Revenue sharing

Revenue sharing

Revenue sharing has multiple, related meanings depending on context.

In business, revenue sharing refers to the sharing of profits and losses among different groups. One form shares between the general partner(s) and limited partners in a limited partnership. Another form shares with a company's employees, and another between companies in a business alliance.

On the Internet, revenue sharing is also known as cost per sale, and accounts for about 80% of affiliate compensation programs.[1] E-commerce web site operators using revenue sharing pay affiliates a certain percentage of sales revenues (usually excluding tax, shipping and other 3rd party cost that the customer pays) generated by customers whom the affiliate refer via various advertising methods. Another form of online revenue sharing consists in people working together and registering online in a way similar to that of a corporation, and sharing the proceeds. A third form of revenue sharing on the internet consists of enticing internet users to sign up and create content by offering a share of advertising revenue.

United States government revenue sharing was in place from 1972-1986. Under this policy, Congress gave an annual amount of federal tax revenue to the states and their cities, counties and townships. Revenue sharing was extremely popular with state officials, but it lost federal support during the Reagan Administration. In 1987, revenue sharing was replaced with block grants in smaller amounts to reduce federal revenues given to states.[citation needed]

See also


  1. ^ AffStat Report 2007a study based on survey responses from almost 200 affiliate managers in the marketing industry

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  • revenue sharing — revenue sharing, adj. the system of disbursing part of federal tax revenues to state and local governments for their use. [1970 75] * * * Funding arrangement in which one government unit grants a portion of its tax income to another government… …   Universalium

  • Revenue Sharing — (englisch: revenue Einkommen, Einnahme, Ertrag; to share teilen) steht für: die Gewinn und Verlustverteilung einer Kommanditgesellschaft die Mitarbeiter Erfolgsbeteiligung den Finanzausgleich den Provisionsverteilung im E Commerce, insbesondere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Revenue sharing forum — A revenue sharing forum shares earnings with its members since without members there wouldn t be a forum. This is usually done with some kind of affiliate program such as Google AdSense. There would be AdSense advert blocks around the forum. If… …   Wikipedia

  • revenue sharing — The percentage split between the general partner and limited partners of profits and losses resulting from the operation of the involved business. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • revenue sharing — rev′enue shar ing n. gov the system of disbursing part of federal tax revenues to state and local governments for their use • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • revenue sharing — noun distribution of part of the federal tax income to states and municipalities • Hypernyms: ↑distribution …   Useful english dictionary

  • revenue sharing grant — noun Federal grants distributing a portion of federal tax revenues to state and municipal governments …   Wiktionary

  • revenue — (n.) mid 15c., income from property or possessions, from M.Fr. revenue, from O.Fr., a return, prop. fem. pp. of revenir come back, from L. revenire return, come back, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + venire come (see VENUE ( …   Etymology dictionary

  • sharing — n. 1) profit sharing 2) revenue sharing (by the states) * * * [ ʃe(ə)rɪŋ] profitsharing revenue sharing (by the states) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • revenue — revenual /rev euhn yooh euhl, euh nooh , ri ven yooh /, adj. revenued, adj. /rev euhn yooh , euh nooh /, n. 1. the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment of the public expenses …   Universalium

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