- Thomson problem
The Thomson problem is that of determining the minimum (ground state) energy configuration of N classical
electron s on the surface of a sphere (or 2-sphere S^{2}). The electrons repel each other with a force given byCoulomb's law . This problem is named forJ. J. Thomson , who posed it in 1904 as part of the development of theplum pudding model of theatom . In this model, theelectron s formed spherical shells. This one hundred year old puzzle (Thomson wrote "I have not as yet succeeded in getting a general solution") has many important physical realizations including multi-electron bubbles and the surface ordering of liquid metal drops confined in Paul traps. The Thomson problem is solved exactly for a few particles on the sphere and the energy per particle is known for a large number of particles on the surface of the sphere. Numerical results provide the best known solutions for a wide range of particle numbers. The configurations that are found have a great variety of geometrical structure.One can also ask for ground states of particles interacting with arbitrary potentials: this is the generalized Thomson problem.The generalized Thomson problem arises, for example, in determining the arrangements of the protein subunits which comprise the shells of spherical
virus es. The "particles" in this application are clusters of protein subunits arranged on a shell. Other realizations include regular arrangements ofcolloid particles in "colloidosomes", proposed for encapsulation of active ingredients such as drugs, nutrients or living cells,fullerene patterns of carbon atoms, andVSEPR Theory . An example with longrange logarithmic interactions is provided by theAbrikosov vortices which would form at low temperatures ina superconducting metal shell with a large monopole at the center.The Thomson problem is of outstanding mathematical interest not only for the asymptotics (large N behavior) of the growth of minimum energy configurations but also for the characteristics of the minimum energy configurations themselves.
Best known solutions
In the following table N is the number of charges on a sphere of radius 1. E_1 is the energy (any pair of charges with distance r have potential energy 1/r). The symmetry type is given in Schönflies notation (see
Point groups in three dimensions ). r_i are the positions of the charges. Most symmetry types require the sum (and thus the center of mass) to be at the origin.It is customary to also consider the polyhedron formed by the
convex hull of the charges. Thus v_i is the number of vertices where the given number of edges meet. e is the total number of edges and f_3 and f_4 are the number of triangle and quadrilateral faces. heta_1 is the smallest angle between any two charges.References
*J. J. Thomson, "On the Structure of the Atom: an Investigation of the Stability and Periods of Oscillation of a number of Corpuscles arranged at equal intervals around the Circumference of a Circle; with Application of the Results to the Theory of Atomic Structure", Philosophical Magazine Series 6, Volume 7, Number 39, pp. 237--265, March 1904.
*T. Erber and G. M. Hockney, "Complex Systems: Equilibrium Configurations of N Equal Charges on a Sphere 2leq Nleq 112)", Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 98, pp. 495--594, 1997.
*Mark J. Bowick, Cris Cecka and Alan A. Middleton: http://physics.syr.edu/condensedmatter/thomson/thomsonapplet.htm
*David J. Wales and Sidika Ulker: http://www-wales.ch.cam.ac.uk/~wales/CCD/Thomson/table.html
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