

name = Poppy mallow

image_caption = Prairie Poppy Mallow "Callirhoe involucrata"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Malvales
familia = Malvaceae
genus = "Callirhoe"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Callirhoe alcaeoides" "Callirhoe bushii" "Callirhoe digitata" "Callirhoe involucrata" "Callirhoe leiocarpa" "Callirhoe papaver" "Callirhoe pedata" "Callirhoe scabriuscula" "Callirhoe triangulata"|

"Callirhoe", the poppy mallows, is a genus of nine species in the mallow family (Malvaceae), native to the prairies and grasslands of North America. Of the nine species, some are annual and some perennial plants.

Poppy mallow leaves are alternate and palmately lobed. The flowers are cup-shaped and brightly colored.

The plants prefer a hot and dry situation, and a well-drained sandy soil.

The Prairie Poppy Mallow "Callirhoe involucrata" is a low-growing perennial with a large taproot and hairy stems. Flower petals range from cerise to reddish violet with a white base. It grows to 30 cm high and spreads 60–70 cm wide. It is widely recommended to gardeners in the Western United States as a plant that is showy without being water-hungry.


* "Callirhoe alcaeoides" ((Michx.) A.Gray), pale poppy mallow.
* "Callirhoe involucrata" ((Torr. & A.Gray) A.Gray), purple poppy mallow.
* "Callirhoe triangulata" ((Leavenw.) A.Gray), clustered poppy mallow.

External links

* [ HortiPlex info for Callirhoe]

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