Bachman's Sparrow

Bachman's Sparrow

name = Bachman's Sparrow
status = NT | status_system = IUCN3.1

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Emberizidae
genus = "Aimophila"
species = "A. aestivalis"
binomial = "Aimophila aestivalis"
binomial_authority = (Lichtenstein, 1823)

Bachman's Sparrow, "Aimophila aestivalis", is a small sparrow.

Adults have rufous brown upperparts and crown with grey and black streaking on the nape, back and primaries. The face is gray with a rufous brown eyestripe. It has buff colored breast and whitish belly.

Their breeding habitat is open pine forests of the southestern United States. The domed nest is usually built on the ground near a clump of grass or a bush. Females lay 3-5 eggs.

Bachman's Sparrow is primarily a non-migratory resident, but it may retreat from some of the most northerly territories. The species is mainly a seedeater, but it will also take some insects.

This bird is considered near threatened, with habitat loss one of the major factors often cited in its decline. Habitat degradation due to later stages of forest succession has also been attributed to the decline of this species. Prescribed forest burns may assist in recovery.

The song begins as a clear whistle, followed by a short trill. This species was named in honor of Reverend John Bachman.


* Database entry includes a range map and justification for why this species is near threatened.
* [ National Audubon Watch List species account]

External links

* [ Bachman's Sparrow videos] on the Internet Bird Collection
* [ Stamps] (for United States)
* [ Bachman's Sparrow photo gallery] VIREO

Further reading


* Dunning, J. B. (2006). "Bachman’s Sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis). The Birds of North America Online" (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Retrieved from The Birds of North American Online database


* Allen RJ. M.S. (2004). "Bachman's sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis) habitat in the western extent of its range". Stephen F. Austin State University, United States -- Texas.

* Brooks RA. M.S. (1987). "Avifaunal populations of regenerating clearcut areas in eastern Texas, with emphasis on the Bachman's Sparrow and Prairie Warbler". Stephen F. Austin State University, United States -- Texas.

* Haggerty TM. Ph.D. (1986). "REPRODUCTIVE ECOLOGY OF BACHMAN'S SPARROW (AIMOPHILA AESTIVALIS) IN CENTRAL ARKANSAS". University of Arkansas, United States -- Arkansas.

* Laterza KJ. M.S.F. (1999). "Effects of prescribed burning frequency on avian communities in a longleaf pine ecosystem". Stephen F. Austin State University, United States -- Texas.

* Liu J. Ph.D. (1992). "ECOLECON: A spatially explicit model for ecological economics of species conservation in complex forest landscapes". University of Georgia, United States -- Georgia.

* Lucas KE. M.S. (1994). "Modelling avian responses to red-cockaded woodpecker habitat management in loblolly pine forests of east-central Mississippi". Mississippi State University, United States -- Mississippi.

* Tucker JW, Jr. Ph.D. (2002). "Influence of season and frequency of fire on Bachman's and Henslow's sparrows in longleaf pine forests of the Gulf Coastal Plain". Auburn University, United States -- Alabama.



* Allen JC, Krieger SM, Walters JR & Collazo JA. (2006). "Associations of breeding birds with fire-influenced and riparian-upland gradients in a longleaf pine ecosystem". Auk. vol 123, no 4. p. 1110-1128.

* Brauning DW, Brittingham MC, Gross DA, Leberman RC, Master TL & Mulvihill RS. (1994). "Pennsylvania breeding birds of special concern: A listing rational and status update". Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. vol 68, no 1. p. 3-28.

* Clayton L. (1969). "Bachmans Sparrow in Lawrence County". Migrant. vol 40, no 4. p. 86-87.

* Conner LM. (2002). "A technique to locate isolated populations using satellite imagery". Wildlife Society Bulletin. vol 30, no 4. p. 1044-1049.

* Conner RN & Dickson JG. (1997). "Relationships between bird communities and forest age, structure, species composition and fragmentation in the West Gulf Coastal Plain". Texas Journal of Science. vol 49, no 3 SUPPL. p. 123-138.

* Cox JA & Jones SR. (2004). "Use of recorded vocalizations in winter surveys of Bachman's Sparrows". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 75, no 4. p. 359-363.

* Danielson BJ, Dunning JBJ & Watts BD. (1990). "Landscape Patterns of Population Densities in the Bachman's Sparrow Source-Sink Relationships in a Habitat Mosaic". Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. vol 71, no 2 SUPPL. p. 132-133.

* Dean TF & Vickery PD. (2003). "Bachman's sparrows use burrows and palmetto clumps as escape refugia from predators". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 74, no 1. p. 26-30.

* Dorsey GA. (1976). "Bachmans Sparrow Songs and Behavior". Oriole. vol 41, no 4. p. 52-56.

* Dunning JB, Jr., Borgella R, Jr., Clements K & Meffe GK. (1995). "Patch isolation, corridor effects, and colonization by a resident sparrow in a managed pine woodland". Conservation Biology. vol 9, no 3. p. 542-550.

* Dunning JBJ & Watts BD. (1990). "Regional Differences in Habitat Occupancy by Bachman's Sparrow". Auk. vol 107, no 3. p. 463-472.

* Dunning JBJ & Watts BD. (1991). "Habitat Occupancy by Bachman's Sparrow in the Francis Marion National Forest South Carolina USA before and after Hurricane Hugo". Auk. vol 108, no 3. p. 723-725.

* Engstrom RT, Vickery PD, Perkins DW & Shriver WG. (2005). "Effects of fire regime on birds in southeastern pine savannas and native prairies". Studies in Avian Biology. vol 30, p. 147-160.

* Fingerhood ED. (1992). "Bachman's sparrow Aimophila aestivalis". Brauning, D. vol W, p. Atlas of breeding birds in Pennsylvania.

* Haggerty TM. (1988). "Aspects of the Breeding Biology and Productivity of Bachman's Sparrow in Central Arkansas USA". Wilson Bulletin. vol 100, no 2. p. 247-255.

* Haggerty TM. (1992). "Effects of Nestling Age and Brood Size on Nestling Care in the Bachman's Sparrow Aimophila-Aestivalis". American Midland Naturalist. vol 128, no 1. p. 115-125.

* Haggerty TM. (1994). "Nestling growth and development in Bachman's Sparrows". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 65, no 2. p. 224-231.

* Haggerty TM. (1995). "Nest-site selection, nest design and nest-entrance orientation in Bachman's Sparrow". Southwestern Naturalist. vol 40, no 1. p. 62-67.

* Haggerty TM. (1998). "Vegetation structure of Bachman's sparrow breeding habitat and its relationship to home range". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 69, no 1. p. 45-50.

* Hardin KI, Baskett TS & Evans KE. (1982). "Habitat of Bachmans Sparrows Aimophila-Aestivalis Breeding on Missouri USA Glades". Wilson Bulletin. vol 94, no 2. p. 208-212.

* Hipes DL & Jackson DR. (1996). "Rare vertebrate fauna of Camp Blanding Training Site, a potential landscape linkage in northeastern Florida". Florida Scientist. vol 59, no 2. p. 96-114.

* Krementz DG & Christie JS. (1999). "Scrub-successional bird community dynamics in young and mature longleaf pine-wiregrass Savannahs". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 63, no 3. p. 803-814.

* Liu J. (1993). "Discounting initial population sizes for prediction of extinction probabilities in patchy environments". Ecological Modelling. vol 70, no 1-2. p. 51-61.

* Liu J, Duning JB, Jr. & Pulliam HR. (1995). "Potential effects of a forest management plan on Bachman's sparrows (Aimophila aestivalis): Linking a spatially explicit model with GIS". Conservation Biology. vol 9, no 1. p. 62-75.


* Murray RL, Stanton TP & Emrick VR. (2004). "Bachman's Sparrows mimic the vocalizations of the Common Yellowthroat and the Indigo Bunting". Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 75, no 1. p. 51-52.

* Perkins DW & Vickery PD. (2005). "Effects of altered hydrology on the breeding ecology of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow and Bachman's Sparrow". Florida Field Naturalist. vol 33, no 2. p. 29-40.

* Perkins DW, Vickery PD & Shriver WG. (2003). "Spatial dynamics of source-sink habitats: Effects on rare grassland birds". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 67, no 3. p. 588-599.

* Plentovich S, Tucker JW, Jr., Holler NR & Hill GE. (1998). "Enhancing Bachman's sparrow habitat via management of red-cockaded woodpeckers". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 62, no 1. p. 347-354.

* Provencher L, Gobris NM, Brennan LA, Gordon DR & Hardesty JL. (2002). "Breeding bird response to midstory hardwood reduction in Florida sandhill longleaf pine forests". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 66, no 3. p. 641-661.

* Pulliam HR, Dunning JBJ & Liu J. (1992). "Population Dynamics in Complex Landscapes a Case Study". Ecological Applications. vol 2, no 2. p. 165-177.

* Pulliam HR, Liu J, Dunnjing JB, Jr., Stewart DJ & Bishop TD. (1995). "Modelling animal populations in chaining landscapes". Ibis. p. 1) S120-S126, 1995.

* Ritchie TL. (1980). "2 Mid Pleistocene Avi Faunas from Coleman Florida USA". Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Biological Sciences. vol 26, no 1. p. 1-36.

* Rutledge BT & Conner LM. (2002). "Potential effects of groundcover restoration on breeding bird communities in longleaf pine stands". Wildlife Society Bulletin. vol 30, no 2. p. 354-360.

* Shriver WG & Vickery PD. (2001). "Response of breeding Florida grasshopper and Bachman's sparrows to winter prescribed burning". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 65, no 3. p. 470-475.

* Stober JM & Krementz DG. (2006). "Variation in Bachman's Sparrow home-range size at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina". Wilson Journal of Ornithology. vol 118, no 2. p. 138-144.

* Tucker JW, Jr., Hill GE & Holler NR. (1998). "Managing mid-rotation pine plantations to enhance Bachman's sparrow habitat". Wildlife Society Bulletin. vol 26, no 2. p. 342-348.

* Tucker JW, Jr., Robinson WD & Grand JB. (2004). "Influence of fire on Bachman's sparrow, an endemic North American songbird". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 68, no 4. p. 1114-1123.

* Tucker JW, Jr., Robinson WD & Grand JB. (2006). "Breeding productivity of Bachman's sparrows in fire-managed longleaf pine forests". Wilson Journal of Ornithology. vol 118, no 2. p. 131-137.

* Willoughby EJ. (1986). "An Unusual Sequence of Molts and Plumages in Cassin's Sparrow Aimophila-Cassinii and Bachman's Sparrows Aimophila-Aestivalis". Condor. vol 88, no 4. p. 461-472.

* Wilson CW, Masters RE & Bukenhofer GA. (1995). "Breeding bird response to pine-grassland community restoration for red-cockaded woodpeckers". Journal of Wildlife Management. vol 59, no 1. p. 56-67.

* Wood DR, Burger LW, Bowman JL & Hardy CL. (2004). "Avian community response to pine-grassland restoration". Wildlife Society Bulletin. vol 32, no 3. p. 819-828.

* Zink RM. (1982). "Patterns of Genic and Morphologic Variation among Sparrows in the Genera Zonotrichia Melospiza Junco and Passerella". Auk. vol 99, no 4. p. 632-649.

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