Iota Ceti

Iota Ceti

Iota Ceti (ι Cet, ι Ceti) is a star in the constellation Cetus. It has the traditional name Deneb Kaitos Shemali. The name was from the Arabian word ذنب ألشمالي - ðánab al shamāliyy, meaning the northern tail of the sea monster.

In Chinese, 天倉 (Tiān Cāng), meaning Square Celestial Granary, refers to an asterism consisting of ι Ceti, η Ceti, θ Ceti, ζ Ceti, τ Ceti and 57 Ceti.[1] Consequently, ι Ceti itself is known as 天倉一 (Tiān Cāng yī, English: the First Star of Square Celestial Granary.)[2]


Iota Ceti belongs to spectral class K1.5III and has apparent magnitude +3.56. It is approximately 290 light years from Earth.


  1. ^ (Chinese) 中國星座神話, written by 陳久金. Published by 台灣書房出版有限公司, 2005, ISBN 978-986-7332-25-7.
  2. ^ (Chinese) 香港太空館 - 研究資源 - 亮星中英對照表, Hong Kong Space Museum. Accessed on line November 23, 2010.

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