IEEE 1471

IEEE 1471

IEEE 1471 is the short name for a standard formally known as ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000, "Recommended Practice for Architecture Description of Software-Intensive Systems." Within IEEE parlance, this is a "Recommended Practice", the least normative of the kinds of IEEE standards. This standard was published in 2007 by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 as [ ISO/IEC 42010:2007, "Systems and Software Engineering -- Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems]

General description

IEEE 1471 is the first formal standard for software architecture or system architecture. It focuses on the description of an architecture as the concrete artifact representing the abstraction that is software architecture or system architecture.

IEEE 1471's contributions lie in the following (in this list, items in "italics" are terms defined by and used in the standard):
* It provides "definitions" and a meta-model for the description of "architecture"
* It states that an "architecture" exists to respond to specific "stakeholder" "concerns" about the software/system being described
* It asserts that "architecture description"s are inherently multi-view, no single "view" captures all stakeholder concerns about an architecture
* It separates the notion of "view" from "viewpoint," where a "viewpoint" identifies the set of "concerns" and the "representations"/"modeling techniques", etc used to describe the "architecture" to address those "concerns".
* It establishes that a "conforming architecture description" has a 1-to-1 correspondence between its "viewpoints" and its "views".
* It provides for capturing "rationale" and inconsistencies/unresolved issues between the "views" within a single "architecture description"

The current standard provides informative annexes that relate the concepts in IEEE 1471 to architecture concepts in some other standards, including RM-ODP.



# Overview
# References
# Definitions
# Conceptual Framework
# Architectural Description Practices


# Bibliography
# Notes on Terminology
# Examples of Viewpoints
# Relationships to Other Standards

All of formal normative requirements on conforming architecture descriptions are in Clause 5 of the standard.

Bibliographic information

IEEE, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Architecture Description of Software-Intensive Systems", IEEE Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems", E-ISBN 0-7381-2519-9, ISBN 0-7381-2518-0, [ IEEE ordering information]

Update to the standard

A coordinated revision of this standard by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG42 and IEEE CS commenced in 2006, following the successful ISO/IEC fast-track ballot and in line with the IEEE standard 5-year review of the standard.

See also

* ISO/IEC 42010

External links

* [ IEEE 1471 website]

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