
Gartner, Inc.
Type Public
Traded as NYSE: IT
Industry Research
Founded 1979
Headquarters Stamford, Connecticut
United States
Key people Gene Hall (CEO)
Christopher J. Lafond (CFO)
Darko Hrelic (CIO)
Products Research
Revenue $1.288 billion (2010)
Net income $96 million (2010)
Employees 4,300 (2010)
Gartner headquarters in Stamford

Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is an information technology research and advisory firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. It was known as GartnerGroup until 2001.[1]

Gartner is an information technology research and advisory company providing technology related insight. Research provided by Gartner is targeted at CIOs and senior IT leaders in industries that include government agencies, high-tech and telecom enterprises, professional services firms, and technology investors. Gartner clients include large corporations, government agencies, technology companies and the investment community. The company consists of Research, Executive Programs, Consulting and Events. Founded in 1979, Gartner has over 4,300 employees,[2] including 1,200 in R&D.[3]

Gartner uses hype cycles and Magic Quadrants for visualization of its market analysis results.



The company was founded in 1979 by Gideon Gartner. Originally a private company, the Gartner Group was launched publicly in the 1980s, then acquired by Saatchi & Saatchi, a London-based advertising agency, and then acquired in 1990 by some of its executives, with funding from Bain Capital and Dun & Bradstreet. In 2001 the name was simplified to Gartner.

In the course of its growth, Gartner has acquired numerous companies providing related services, including Real Decisions (which became Gartner Measurement, now part of Gartner's consulting division), and Gartner Dataquest (Gartner's market research firm). It has also acquired a number of direct competitors, including NewScience in the late 1990s, Meta Group in 2005 and AMR Research and Burton Group in early 2010.

The CEO is Gene Hall (since August 2004). Business performance under Hall's management has continued to grow since taking over from his predecessor Michael Fleisher (Michael D. Fleisher) who moved on to Warner Music Group in 2005.[4]

Press coverage

Gartner research has been mentioned by many news institutions, including Financial Times,[5] The Wall Street Journal,[6] and The New York Times.[7] In December, 2010 Gartner Identified Top 30 Countries for Offshore Services in 2010-2011.

See also


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Gartner — puede significar Gartner S.A. Autores de nombres botánicos G.Gärtner Georg Gärtner 1946 Gartner Hans Gartner fl. 1939 S.Gartner Stefan, Jr. Gartner 1937 Gartner(empresa) Empresa consultora especializada en Tecnología Informática Esta …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gartner KG — Rechtsform KG Sitz Lambach Mitarbeiter ca. 1.800 (2006) Umsatz 420 Mio. Euro (2006) Branche Logistik …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gärtner [4] — Gärtner, 1) Karl Christian, Schriftsteller, geb. 24. Nov. 1712 zu Freiberg im Erzgebirge, gest. 17. Febr. 1791, besuchte mit Gellert und Rabener die Fürstenschule zu Meißen und bezog dann die Universität Leipzig, wo er, erst ein Anhänger… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Gärtner [1] — Gärtner, 1) Einer, welcher die Anlegung u. den Anbau eines Gartens versteht u. betreibt. Die G. theilen sich in Gemüse od. Krautgärtner, welche die gewöhnlichen Gemüsearten erbauen; Kunstgärtner, welche die Erzeugung der feineren Gemüsearten u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Gärtner [2] — Gärtner, 1) Karl Wilh. G. von Rohrsdorf, geb. 1700 in Dresden; wurde 1727 Professor der Rechte in Leipzig, 1733 Appellationsrath in Dresden, ging 1749 nach Wien u. st. das. 1760 als kaiserlicher Reichshofrath; er schr.: Institutiones juris… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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