- Exploration Systems Architecture Study
The Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS) is the official title of a large-scale, system level study conducted by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) during the Summer of 2005 in response to American presidentGeorge W. Bush 's announcement onJanuary 14 ,2004 of his goal of returningastronauts to theMoon and eventuallyMars — known as theVision for Space Exploration (and unofficially as "Moon, Mars and Beyond" in some aerospace circles, though the specifics of a manned "beyond" programme remain vague).cope
Current NASA Administrator Michael Griffin ordered a number of changes in the originally planned
Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) acquisition strategy designed by his predecessorSean O'Keefe . These changes were fully explained in an internal study called the Exploration Systems Architecture Study, [citeweb|title=Crew Exploration Vehicle Procurement|url=http://exploration.nasa.gov/acquisition/cev_procurement3_lite.html|publisher=NASA |accessdate=2008-03-26] whose results were officially presented during apress conference held at NASA Headquarters inWashington, D.C. onSeptember 19 ,2005 .The ESAS includes a number of recommendations for accelerating the development of the CEV and implementing
Project Constellation , including strategies for flying manned CEV flights as early as 2012 (now pushed back to 2014) and methods for servicing theInternational Space Station (ISS) without the use of theSpace Shuttle ,citeweb|title=NASA Studying Unmanned Solution to Complete Space Station as Return to Flight Costs Grow|url=http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=1052|publisher=spaceref.com|accessdate=2008-03-26] using cargo versions of the CEV.Originally slated for release as early as
July 25 ,2005 , after the "Return to Flight" mission of Discovery, the release of the ESAS was delayed untilSeptember 19 , reportedly due to poor reviews of the presentation of the plan and some resistance from theOffice of Management and Budget .huttle based launch system
The initial CEV “procurement strategies” under Sean O’ Keefe would have seen two “phases” of CEV design. Proposals submitted in May 2005 were to be part of the Phase 1 portion of CEV design, which was to be followed by an orbital or suborbital fly-off of technology demonstrator spacecraft called FAST in 2008. Downselect to one contractor for Phase 2 of the program would have occurred later that year. First manned flight of the CEV would not occur until as late as 2014. In the original plan favored by former NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, the CEV would launch on an
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV), namely theBoeing Delta IV Heavy orLockheed Martin Atlas V Heavy EELVs.However, with the change of NASA Administrators, Mike Griffin has done away with this schedule, viewing it as unacceptably slow, and moved directly to Phase 2 in early 2006. He commissioned the 60-day internal study for a re-review of the concepts — now known as the ESAS — which favors launching the CEV on a shuttle-derived launch vehicle. Additionally, Griffin plans to accelerate or otherwise change a number of aspects of the original plan that was released last year. Instead of a CEV fly-off in 2008, NASA will move to Phase 2 of the CEV program in 2006, with CEV flights to commence as early as June 2011.
The ESAS calls for the development of two shuttle-derived launch vehicles to support Project Constellation; [citeweb|title=NASA Plans to Build Two New Shuttle-derived Launch Vehicles|url=http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=1040|publisher=spaceref.com|accessdate=2008-03-26] one derived from the space shuttle’s solid rocket booster (SRB) to launch the CEV, and an in-line heavy-lift vehicle using SRBs and the shuttle’s external tank to launch the Earth Departure Stage and Lunar Surface Access Module. The performance of the Cargo Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicle (SDLV) would be 125 to 130 metric tons to
Low Earth Orbit (LEO). An SDLV would allow a much greater payload per launch than an EELV option.The crews that would be launched in the CEV atop a five-segment derivative of the Shuttle's Solid Rocket Booster and a new liquid-propellant upper stage based on the Shuttle's External Tank. Originally to be powered by a single, throw-away version of the
Space Shuttle Main Engine , it was later changed (as noted on a space.com article dated onJanuary 20 ,2006 ) to a modernized and uprated version of the J-2 rocket engine (known as the J-2X) used on theS-IVB upper stages used on theSaturn IB andSaturn V rockets. This booster would be capable of placing up to 25 tons into low Earth orbit. The booster would use components that have already been man-rated.Cargo would be launched on a heavy-lift version of the Space Shuttle, which would be an "in-line" booster which would mount payloads on top of the booster. The in-line option originally featured five throw-away versions of the SSMEs on the core stage, but was changed later to five RS-68 rocket engines (currently in use on the Delta IV rocket), which despite its higher thrust and lower costs, required a slight increase in the overall diameter of the core. Two enlarged five-segment SRBs would help the RS-68 engines propel the rocket's second stage, known as the
Earth Departure Stage (EDS), and payload into LEO. It could lift about 125 tons to LEO, and is estimated to cost $540 million per launch.Therefore, the infrastructure at Kennedy Space Center, including the
Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and Shuttle launch pads LC-39A and 39B would be maintained and adapted to the needs of the future giant launch vehicle, with an option of constructing two new pads (LC-39C & LC-39D) or resurrecting the former LC-34 or LC-37A pads at the nearbyCape Canaveral Air Force Station used by the Saturn IB for the early Apollo earth orbital missions.CEV configuration
The ESAS recommends strategies for flying the manned CEV by 2014, and endorses a
Lunar Orbit Rendezvous approach to the Moon. The LEO versions of the CEV would carry crews four to six to the ISS. The lunar version of the CEV would carry a crew of four and the Mars CEV would carry six. Cargo could also be carried aboard an unmanned version CEV, similar to the RussianProgress cargo ships. The contractor for the CEV will beLockheed Martin , which was selected by NASA in September, 2006 and is the current contractor for the Space Shuttle's External Tank and the Atlas V EELV.The CEV re-entry module would weigh about 12 tons — almost twice the mass of the Apollo Command Module — and, like Apollo, would be attached to a service module for life support and propulsion. The CEV will be an Apollo-like capsule, with a Viking-type
heat shield , not alifting body orwing ed vehicle like the current Shuttle. It would land on land rather than water, similar to theRussia nSoyuz spacecraft . However, it would be capable of a water recovery if an emergency splashdown were needed. Possible landing areas that have been identified includeEdwards Air Force Base , California,Carson Flats, Nevada , and the area aroundMoses Lake, Washington state. Landing on the west coast would allow the majority of the reentry path to be flown over thePacific Ocean rather than populated areas. The CEV would have an ablative (Apollo-like) heat shield that would be discarded after each use, and the CEV itself could be reused about 10 times.Accelerated lunar mission development is slated to start by 2010, once the Shuttle is retired. The Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM) and heavy-lift boosters would be developed in parallel and would both be ready for flight by 2018. The eventual goal is to achieve a lunar landing by 2020. The LSAM would be much larger than the
Apollo Lunar Module and would be capable of carrying up to 23 tons of cargo to the lunar surface to support a lunar outpost. This weight in cargo is greater than the mass of the entire Apollo Lunar Module (LM).Like the Apollo LM, the LSAM would include a descent stage for landing and an ascent stage for returning to orbit. The crew of four would ride in the ascent stage. The ascent stage would be powered by a
methane /oxygen fuel for return to lunar orbit (later changed to liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, due to the infancy of oxygen/methane rocket propulsion). This would allow a derivative of the same lander to be used on later Mars missions, where methane propellant can be manufactured from the Martian soil in a process known asIn-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU). The LSAM would support the crew of four on the lunar surface for about a week and use advanced roving vehicles to explore the lunar surface. The huge amount of cargo carried by the LSAM would be extremely beneficial for supporting a lunar base and for bringing large amounts of scientific equipment to the lunar surface.Lunar mission profile
The lunar mission profile will be a combination of
earth orbit rendezvous andlunar orbit rendezvous (LOR) approach. First, the LSAM and the EDS will be launched atop the heavy-lift, Shuttle-derived vehicle. The EDS would be a derivative of theS-IVB upper stage used on theSaturn V rocket and will use a single J-2X engine similar to that used on the SRB-derived booster (originally two J-2X engines were to be used, but the RS-68 engines for the core stage will allow NASA to only use one). The crew will then be launched in the CEV on the SRB-derived booster, and the CEV and LSAM will dock in Earth orbit. The EDS will then send the complex to the Moon. The LSAM will brake the complex into lunar orbit (similar to theBlock D rocket on the failedSoviet moonshot attempt in the 1960s and 1970's), where four astronauts will board the LSAM for descent to the lunar surface for a week of exploration. Part of the LSAM could be left behind with cargo to begin establishment of a long-term outpost.The article says that both the LSAM and the lunar CEV would carry a crew of four. Griffin has subsequently stated that the entire crew would descend to the lunar surface, leaving the CEV unoccupied. [citeweb|title=Remarks for AIAA Space 2005 Conference & Exhibition|url=http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/126521main_MDG_AIAA_Space_2005.pdf|publisher=
NASA |accessdate=2008-03-26] After the time on the lunar surface has been spent, the crew would return to lunar orbit in the ascent stage of the LSAM. The LSAM would dock with the CEV. The crew would return to the CEV and jettison the LSAM, and then the CEV's engine would put the crew on a course for Earth. Then, much like Apollo, the service module would be jettisoned and the CEV would descend for a landing via a system of three parachutes. Two parachutes are enough for landing (although in the western United States rather than the Ocean). The article says that the ESAS contains a recommendation for at least two missions to the moon each year, starting no later than 2018.Ultimately a base would be built, possibly near the Moon's south pole. But this decision has not yet been taken and might depend on potential international and commercial participation to the exploration project.
Extension to Mars
The use of scalable CEVs and a lander with methane-fueled engines means that meaningful hardware testing for Mars missions could be done on the Moon. The eventual Mars missions would start to be planned in detail around 2020 and would include the use of Lunar ISRU and also be "conjunction-class", meaning that rather than doing a
Venus flyby and spending 20–40 days on the Martian surface, the crew would go directly to Mars and back and spend about 500–600 days exploring Mars.Costs
The ESAS estimates the cost of the manned lunar program through 2025 to be $217 billion, only $7 billion more than NASA's current projected exploration budget through that time. This estimate may be high because it includes the cost of developing a new engine for the EDS, whereas the current plan is to use a J-2 derivative.
Therefore, the plan is achievable using currently planned funding without significant cuts to NASA's other programs. If the Shuttle is retired early, the funding would be available sooner, making the start of lunar mission development even earlier and saving the additional $7 billion needed by the plan. Supporters of Constellation see this as an additional reason to retire the Shuttle as soon as possible, aside from the safety concerns; the only thing stopping advanced lunar development from starting right nowFact|date=February 2007 is the cost of flying the Shuttle.
Beginning April 2006 there were some criticisms on the feasibility of the original ESAS study. These mostly revolved around the use of methane-oxygen fuel. NASA originally sought this combination because it could be "mined" in situ from lunar or martian soil – something that could be potentially useful on missions to these celestial bodies. However, the technology is relatively new and untested. It would add significant time to the project and significant weight to the system. In July, 2006, NASA responded to these criticisms by changing the plan to traditional rocket fuels (liquid hydrogen and oxygen for the LSAM and
hypergolic s for the CEV). This has reduced the weight and shortened the project's timeframe. [citeweb|title=NASA makes major design changes to CEV|url=http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content/?cid=4659|publisher=nasaspaceflight.com|accessdate=2008-03-26]ee also
Crew Exploration Vehicle
*Crew Space Transportation System
*Liquid Rocket Booster
*Reusable launch system
*Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster
*Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicle References
External links
* [http://www.nasa.gov/missions/solarsystem/explore_main.html NASA: The Vision for Space Exploration]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/constellation Official Constellation NASA Web Site]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/orion Official Orion NASA Web Site]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/ares Official Ares NASA Web Site]
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/space/toc.html White House: A Renewed Spirit of Discovery]
* [http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/index.htm President's Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy]
* [http://exploration.nasa.gov/ NASA: Exploration Systems]
* [http://www.spacedaily.com/news/oped-apollo-2.doc "Apollo 2.0: Moon Program on Drugs"]
* [http://www.nss.org/ National Space Society]
* [http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0509/19exploration/ NASA formally unveils lunar exploration architecture]
* [http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=1066 NASA Revives Apollo - While Starving Space Life Science]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/missions/solarsystem/cev_hi_res.html Full Resolution Photos of NASA's New Spaceship]
* [http://images.spaceref.com/news/2005/lunarrollout/133820main_ESAS_Facts.pdf ESAS Fact sheet]
* [http://images.spaceref.com/news/2005/lunarrollout/133654main_ESAS_charts.pdf ESAS Presentation]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/exploration/news/ESAS_report.html Full ESAS report]
* [http://images.spaceref.com/news/2005/lunarrollout/CEVedit2.mov Quicktime animation]
* [http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Vision_For_Space_Exploration_Facing_Critical_Juncture.html Spacedaily on ESAS]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.