun once his eyelids had been cut off (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, vii. 4) or his being encased in a chest lined with spikes (Augustine, "De Civitate Dei" 1.15, Aurelius Victor, De Viris Illustribus Romae, 40).[1] Amongst the depictions of the latter version in art is Regulus in the Spiked Cask by Salvatore Rosa, c. 1651.

The traditional story made of Regulus is one of the best known examples of honour and patriotism to later Romans; most historians, however, regard this account as insufficiently attested, as Polybius does not mention it. The tale may have been invented by Roman annalists as propaganda, to incite hatred towards Carthage and justify cruel treatment of the Carthaginian prisoners.

The eighteenth-century poet Pietro Metastasio found enough admiration for the courage and virtue of Atilius Regulus to craft the libretto Attilio Regolo from his life story. The original operatic setting, composed in 1750 by Johann Adolf Hasse, was followed by other versions.


Atilius Regulus, the son of the eponymous consul of 294 BC, descended from an ancient Calabrian family. According to later Roman historians he married one Marcia, who tortured several Carthaginian prisoners to death on hearing of her husband's death. He had at least two sons and one daughter by Livy's account; both sons became consuls - Marcus in 227 BC and Gaius in 225 BC (killed in battle against the Gauls).

A brother or cousin, Gaius Atilius Regulus, served as consul in 257 BC and in 250 BC.


  1. ^ See Smith, William (ed). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography (Boston, 1859) 3.643-44 for a list of ancient sources about Regulus and his death.


Preceded by
Publius Sempronius Sophus and Appius Claudius Russus
Consul of the Roman Republic
with Lucius Julius Libo
267 BC
Succeeded by
Decimus Iunius Pera and Numerius Fabius Pictor
Preceded by
Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus and Quintus Caedicius
Consul (Suffect) of the Roman Republic
with Lucius Manlius Vulso Longus
256 BC
Succeeded by
Marcus Aemilius Paullus and Servius Fulvius Paetinus Nobilior

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