Sage Sparrow

Sage Sparrow

name = Sage Sparrow
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Emberizidae
genus = "Amphispiza"
species = "A. belli"
binomial = "Amphispiza belli"
binomial_authority = (Cassin, 1850)

The Sage Sparrow ("Amphispiza belli") is a medium-sized sparrow.

This passerine bird is primarily found in the interior of the Western United States (between the Rocky Mountains and the coastal ranges such as the Cascades), ranging a bit down into Mexico, with a Pacific coastal subspecies known as Bell's Sparrow.

Sage Sparrows are indeed often tied to sagebrush habitats, although they can also be found in brushy stands of saltbush, chamnise, and other low shrubs of the arid Interior West. Although their numbers are generally strong at this time, significant declines in sagebrush habitat in the West could be expected to impact Sage Sparrow populations in the near future.

The species' epithet ("belli") refers to John Graham Bell. ["Dictionary of Birds of the United States: Scientific and Common Names," Joel Ellis Holloway. Timber Press, 2003. Page 25.]


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

External links

* [ Sage Sparrow Species Account] - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
* [ Sage Sparrow Information] - South Dakota Birds and Birding
* [ Sage Sparrow "Amphispiza belli"] - USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter
* [ Sage Sparrow photo gallery] VIREO
* [ Sage Sparrow videos] on the Internet Bird Collection

Further reading


* Martin, J. W., and B. A. Carlson. 1998. "Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli)". In "The Birds of North America", No. 326 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.


* Johnson E. M.S. (2005). "Bird and small mammal communities of sagebrush-dominated mountain meadows: An examination of meadow characteristics as part of a hierarchical, multi-level study of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest". Utah State University, United States -- Utah.

* Moldenhauer RR. Ph.D. (1969). "THE WATER ECONOMY OF THE SAGE SPARROW, AMPHISPIZA BELLI NEVADENSIS (RIDGWAY)". Oregon State University, United States -- Oregon.


* Repasky RR. Ph.D. (1992). "Habitat partitioning by sparrows along an elevational gradient". The University of British Columbia (Canada), Canada.



* Akcakaya HR, Franklin J, Syphard AD & Stephenson JR. (2005). "Viability of Bell's Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli ssp belli): Altered fire regimes". Ecological Applications. vol 15, no 2. p. 521-531.

* Best LB & Petersen KL. (1985). "Seasonal Changes in Detectability of Sage Amphispiza-Belli and Brewer's Sparrows Spizella-Breweri". Condor. vol 87, no 4. p. 556-558.

* Best LB & Pettersen KL. (1982). "Effects of Stage of the Breeding Cycle on Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli Detectability". Auk. vol 99, no 4. p. 788-791.

* Cicero C & Johnson NK. (2006). "Diagnosability of subspecies: Lessons from sage sparrows (Amphispiza belli) for analysis of geographic variation in birds". Auk. vol 123, no 1. p. 266-274.

* Gustafson GR. (1976). "A Sage Sparrow Egg in a Black-Throated Sparrow Nest". Auk. vol 92, no 4. p. 805-806.

* Gustafson JR. (1975). "SAGE SPARROW EGG IN A BLACK-THROATED SPARROW NEST". Auk. vol 92, no 4. p. 805-806.

* Johnson NK & Marten JA. (1992). "Macrogeographic Patterns of Morphometric and Genetic Variation in the Sage Sparrow Complex". Condor. vol 94, no 1. p. 1-19.

* Meents JK, Anderson BW & Ohmart RD. (1982). "Vegetation Relationships and Food of Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli Wintering in Honey Mesquite Prosopis-Glandulosa Habitat". Wilson Bulletin. vol 94, no 2. p. 129-138.

* Moldenhauer RR. (1970). "The Effects of Temperature on the Metabolic Rate and Evaporative Water Loss of the Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli-Nevadensis". Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology. vol 36, no 3. p. 579-587.

* Moldenhauer RR & Wiens JA. (1970). "The Water Economy of the Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli-Nevadensis". Condor. vol 72, no 3. p. 265-275.

* Patten MA & Unitt P. (2002). "Diagnosability versus mean differences of sage sparrow subspecies". Auk. vol 119, no 1. p. 26-35.

* Petersen KL & Best LB. (1985). "Nest-Site Selection by Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli". Condor. vol 87, no 2. p. 217-221.

* Petersen KL & Best LB. (1986). "Diets of Nestling Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli and Brewer's Sparrows Spizella-Breweri in an Idaho USA Sagebrush Community". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 57, no 4. p. 283-294.

* Petersen KL & Best LB. (1987). "Territory Dynamics in a Sage Sparrow Population Are Shifts in Site Use Adaptive". Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. vol 21, no 6. p. 351-358.

* Reynolds TD. (1981). "Nesting of the Sage Thrasher Oreoscoptes-Montanus Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli and Brewers Sparrow Spizella-Breweri in Southeastern Idaho USA". Condor. vol 83, no 1. p. 61-64.

* Rich T. (1980). "Nest Placement in Sage Thrashers Oreoscoptes-Montanus Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli and Brewers Sparrows Spizella-Breweri". Wilson Bulletin. vol 92, no 3. p. 362-368.

* Rich T. (1980). "Territorial Behavior of the Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli Spatial and Random Aspects". Wilson Bulletin. vol 94, no 4. p. 425-438.

* Rich T. (1981). "Micro Geographic Variation in the Song of the Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli". Condor. vol 83, no 2. p. 113-119.

* Rich T. (1983). "Incomplete Songs and Associated Behavior of Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli". Wilson Bulletin. vol 95, no 2. p. 281-282.

* Rich T. (1983). "Walking in Line Behavior in Sage Sparrow Territorial Encounters". Condor. vol 85, no 4. p. 496-497.

* Rich T. (1985). "Directionality of Displaying Territorial Sage Sparrows Amphispiza-Belli Optimal Paths". Animal Behaviour. vol 33, no 4. p. 1390-1392.

* Rich T. (1985). "The Organization and Structure of Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli Song Locatability Distance Transmission and Contrast". Murrelet. vol 66, no 1. p. 1-10.

* Wiens JA. (1982). "Song Pattern Variation in the Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli Dialects or Epiphenomena?". Auk. vol 99, no 2. p. 208-229.

* Winter BM & Best LB. (1985). "Effect of Prescribed Burning on Placement of Sage Sparrow Amphispiza-Belli Nests". Condor. vol 87, no 2. p. 294-295.

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