- Serbian saints
Over the history of the
Serbian Orthodox Church , the church has had many people who were venerated to sainthood. The list below is made up of Holy Serbs and theirfeast day s - according to theGregorian calendar .erbian Saints
*Anastasija, Anastasia, venerable – Ana, St. Sava’s Mother (6th July)
*Angelina, venerable – despotess (12th August, 23rd December)
*Arsenije Sremac, Arsenius of Srem, saint – archbishop (10th November)
*Avakum, Habakkuk (Habacuc, Abbacum, Ambacum) venerable – deacon (30th December)
*Danilo II, Daniel II, saint – archbishop (2nd January)
*David, venerable – Dimitrije Nemanjić (Dimitriye Nemanyich) – prince (7th October)
*Đorđe, George – despot (see Maksim)
*Đorđe Kratovac, George of Kratovo, holy new-martyr (24th February, 8th June)
*Gavrilo I, Gabriel I, hieromartyr – patriarch (26th December)
*Gavrilo Lesnovski, Gabriel of Lesnovo, venerable (28th January)
*Grigorije Molčalnik (Gornjački), Gregory the Hesychast (of Gornjak), venerable (20th December)
*Grigorije, Gregory, saint – bishop of Raška (Rashka) (12th September)
*Jakov, James, saint – archbishop (16th February)
*Jefrem, Ephraim, saint – patriarch (28th June)
*Jefrosinija, Euphrosyne, venerable – Milica (Militsa) (1st August)
*Jeftimije Dečanski, Euthymius of Dečani, venerable (24th November)
*Jelena Dečanska, Helen of Dečani (Dechani), venerable - tzarina Neda (3rd June)
*Jelena, Helen, saint – queen (12th November)
*Jelisaveta, Elisabeth, venerable – Jelena Štiljanović (Yelena Shtilyanovich) (17th October)
*Jevgenija, Eugenia, (see Jefrosinija, Euphrosyne)
*Jevstatije I, Eustace I, saint – archbishop (17th January)
*Jevstatije II, Eustace II, saint – archbishop (29th August)
*Joakim Osogovski, Joachim of Osogovo, venerable (29th August)
*Joanikije Devički, Joannicius of Dević (Devich) venerable (7th May, 15th December)
*Joanikije, Joannicius, saint – patriarch (16th September)
*Joasaf srpski Meteorita, Joasaph of Serbia the Meteorite, venerable – the last of the Nemanjić dynasty (3rd May)
*Josif Novi, Joseph the New, saint (28th September)
*Jov, Job (see Sinaiti)
*Jovan Novi (Branković), John the New (Brankovich), holy – despot (23rd December)
*Jovan Vladimir , John Vladimir, holy – king of Zeta (4th June)
*Kirilo, Cyril, saint – patriarch (12th September)
*Maksim, Maximus, saint – archbishop – Đorđe Branković, despot – (31st January)
*Martirije, Martyrius (see Sinaiti)
*Milica, see Jefrosinija
*Milutin, holy – king (12th November)
*Nemanja (see Simeon Mirotočivi)
*Nestor Dečanski, Nestor of Dechani, venerable (4th November)
*Nestor, (see Sinaiti)
*Nikodim, Nicodemus, saint – archbishop (24th May)
*Nikodim Tismanski, Nicodemus of Tismana, venerable (8th January)
*Nikon, Nicon, saint – patriarch (12th September)
*Nikola, Nicholas, saint (19th December)
*Petar Koriški, Peter of Korisha, saint (18th June)
*Petar Cetinjski Čudotvorac, Peter of Cetinje (Tsetinye) the Miracle-Worker, saint (31st October)
*Prohor Pčinjski, Prochorus of Pčinja (Pchinya), venerable (1st November)
*Rafailo Banatski, Hilandarac, Raphael of Banat the Hilandarian, venerable (29th August)
*Roman, Romanus, (see Sinaiti)
*Romil Ravanički, Romulus of Ravanica (Ravanitsa), (see Sinaites)
*Sava I, saint – archbishop (27th January)
*Sava II, saint – archbishop (21st January)
*Sava II Branković (Brankovich), saint – metropolitan (7th May)
*Sava III, saint – archbishop (8th August)
*Simeon Mirotočivi, Simeon the Myrovlytes (Myroblytes, Myrrhgusher), saint – Stefan Nemanja (Nemanya) (26th February)
*Simon monah, Simon the Monk, venerable – king, Stefan Prvovenčani (Prvovenchany), Stephen The First-Crowned) (7th October)
*Sinaiti, Sinaites*, venerable (19th May)
*Sisoj, Sisoes, (see Sinaiti)
*Spiridon, Spyridon, saint – patriarch (28th June)
*Stefan Dečanski, Stephen of Dečani, saint – *Dragutin, holy – king (see Teoktist)
*Stefan Lazarević , Stephen Lazarevich, holy – despot (11th August)
*Stefan Nemanja (see Simeon Mirotočivi)
*Stefan Piperski, Stephen of Piperi, venerable (2nd June)
*Stefan Prvovenčani (Stephen the First-Crowned)I, (see Simon monah)
*Stefan Slepi, Stephen the Blind, - despot (22nd October)
*Stefan Štiljanović , Stephen (Shtilyanovich), saint – prince (17th October)
*Stefan Uroš, Stephen Urosh, holy – emperor (15th December)
*"'Stefan Uroš III, Stephen Urosh III, holy - king, (24th November)
*Stefan Urošica Nemanjić, Stephen Uroshitsa Nemanyich, holy – prince (24th November)
*Vladislav (Stephen Vladislav), holy - king (7th October)
*Teodor Komogovinski, Theodore of Komogovina, holy martyr
*Teoktist, Theoctist, venerable – Dragutin, king (12th October)
*Vasilije Ostroški Čudotvorac, Basil of Ostrog the Miracle-Worker, saint – bishop (12th May)
*Visarion Saraj, Bessarion Saray, venerable (3rd November)
*Zosim Tumanski, Zosimus of Tuman, (see Sinaiti)References
* [http://www.kosovo.net/default1.html Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizen]
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