

Reis is the Portuguese word for kings. It may mean a number of different things:


Reis is a common surname in the Portuguese language, namely in Portugal and Brazil. It was originally a Christian devotional family name of the Middle Ages, probably due to the Portuguese name for the Biblical Magi, the "Reis Magos" (the Magi Kings). Sometimes the surname is "dos Reis" ("of the Kings"). The Reis surname does not denote a single genealogical origin and there are many different families bearing that surname. The Reis etymology is probably from the Latin "Rex" ("King"), and it is noticeable that it has relations with the German "Reich" ("Kingdom, Empire"), and the Dutch "Rijk"(also "Kingdom, Empire"), the Germanic names Rick, Rich, Richard, etc.

Reis is also a common surname in the German language.

It is a name associated with a great number of different people:
* Alison Reis, Australian newsreader
*Alves dos Reis, Portuguese financial criminal
*António Reis, Portuguese film director
*David Alan Reis, American gay porn actor
*Gabriel Reis, Brazilian water polo player
*Johann Philipp Reis, German scientist and inventor
*John Reis, American musician
*Matt Reis, American football player
*Michelle Reis, Hong Kong actress
*Nicolau dos Reis Lobato, East Timorese politician
*Ricardo Reis, one of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa's heteronyms
*Roberto Esser dos Reis, Brazilian ichthyologist
*Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis, Brazilian actor
*Ron Reis, American professional wrestler


Reis (or similar words) is the plural form of a number of currencies called real, past and present:
*The real (plural "reais") is the present currency of Brazil.
*The Spanish real (plural "reales") was a currency of Spain.
*The Portuguese real (plural "reis" or "réis") was a currency of Portugal.

Military rank

Reis (also "Rais") was a Turkish military rank akin to that of Admiral, that was commonly added to the officer's name. Examples include:
*"Piri Reis"
*Dragut "Turgut Reis"
*Murat "Reis"
*Uluç Ali "Reis"
*Seydi Ali "Reis"


There are several places around the world named Reis:
*Dirce Reis, São Paulo in Brazil.
*Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
*Reis Township, Polk County, Minnesota in America.
*Reis Magos, former name of Nova Almeida, Espírito Santo in Brazil.
*Reis Magos, a river at whose mouth the town of Nova Almeida (Brazil) stands.
*Caldas de Reis, Portugal.

ee also

* Ries


*TCG Uluç Ali Reis (S-338), TCG Hizir Reis (S-342) and TCG Turgut Reis (S 342), submarines of the Turkish Navy.
*The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, novel by Portuguese novelist José Saramago.

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