

"Callirhoé" is an opera by the French composer André Cardinal Destouches . It takes the form of a "tragédie en musique" in a prologue and five acts. The libretto, by Pierre-Charles Roy , is based on a story from "The Description of Greece" by Pausanias. The opera was first performed at the Académie royale de musique, Paris on December 27 1712. Destouches reworked the score for a revival on 22 October, 1743. This version ends abruptly with the death of Corésus.



Following the revised version of 1743.

Act One

Princess Callirhoé, heiress to the kingdom of Calydon, laments her fate. Her parents are forcing her to marry a man she loathes, Corésus, the high priest of Bacchus, when she is really in love with Agénor. The wedding ceremony of Corésus and Callirhoé is interrupted when the latter faints at the altar.

Act Two

Agénor declares his love for Callirhoé but the couple are surprised by the furious Corésus. Corésus calls on the priests of Bacchus and the people of Calydon to kill Agénor.

Act Three

Eager to put an end to the disturbances, Callirhoé's mother takes her daughter to consult the oracle of Pan. The god delivers his sentence: the blood of Callirhoé must be spilt or that of someone in love with her.

Act Four

Callirhoé is resigned to sacrifice herself for the good of the kingdom. But the people protest against the oracle and Agénor declares he is ready to die himself to save his beloved.

Act Five

Alone in the temple, Corésus ponders what action to take. If Agénor is sacrificed, then he will win Callirhoé but she will hate him for evermore. As Agénor and Callirhoé enter the temple, both eager to sacrifice themselves to save the other, Corésus stabs himself to death. The oracle is fulfilled: the blood of a man in love with Callirhoé has been spilt.


*"Callirhoé" (1743 version, without prologue) Stéphanie d'Oustrac, Cyril Auvity, João Fernandes, Le Concert Spirituel, conducted by Hervé Niquet (Glossa, 2007)


*"The Viking Opera Guide" ed. Holden (Viking, 1993)
* [ Le magazine de l'opéra baroque by Jean-Claude Brenac]
* [ Amadeus Online]
*Booklet notes to the above recording.

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