Cassin's Sparrow

Cassin's Sparrow

name = Cassin's Sparrow
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Emberizidae
genus = "Aimophila"
species = "A. cassinii"
binomial = "Aimophila cassinii"
binomial_authority = (Woodhouse, 1852)
The Cassin's Sparrow ( _es. Zacatonero de Cassin), "Aimophila cassinii", is a medium-sized sparrow.

This passerine bird's range is primarily along the United States/Mexico border, with a breeding range that extends through the Great Plains states up to the southwestern corner of Nebraska, and a winter range that extends well into Mexico.

The name of this bird commemorates the American ornithologist John Cassin.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

Further reading


* Dunning, J. B., Jr., R. K. Bowers, Jr., S. J. Suter, and C. E. Bock. 1999. "Cassin’s Sparrow (Aimophila cassinii)". In "The Birds of North America", No. 471 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.


* Gordon CE. Ph.D. (1999). "Community ecology and management of wintering grassland sparrows in Arizona". The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona.

* Groschupf KD. Ph.D. (1983). "COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE VOCALIZATIONS AND SINGING BEHAVIOR OF FOUR AIMOPHILA SPARROWS". Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States -- Virginia.

* Kirkpatrick CK. M.S. (1999). "Trends in grassland bird abundance following prescribed burning in southern Arizona". The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona.


* Berthelsen PS & Smith LM. (1995). "NONGAME BIRD NESTING ON CRP LANDS IN THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH-PLAINS". Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. vol 50, no 6. p. 672-675.

* Bock CE & Bock JH. (1992). "Response of Birds to Wildfire in Native Versus Exotic Arizona Grassland". Southwestern Naturalist. vol 37, no 1. p. 73-81.

* Bock CE & Bock JH. (2002). "Numerical response of grassland birds to cattle ranching versus exurban development in southeastern Arizona". Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts. vol 87, no 79.

* Bock CE & Sharf WC. (1995). "A nesting population of Cassin's Sparrows in the sandhills of Nebraska". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 65, no 4. p. 472-475.

* Bock CE & Webb B. (1984). "Birds as Grazing Indicator Species in Southeastern Arizona USA". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 48, no 3. p. 1045-1049.

* Borror DJ. (1971). "Songs of Aimophila Sparrows Occurring in the USA". Wilson Bulletin. vol 83, no 2. p. 132-151.

* Deviche P, McGraw K & Greiner EC. (2005). "Interspecific differences in hematozoan infection in sonoran desert Aimophila sparrows". Journal of Wildlife Diseases. vol 41, no 3. p. 532-541.

* Dorn RD & Dorn JL. (1995). "Cassin's sparrow nesting in Wyoming". Western Birds. vol 26, no 2. p. 104-106.

* Flanders AA, Kuvlesky WP, Jr., Ruthven DC, III, Zaiglin RE, Bingham RL, Fulbright TE, Hernandez F & Brennan LA. (2006). "Effects of invasive exotic grasses on South Texas rangeland breeding birds". Auk. vol 123, no 1. p. 171-182.

* Gardner KT & Thompson DC. (1998). "Influence of avian predation on a grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) assemblage that feeds on threadleaf snakeweed". Environmental Entomology. vol 27, no 1. p. 110-116.

* Gordon CE. (2000). "Movement patterns of wintering grassland sparrows in Arizona". Auk. vol 117, no 3. p. 748-759.

* Grant DS. (1974). "Cassins Sparrow Nesting in Nebraska". Nebraska Bird Review. vol 42, no 3. p. 56-57.

* Hubbard JP. (1977). "The Status of Cassins Sparrow in New-Mexico and Adjacent States". American Birds. vol 31, no 5. p. 933-941.

* Kingery HE & Julian PR. (1971). "Cassins Sparrow Parasitized by Cowbird". Wilson Bulletin. vol 83, no 4.

* Kirkpatrick C, DeStefano S, Mannan RW & Lloyd J. (2002). "Trends in abundance of grassland birds following a spring prescribed burn in southern Arizona". Southwestern Naturalist. vol 47, no 2. p. 282-292.

* Long RC. (1968). "1st Occurrence of the Cassins Sparrow in Canada". Ontario Field Biologist. vol 22, no 34.

* Maurer BA, Webb EA & Bowers RK. (1989). "Nest Characteristics and Nestling Development of Cassin's and Botteri's Sparrows in Southeastern Arizona USA". Condor. vol 91, no 3. p. 736-738.

* Peterson AT. (2003). "Subtle recent distributional shifts in Great Plains bird species". Southwestern Naturalist. vol 48, no 2. p. 289-292.

* Ports MA. (1981). "Miscellaneous Summer Records of Birds from Southwestern Kansas USA". Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. vol 84, no 2. p. 109-114.

* Savage H & Dick JA. (1969). "Fowl Pox in Cassins Sparrow Aimophila-Cassinii". Condor. vol 71, no 1. p. 71-72.

* Schnase JL, Grant WE, Maxwell TC & Leggett JJ. (1991). "Time and Energy Budgets of Cassin's Sparrow Aimophila-Cassinii During the Breeding Season Evaluation through Modelling". Ecological Modelling. vol 55, no 3-4. p. 285-320.

* Schnase JL & Maxwell TC. (1989). "Use of Song Patterns to Identify Individual Male Cassin's Sparrows". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 60, no 1. p. 12-19.

* Willoughby EJ. (1986). "An Unusual Sequence of Molts and Plumages in Cassin's Sparrow Aimophila-Cassinii and Bachman's Sparrows Aimophila-Aestivalis". Condor. vol 88, no 4. p. 461-472.

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