- Systems architecture
A system architecture or systems architecture is the conceptual design that defines the
structure and/orbehavior of asystem. There is no universally agreed definition of which aspects constitute a system architecture, and various organizations define it in different ways, including:# "The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution." From
ANSI /IEEE 1471-2000.
# "The composite of the design architectures for products and their life cycle processes." FromIEEE 1220-1998 as found at [http://www.acq.osd.mil/osjtf/termsdef.html their glossary] .
# "A representation of a system in which there is a mapping of functionality ontohardware andsoftware component s, a mapping of thesoftware architecture onto thehardware architecture , and human interaction with these components." From the [http://www.cmu.edu Carnegie Mellon University] 's [http://www.sei.cmu.edu Software Engineering Institute] as found at [http://www.sei.cmu.edu/opensystems/glossary.html its glossary] .
# "An allocated arrangement of physical elements which provides the design solution for a consumer product or life-cycle process intended to satisfy the requirements of the functional architecture and the requirements baseline." From [http://www.manningaffordability.com/s&tweb/HEResource/Other/Definitions.htm The Human Engineering Home Page's Glossary] .
# "An architecture is the most important, pervasive, top-level, strategic inventions, decisions, and their associated rationales about the overall structure (i.e., essential elements and their relationships) and associated characteristics and behavior." From [http://www.opfro.org/Components/WorkProducts/ArchitectureSet/Architectures/Architectures.html OPEN Process Framework (OPF) Repository] .
# "A description of the design and contents of a computer system. If documented, it may include information such as a detailed inventory of current hardware, software and networking capabilities; a description of long-range plans and priorities for future purchases, and a plan for upgrading and/or replacing dated equipment and software." From [http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/tech/glossary.asp The National Center for Education Statistics glossary] .
# "A formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementation."TOGAF
# "The structure of components, their interrelationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time."TOGAF “An architecture description is a formal description of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structural properties of the system. It defines the [system] components or building blocks...and provides a plan from which products can be procured, and systems developed, that will work together to implement the overall system. It thus enables you to manage...investment in a way that meets [business] needs...” (TOGAF)
Systems architecture can best be thought of as a representation of an existent (or To Be Created) system, and the
process and discipline for effectively implementing thedesign (s) for such a system. The set of relations (that is, embedded information) which an architecture describes may be expressed inhardware ,software , or something else (for example, organizational management describes many architectures whose nodes are people, knowledge management systems use nodes ofmetadescription ).It is a representation because it is used to convey the informational content of the comprising a system, the relationships among those elements, and the governing those relationships.
It is a process because a sequence of steps is prescribed to produce or change the architecture, and/or a design from that architecture, of a system within a
set ofconstraints .It is a discipline because a
body ofknowledge is used to informpractitioner s as to the most effective way to design the system within a set of constraints.A systems architecture is primarily concerned with the internal interfaces among the system's or subsystems, and the interface between the system and its external environment, especially the user. (In the specific case of computer systems, this latter, special interface, is known as the
computer human interface , "AKA" human computer interface, or CHI; formerly called the man-machine interface.)Background
It is important to keep in mind that the modern systems architecture did not appear on the scene out of nowhere. Systems architecture depends heavily on practices and techniques which were developed over thousands of years in many other fields most importantly being, perhaps, civil architecture.
Prior to the advent of digital computers, the electronics and other engineering disciplines used the term system as it is still commonly used today. However, with the arrival of
digital computers on the scene and the development ofsoftware engineer ing as a separate discipline, it was often necessary to distinguish among engineered hardware artifacts, software artifacts, and the combined artifacts. A programmable hardware artifact, or computing machine, that lacks itssoftware program is impotent; even as a software artifact, or program, is equally impotent unless it can be used to alter the sequential states of a suitable (hardware) machine. However, a hardware machine and its software program can be designed to perform an almost illimitable number of abstract and physical tasks. Within the computer and software engineering disciplines (and, often, other engineering disciplines, such as communications), then, the term system came to be defined as containing all of the elements necessary (which generally includes both hardware and software) to perform a useful function.Consequently, within these engineering disciplines, a system generally refers to a programmable hardware machine and its included program. And a systems engineer is defined as one concerned with the complete device, both hardware and software and, more particularly, all of the interfaces of the device, including that between hardware and software, and especially between the complete device and its user (the CHI). The hardware engineer deals (more or less) exclusively with the hardware device; the
software engineer deals (more or less) exclusively with the software program; and thesystems engineer is responsible for seeing that the software program is capable of properly running within the hardware device, and that the system composed of the two entities is capable of properly interacting with its external environment, especially the user, and performing its intended function.By analogy, then, a systems architecture makes use of elements of both software and hardware and is used to enable design of such a composite system. A good architecture may be viewed as a 'partitioning scheme,' or
algorithm , which partitions all of the system's present and foreseeable requirements into aworkable set of cleanlybounded subsystem s with nothing left over. That is, it is a partitioning scheme which isexclusive ,inclusive , andexhaustive . A major purpose of the partitioning is to arrange the elements in the subsystems so that there is a minimum of communications needed among them. In both software and hardware, a good subsystem tends to be seen to be a meaningful "object." Moreover, a good architecture provides for an easy mapping to the user's requirements and the validation tests of the user's requirements. Ideally, a mapping also exists from every least element to every requirement and test.A robust architecture is said to be one that exhibits an optimal degree of
fault-tolerance ,backward compatibility ,forward compatibility ,extensibility ,reliability ,maintainability ,availability , serviceability,usability , and such other quality attributes as necessary and/or desirable.Types of Systems Architectures
According to
Mark Maier andEberhardt Rechtin [The Art of Systems Architecture, 2nd ed 2002] some types of systems architectures are as follows
*Manufacturing Systems
*Social Systems
*Software and Information Technology Systems
*Collaborative Systems (such as the Internet, intelligent transportation systems, and joint air defense systems)See also
Systems architect
*Enterprise architecture
*Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA)
*Software architecture /Software architect
*Hardware architecture /Hardware architect
*Process architecture
*Systems engineering /Systems engineer
*Software engineering /Software engineer
*Requirements analysis
*Systems design
*OBASHI Business and Systems Architecture modeling
*Zachman framework
* ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000 /ISO/IEC 42010
*Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF)
*SysML References
External links
* [http://sysarch.pbwiki.com Principles of system architecture]
* [http://www.incose.org/practice/techactivities/wg/sysarch/ INCOSE Systems Architecture Working Group]
* [http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505616/description#description Journal of Systems Architecture]
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