- Topic outline of biochemistry
:"For a more comprehensive list, see the
List of biochemistry topics ."Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes and transformations in livingorganism s, including thestructure and function of cellular components, such asprotein s,carbohydrate s,lipid s,nucleic acid s, and otherbiomolecule s.The following outline is provided as an overview of and introduction to biochemistry:
Essence of biochemistry
Biochemistry is the science deals with chemical composition and its reactions, happening in the living cells of organisms, such as mammals, vertebrates, plants and all living organisms.
Branches of biochemistry
Biochemistry has few branches how ever it touches almost any other Bio science matter and it came out of the Organic chemistry:=Main branches are=
Animal BiochemistryPlant BiochemistryMolecular BiologyCell BiologyMethabolizemImmunologyGeneticsenzimatic biology =Other branches are=BiotechnologyBioluminescenceMolecular ChemistryEnzymatic ChemistryBiogeneticsGenetic engineeringPharmaceuticals History of biochemistry
: "Main article:
History of biochemistry "Basic biochemistry concepts
*Major categories of bio-compounds:
**Carbohydrate s :sugar --disaccharide --polysaccharide --starch --glycogen
**Lipid s :fatty acid --fat s --essential oil s --oil s --wax es --cholesterol
**Nucleic acid s :DNA --RNA --mRNA --tRNA --rRNA --codon --adenosine --cytosine --guanine --thymine --uracil
**Protein s :
***amino acid --glycine --arginine --lysine
***peptide --primary structure --secondary structure --tertiary structure --conformation --protein folding
*Chemical properties:
**molecular bond --covalent bond --ionic bond --hydrogen bond --ester --ethyl
**molecular charge --hydrophilic --hydrophobic -- polar
**pH --acid --alkaline -- base
**oxidation -- reduction --hydrolysis
*Structural compounds:
**In cells:flagellin --peptidoglycan --myelin --actin --myosin
**In animals:chitin --keratin --collagen --silk
**In plants:cellulose --lignin --cell wall
*Enzyme s and enzyme activity:
**enzyme kinetics --enzyme inhibition
**proteolysis --ubiquitin --proteasome
**kinase --dehydrogenase
*Membrane s :fluid mosaic model --diffusion --osmosis
**phospholipid s --glycolipid --glycocalyx --antigen --isoprene
**ion channel --proton pump --electron transport --ion gradient --antiporter --symporter --quinone --riboflavin
*Energy pathways :
**pigments :chlorophyll --carotenoid s --xanthophyll --cytochrome --phycobilin --bacteriorhodopsin --hemoglobin --myoglobin --absorption spectrum --action spectrum --fluorescence
**Photosynthesis :light reaction --dark reaction
**Fermentation :Acetyl-CoA --lactic acid
**Cellular respiration : Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) --NADH --pyruvate --oxalate --citrate
**hormone s :auxin
**signal transduction --growth factor --transcription factor --protein kinase --SH3 domain
**Malfunctions :tumor --oncogene --tumor suppressor gene
**Receptors :Integrin --transmembrane receptor --ion channel
*Techniques :electrophoresis --chromatography --mass spectrometry --x-ray diffraction --Southern blot --fractionation --Gram stain Biochemistry scholars
Leaders in biochemistry
Biochemistry lists
: "Main article:
List of biochemistry topics "See also
External links
* [http://www.biochemweb.org/ The Virtual Library of Biochemistry and Cell Biology]
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=stryer.TOC&depth=2 Biochemistry, 5th ed.] Full text of Berg, Tymoczko, and Stryer, courtesy of NCBI.
* [http://www.web.virginia.edu/Heidi/home.htm Biochemistry, 2nd ed.] Full text of Garrett and Grisham.
* [http://www.biotecnologia.co.cr/ Costa Rican Biotechnology Society]
* [http://www.biochem.mpg.de/valet/cellbio.html Cell Biochemistry]
* [http://acsinfo.acs.org/journals/bichaw/ Biochemistry (the scientific jounal)] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.