- Kip Thorne
name = Kip Thorne
image_width = 240px
caption =
birth_date = birth date and age|1940|6|1
birth_place =Logan, Utah
death_date =
death_place =
residence =
nationality =
field =Physics
work_institution = Caltech
alma_mater = Caltech,Princeton University
doctoral_advisor =John Archibald Wheeler
doctoral_students =Saul Teukolsky Alan Lightman William H. Press Carlton M. Caves
Clifford M. WillRichard H. Price Lee Samuel Finn
known_for = Relativity andCosmology
prizes =
footnotes =Kip Stephen Thorne (born
June 1 ,1940 ) is an American theoretical physicist, known for his prolific contributions in gravitation physics andastrophysics and for having trained a generation of scientists. A longtime friend and colleague ofStephen Hawking andCarl Sagan , he is the current Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech and one of the world’s leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.Biography
Thorne was born in
Logan, Utah , the son ofUtah State University professor s D. Wynne Thorne and Alison C. Thorne, a soil chemist and aneconomist , respectively. Raised in an academic environment, two of his four siblings are also professors. He became interested inscience at the age of eight, after attending a lecture about thesolar system . Thorne and his mother then worked out calculations for their own model of the solar system.Thorne rapidly excelled at academics early in life, becoming one of the youngest full professors in the history of the
California Institute of Technology . He received his B.S. from Caltech in 1962, and Ph.D. fromPrinceton University in 1965. He wrote his Ph.D.thesis , "Geometrodynamics of Cylindrical Systems", under the supervision of relativist John Wheeler. Thorne returned to Caltech as an associate professor in 1967 and became a professor of theoretical physics in 1970, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor in 1981, and the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics in 1991, a post he currently holds.Throughout the years, Thorne has served as a mentor and thesis advisor for many leading theorists who now work on observational, experimental, or astrophysical aspects of general relativity. Approximately 50 physicists have received Ph.D.s at Caltech under Thorne's personal mentorship.
Thorne is known for his ability to convey the excitement and significance of discoveries in gravitation and astrophysics to both professional and lay audiences. In 1999, Thorne made some speculations on what the 21st century will find as the answers to the following questions:
* Is there a "dark side of the universe" populated by objects such as black holes?
* Can we observe the birth of the universe and its dark side using radiation made from space-time warpage, or so-called "gravitational waves"?
* Will 21st century technology reveal quantum behavior in the realm of human-size objects?His presentations on subjects such as
black hole s,gravitational radiation , relativity,time travel , andwormhole s have been included in PBS shows in the U.S. and in the United Kingdom on the BBC.Thorne and Linda Jean Peterson married in 1960. Their children are Kares Anne and Bret Carter, an architect. Thorne and Peterson divorced in 1970. Thorne and his second wife, Carolee Joyce Winstein, a professor of biokinesiology and physical therapy at USC, married in 1984.
Thorne's research has principally focused on relativistic astrophysics and gravitation physics, with emphasis on relativistic
star s,black hole s and especiallygravitational waves . He is perhaps best known to the public for his controversial theory thatwormhole s can conceivably be used fortime travel . However, Thorne's scientific contributions, which center on the general nature ofspace ,time , andgravity , span the full range of topics ingeneral relativity .Gravity waves and LIGO
Among a handful of physicists, Thorne is considered one of the world’s authorities on
gravitational wave s. In part, his work has dealt with the prediction of gravity-wave strengths and their temporal signatures as observed on Earth. These “signatures” are of great relevance toLIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory), a multi-institution gravity-wave experiment for which Thorne has been a leading proponent — in 1984, he cofounded the LIGO Project (the largest project ever funded by the NSF) to discern and measure any fluctuations between two or more 'static' points; such fluctuations would be evidence ofgravitational wave s, as calculations describe. A significant aspect of his research is developing themathematics necessary to analyze these objects. [http://pass.maths.org.uk/issue18/features/thorne/index.html] Thorne also carries outengineering design analyses for features of the LIGO that cannot be developed on the basis ofexperiment and he gives advice ondata analysis algorithm s by which the waves will be sought. He has provided theoretical support for LIGO, including identifying gravitational wave sources that LIGO should target, designing the baffles to control scattered light in the LIGO beam tubes, and — in collaboration with Vladimir Braginsky's (Moscow Russia) research group — inventing quantum-nondemolition designs for advanced gravity-wave detectors and ways to reduce the most serious kind ofnoise in advanced detectors: thermoelastic noise. With Carlton M. Caves, Thorne invented the back-action-evasion approach to quantum nondemolition measurements of the quadrature amplitudes ofharmonic oscillator s — a technique applicable both ingravitational wave detection andquantum optics .Black hole cosmology
Thorne has made prolific contributions to black hole cosmology. Thorne proposed his
Hoop Conjecture that cast aside the thought of anaked singularity . The Hoop Conjecture describes an imploding star turning into a black hole when the critical circumference of the designed hoop can be placed around it and set into rotation. [http://www.usd.edu/phys/courses/phys300/gallery/clark/thorne.html] That is, any object of mass M around which a hoop of circumference egin{matrix} frac{4 pi GM}{c^2} end{matrix} can be spun must be a black hole. As a tool to be used in both enterprises, astrophysics and theoretical physics, Thorne has developed an unusual approach, called the "Membrane Paradigm", to the theory of black holes and used it to clarify the "Blandford-Znajek" mechanism by which black holes may power somequasar s andactive galactic nuclei . Thorne has investigated thequantum statistical mechanical origin of theentropy of a black hole and the entropy of a cosmological horizon in an inflationary model of the universe. With Wojciech Zurek he showed that the entropy of a black hole of knownmass ,angular momentum , andelectric charge is thelogarithm of the number of ways that the hole could have been made. With Igor Novikov and Don Page he developed the general relativistic theory of thinaccretion disk s around black holes, and using this theory he deduced that with a doubling of its mass by such accretion a black hole will be spun up to 0.998 of the maximum spin allowed by general relativity, but never any farther; this is probably the maximum black-hole spin allowed in Nature. He, along with his mentor John Wheeler, additionally proved that it was impossible for cylindricalmagnetic field lines to implode. Both Hawking and Thorne have theorized that a singularity exists in the interior of a black hole.Wormholes and time travel
Thorne was one of the first people to conduct scientific research on whether the laws of physics permit space and time to be multiply connected (can there exist classical, traversable wormholes and "time machines"?). With Sung-Won Kim, Thorne identified a universal physical mechanism (the explosive growth of
vacuum polarization of quantum fields), that may always prevent spacetime from developingclosed timelike curve s (i.e., prevent "backward time travel"). "With Mike Morris and Ulvi Yurtsever he showed that traversable Lorentzian wormholes can exist in the structure ofspacetime only if they are threaded by quantum fields inquantum state s that violate the averaged null energy condition (i.e. have negative renormalized energy spread over a sufficiently large region). This has triggered research to explore the ability of quantum fields to possess such extendednegative energy . Recent calculations by Thorne indicate that simple masses passing through traversable wormholes could never engenderparadox es — there are "no" initial conditions that lead to paradox once time travel is introduced. If his results can be generalised, they would suggest that none of the supposed paradoxes formulated in time travel stories can actually be formulated at a precise physical level: that is, that "any" situation in a time travel story turns out to permit "many" consistent solutions.Relativistic stars, multipoles, & other endeavors
With Anna Żytkow , Thorne predicted the existence of red supergiant stars with neutron-star cores (
Thorne-Żytkow object s). Most importantly, he laid the foundations for the theory of pulsations of relativistic stars and thegravitational radiation they emit. WithJames Hartle , Thorne derived from general relativity the laws of motion and precession of black holes and other relativistic bodies, including the influence of the coupling of theirmultipole moments to the spacetime curvature of nearby objects. Thorne has also theoretically predicted the existence of universally antigravitating "exotic matter " — the element needed to accelerate the expansion rate of the universe, keep traversable wormhole "Star Gates" open and keep timelikegeodesic free float "warp drives" working. With Clifford Will and others of his students, he laid foundations for the theoretical interpretation of experimental tests of relativistic theories of gravity — foundations on which Will and others then built. Thorne is currently interested in the origin of classical space and time from thequantum foam ofquantum gravity theory.Publications
Thorne has written and edited books on topics in gravitational theory and high-energy astrophysics. In 1973, he co-authored the classic textbook "Gravitation" with
Charles Misner and John Wheeler; [cite book
last = Misner | first = Charles W. | coauthors = Kip S. Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler | title = Gravitation | publisher = W. H. Freeman | location = San Francisco | year = 1973 | month = September | id = ISBN 0-7167-0344-0 ] from which most of the present generation of scientists have learned general relativity theory. In 1994, he published "", a landmark book for non-scientists for which he received numerous awards. This book has been published in six languages, and editions in Chinese, Italian, Czech, and Polish are in press.Thorne's work has appeared in magazines and encyclopedias such as:
* "Scientific American ",
* McGraw-Hill "Yearbook of Science and Technology ", and
* "Collier's Encyclopedia " among many others.Thorne has published more than 150 articles in scholarly journals.
ome recent references
*Thorne, K. S., in 300 Years of Gravitation, (Eds.) S. W. Hawking and W. Israel, 1987, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press), "Gravitational Radiation".
*Thorne, K. S., Price, R. H. and Macdonald, D. M., "Black Holes, The Membrane Paradigm", 1986, (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press).
*Friedman, J., Morris, M. S., Novikov, I. D., Echeverria, F., Klinkhammer, G., Thorne, K. S. and Yurtsever, U., Physical Review D., 1990, (in press), "Cauchy Problem in
Spacetime s withClosed Timelike Curve s".Honors and awards
Thorne has been elected to:
* theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences ,
* the National Academy of Sciences,
* theRussian Academy of Sciences , and
* theAmerican Philosophical Society .He has been recognized by numerous awards including:
* theAmerican Institute of Physics Science Writing Award in Physics and Astronomy,
* the Phi Beta Kappa Science Writing Award,
* theAmerican Physical Society 'sLilienfeld Prize ,
* theGerman Astronomical Society 'sKarl Schwarzschild Medal ,
* theRobinson Prize in Cosmology from the University of Newcastle, England,
* the 'sCommon Wealth Awards for Science and Invention , and
* theCalifornia Science Center 'sCalifornia Scientist of the Year Award (2003) .He has been a
Woodrow Wilson Fellow ,Danforth Fellow , Guggenheim Fellow, and Fulbright Fellow. He has also received the honorary degree of doctor of humane letters fromClaremont Graduate University .Thorne has served on:
* theInternational Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation ,
* theCommittee on US-USSR Cooperation in Physics , and
* the National Academy of Sciences'Space Science Board , which has advisedNASA and Congress onspace science policy .Films
Carl Sagan once asked Thorne to examine the time travel section of the manuscript for "Contact". Thorne immediately dismissed Sagan's hypothesis; however, he later had an epiphany — wormholes may be used as time machines. His subsequent work, "Wormholes, Time Machines and the Weak Energy Condition", along with other papers, has made him popular withscience fiction fans. He did not care that it was highly speculative work, putting as much energy into it as other subjects.In June 2006,
Steven Spielberg announced he would direct a scientifically accurate film about "a group of explorers who travel through a worm hole and into another dimension", [cite news | author=Michael Fleming | url=http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117945326.html?categoryid=13&cs=1 | title=Space chase pic on Par launch pad | publisher=Variety | date=2006-06-14 | accessdate=2006-10-29 ] from a treatment by Kip Thorne and producerLynda Obst .cite news | author=Jay A. Fernandez | url=http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/movies/la-et-scriptland28mar28,1,3123129.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true | title=Jonah Nolan turns science into a film script | publisher=Los Angeles Times | date=2007-03-28 | accessdate=2007-03-28 ] In January 2007, screenwriterJonathan Nolan met with the studio to discuss adapting Obst and Thorne's treatment into a narrative screenplay. The screenwriter suggested the addition of a "time element" to the treatment's basic idea, which was welcomed by Obst and Thorne. In March, Paramount hired Nolan as well as scientists fromCaltech , forming a workshop who will begin adapting the treatment after completing the script for Warner Bros.' "The Chicago Fire". [cite news | author=Michael Fleming | url=http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117961655.html?categoryid=13&cs=1 | title=Nolan to write Spielberg film | publisher=Variety | date=2007-03-22 | accessdate=2007-03-23 ] The following July, Kip Thorne said there was a push by people for him to portray himself in the film "Interstellar". [cite news | author=Leigh Dayton | url=http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,22071820-30417,00.html | title=Warped in La La Land | publisher=The Australian | date=2007-07-14 | accessdate=2007-07-20 ] The movie is scheduled to be released in 2011. [cite web |url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/ |title=Interstellar (2011) on IMDB | accessdate=2008-09-13 |work= |publisher= |date= ]ee also
Hoop Conjecture
* Membrane Paradigm
*Time travel
*Thorne-Zytkow object
*Thorne-Hawking-Preskill bet
*Stephen Hawking
* John WheelerReferences
External links
*imdb name|id=0861399|name=Kip Thorne
* [http://www.its.caltech.edu/~kip/ Home Page]
* [http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/docs/G/G020325-00/G020325-00.pdf Crunch Time]
* [http://www.usd.edu/phys/courses/phys300/gallery/clark/thorne.html/ Founding Fathers of Relativity]Persondata
NAME= Thorne, Kip
DATE OF BIRTH=June 1 ,1940
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