- Timeline of entomology - post 1900
*Walter Reed , aUnited States Army major, was appointed president of a board "to study infectious diseases inCuba paying particular attention to yellow fever." He concurred withCarlos Finlay in idenitifyingmosquitoes as the agent.
* Ignacio Bolívar y Urrutia publishes "y Catálogo sinóptico de los ortópteros de la fauna ibérica".
*Kálmán Kertész ,Mario Bezzi ,Paul Stein (entomologist) andTheodor Becker published the first part of aPalaearctic Catalogue of Diptera "Katalog der Paläarktischen dipteren" in Budapest.1901
*William Francis de Vismes Kane "A catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Ireland"-the third (and first comprehensive) catalogue of the Irish macrolepidoptera.
*Augustus Daniel Imms "General textbook of Entomology" published. 10th revised edition (1977) still one of the most widely used of all insect texts.
*Thomas Hunt Morgan is the first to conduct genetic research with the fruit fly "Drosophila melanogaster ". In the Fly Room atColumbia University .1902
*Ronald Ross gainedNobel Prize for Medicine for his discovery thatmalaria is carried by mosquitoes.The awarding committee made special mention of the work ofGiovanni Battista Grassi on the life history of thePlasmodium parasite.
*Charles W. Woodworth "A List of the Insects of California" published.
*Philogene Auguste Galilee Wytsman started "Genera Insectorum" , a multi-authored series that consisted of 219 issues, the last occurring in 1970.
*Otto Schmiedeknecht "Opuscula Ichneumonologica". Blankenburg.
*William Morton Wheeler appointed curator of invertebrate zoology in theAmerican Museum of Natural History , New York1905
*Adolfo Lutz Beitraege zur Kenntniss der brasilianischen Tabaniden. "Rev. Soc. Sci. São Paulo" 1: 19-32, published
*Raphaël Blanchard "Les moustiques. Histoire naturelle et médicale" Paris, F.R. de Rudeval, published.1906
*Adalbert Seitz , "Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde" commenced. This vast work onLepidoptera was published in German, English and French. It contained colour plates of all important species.1907
*William Lundbeck "Diptera Danica. Genera and species of flies Hitherto found in Denmark" commenced.
*Herbert Druce On Neotropical Lycaenidae, with Descriptions of New Species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
*Henry Christopher McCook "Nature's Craftsmen: Popular Studies of Ants and Other Insects".
*Lajos Abafi "Magyarország lepkéi" (butterflies of Hungary)19071908
*Edmund Reitter "Fauna Germanica - Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches"commenced. This five volume masterwork remains in use today, almost 100 years from its inception.1909
*George Henry Verrall "Stratiomyidae and succeeding families of the Diptera Brachycera of Great Britain"- "British flies" published.
*Carlos Chagas observed the peculiar infestation of rural houses inBrazil withTriatoma , a "kissing" bug, later demonstrating that it was the vector of "Trypanosoma cruzi", and he was able to prove experimentally that it could be transmitted tomarmoset monkeys that were bitten by the infected bug. His description of the new disease was to become a classic in medicine and brought him domestic and international distinction.
*Charles Nicolle reasoned that it was most likelylice that were the vector forepidemic typhus .He tested his theory by infecting achimpanzee with typhus, retrieving the lice from it, and placing it on a healthy chimpanzee. Within 10 days the second chimpanzee had typhus as well.Antonio Berlese Volume I of "Gli insetti loro organizzazione, sviluppo, abitudini e rapporti con l’uomo" (Volume 2 1925).
*Arnold Pagenstecher "Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge"published inJena ..
* Foundation of "Journal of Entomology" byCharles Fuller Baker , one of the first revues ofeconomic entomology .1910
*Gilbert John Arrow published the first volume ofFauna of British India : Lamellicornia 1. Cetoniinae and Dynastinae. Arrow wrote five volumes of this classic work.
*Hans Ferdinand Emil Julius Stichel Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. Fam. Riodinidae.published in J. Wytsman "Genera Insectorum" 112A completed 1911).
*Hans Fruhstorfer published Family Pieridae inAdalbert Seitz "' Macrolepidoptera of the world"1912
*Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius wrote Part 39 of "Catalogus Coleopterorum"Cerambycidae : Cerambycinae (1912). Aurivillius worked on world insects.1913
*Charles Paul Alexander "A synopsis of part of the Neotropical Crane-flies of the subfamily Limnobinae (Tipulidae").
*Erwin Lindner joined the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart.
*Otto Kröber Therevidae."Genera.Ins" published.1914
*Friedrich Georg Hendel Die Arten der Platystominen. "Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien" 8 (1): 1-409, 4 pls. published
*Filippo Silvestri Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Termitidi e Termitofili dell'Africa occidentale. "Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia General e Agraria", Portici.1915
*Nathan Banks " A Treatise on the Acarina, Or Mites" the first comprehensive English handbook onmites .1916
* TheJapanese Beetle ,Popillia japonica , was first discovered in the United States inRiverton, New Jersey during mid-August, 1916.1920
*Alfred Kinsey became Professor of Entomology atIndiana University Bloomington .
*Ernst Jünger publishes In "Stahlgewittern", The Storm of Steel.
*Enrico Adelelmo Brunetti "Fauna of British India" Diptera 1. Brachycera published.
*Charles Thomas Brues "Insects and Human Welfare" published.1921
*Günther Enderlein Über die phyletisch älteren Stratiomyiidensubfamilien (Xylophaginae, Chiromyzinae, Solvinae, Beridinae und Coenomyiinae). "Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl." 10: 150-214 published.1923
*Auguste-Henri Forel publishes a myrmecological 5-volume magnum opus, Le Monde Social des Forimis1924
*Frederick William Frohawk 's "Natural History of British Butterflies" published.1925
*Frank M. Carpenter begins work on the ElmoPermian fossil fauna.
*Josef Fahringer "Opuscula braconolocica" (4 parts, finished 1937) begun.1927
*Ronald A. Senior-White andRobert Knowles (entomologist) "Malaria: Its Investigation and Control, with Special Reference to Indian Conditions". Calcutta: Thacker, Spink and Co published.
*José María Hugo de la Fuente Morales Tablas analíticas para la clasificación de los coleópteros de la Península Ibérica.Barcelona Imprenta Altés, published.
*Zeno Payne Metcalf commenced (as overall editor and author of the Homoptera sections."General catalogue of the Hemiptera". Completed 1971.1928
*Jan Noskiewicz withG. Poluszynski Embryologische Untersuchungen an Strepsipteren. I. Teil: Embryogenesis der Gattung Stylops Kirby. "Akad. Umiejetnosci"..
*Leopold III of Belgium a keen amateur entomologist collects in theDutch East Indies (1929-1929)
* Guido Grandi founded the Institute of Entomology at theUniversity of Bologna (l'Istituto di Entomologia dell'Università di Bologna).
* World’s oldest knowninsect , "Rhyniognatha hirsti " named byRobert John Tillyard .
*Alexander Kirilow Drenowski The Lepidoptera fauna on the high mountains of Bulgaria "Sbornik bulg. Akad. Nauk". 23: 1-120, 1 map, published.1930
*Camillo Acqua "Il bombice del Gelso:Nello stato normale e patologico nella tecnica dell'allevamento e della riproduzione. (Industria della preparazione del seme Bachi)"-Enc. tela. Casa Ed. di Giuseppe Cesari,published. This was an important contribution to the literature onsericulture .1931
*Georg Hermann Alexander Ochs publishes "Über die Gyriniden-Ausbeute der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition mit einer Übersicht über die Gyriniden-Fauna Javas und Larvenbeschreibungen".
*Shonen Matsumura 6,000 illustrated Insects of Japan-Empire.1932 *
A Practical Handbook of British Beetles byNorman H. Joy published by Witherby.
*Alfred Balachowsky "Étude biologique des coccides du bassin occidental de la Méditerranée" published in Paris by Lechevalier and Fils.1934
*René Malaise invents theMalaise trap .
*Vincent B. Wigglesworth , the "Father" of Insect Physiology, wrote the first book on insect phsyiology, "The Principles of Insect Physiology".
*Antoni Władysław Jakubski "Czerwiec polski" "Polish cochineal". Monograph on thePolish cochineal .1935
*Gerhard Schrader discovers the powerfulinsecticide s calledorganophosphate s
* Walter Rothschild gives his insect collection, one of the world's largest collections ofLepidoptera to theNatural History Museum .1936
* The Natural History Museum, London acquires theJames John Joicey collection of Lepidoptera.1938
*Lucien Chopard "La biologie des orthoptères" (Paul Lechevalier, Paris).
*Ângelo Moreira da Costa Lima commenced "Insetos do Brasil, v. 1-11".Completed 1960.1940
*Vladimir Nabokov begins organizing the butterfly collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology atHarvard University .
*Ruggero Verity commenced "Farfalle,in English Butterflies, of Italia " (five volumes, 1940-1953).
*René Jeannel "Faune cavernicole de la France", in English The Fauna of the Caves of France, published.1941
*Zoltán Szilády A magyar birodalom legyeinek szinopszisa. VI. Talpaslegyek, Clythidae (Platypezidae ); VIII.Lauxaniidae [Synopsis of the flies of the Hungarian empire] .1942
*Woodhouse, L. G. O. &George Morrison Reid Henry . "The Butterfly Fauna of Ceylon". Government Record Office, Colombo1943
*André Badonnel "Faune de France. Psocoptères". Paris. Paul Lechevalier 1943.1945
*Edmund Brisco Ford "Butterflies" published . Seminal introduction to the study of butterflies and their genetics.
*Cynthia Longfield The Odonata of SouthAngola ." Arquivos do Museu Bocage", 16, Lisboa.1946
*Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique founded.1947
*Carlo Alonza became director of the Muséum de Gênes.1949
*Pierre-Paul Grassé ed.Traite de Zoologie Tome IX. Insectes. Paris, 1949. 1118 p.1950
*Maynard Jack Ramsay becomes Port Entomologist onStaten Island .
*Mahadeva Subramania Mani founded the School of Entomology atAgra , India.1951
* Work onSterile insect technique begun by American entomologistsRaymond Bushland andEdward Knipling . For their achievement, they jointly received the 1992World Food Prize .
* Sakae Tamura "Konchū no seitai: Raika shashinshū" (昆虫の生態:ライカ写眞集) or Closeups on Insects. Tokyo: Seibundo-Shinkosha
*Torkel Weis-Fogh pioneered studies of insect flight withAugust Krogh .1952
*Bernard Kettlewell begins research into the influence of industrial melanism on natural selection in moths.1953
*Willi Hennig publishes "Grundzüge einer Theorie der phylogenetischen Systematik"inBerlin . This was followed by"Kritische Bemerkungen zum phylogenetischen System der Insekten"in 1953 and Phylogenetic Systematics in 1966. In these works Hennig foundedcladistics .
*Sydney Skaife "African Insect Life" published.1954
*Grigorij Jakovlevitsch Bey-Bienko "Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae. Fauna SSSR".1955
* World programme formalaria eradication begins. Finally abandoned1969 .
*Roy Albert Crowson 's "The natural classification of the families of Coleoptera" is published. This is a classic monograph.1957
*Clodoveo Carrión Mora died in Ecuador. Mora was a leading figure entomology of 20th century entomology in South America.1960
*Czesław Bieżanko publishes "Álbum iconográfico dos Lepidópteros coletados por Biezanko. Papilionidae".
*Marta Grandi "Ephemeroidea". "Fauna d'Italia"1961
* Genetic code is cracked. DNA was discovered byFriedrich Miescher in1868 , recognized as the bearer of genetic information in1943 and revealed as a double helix byRosalind Franklin in1952 . This leads to radical revision of the higher taxonomy of the Insecta.1964
*Morris Rockstein ’s edited series—3 vols.—"The Physiology of Insecta"
*Takashi Shirozu "Butterflies of Japan Illustrated in Colour" published in Tokyo by Hokuryu-kan.1965
*Nikolaj Sergejevitsch Borchsenius Essay on the classification of the armoured scale insects (Homoptera,Coccoidea , Diaspididae). (In Russian.) "Entomologicheskoe Obozrenye" 44: 208-214.1966
* First international Red Lists of endangered species were published.1967
*Richard E. Blackwelder "Taxonomy: a Text and Reference Book" John. Wiley and Sons, New York, published.1968
*David Allan Young "Taxonomic Study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera:Cicadellidae ") commenced. Finished 1986.1969
* Reg Chapman’s textbook appears—"The Insects-Structure and Function". American Elsevier, N.Y.
*International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology established.1971
*Maximilian Fischer "Index ofEntomophagous Insects". Le Francois, Paris.1973
*Karl von Frisch awardedNobel Prize for pioneering work on insect behaviour.
*Warwick Estevam Kerr Evolution of the population structure in bees. "Genetics" 79: 73–84.1976
*Anastase Alfieri "The Coleoptera of Egypt" published.1981
* Robert Michael Pyle published TheNational Audubon Society "Field Guide to North American Butterflies". Knopf.1984
*Árpád Soós andLazlo Papp begin editing "Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera".1984 - 1992.
*Justin O. Schmidt publishes first paper on theSchmidt Sting Pain Index .1985
*Murray S. Blum "Fundamentals of Insect Physiology". New York: Wiley, 1985.
*Gerald A. Kerkut and L. I. Gilbert "Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology".1987
*Stephen Taber III "Breeding Super Bee". Ohio: AI Root Co, 1987.1989
* Forensic entomologistMark Benecke joins thepunk rock band "Die Blonden Burschen" , The Blonde Boys. Many past entomologists were also musical.1990
* Hölldobler B. andE. O. Wilson publish "TheAnts "
* Low costScanning electron microscope came into general use1991
* Naumann, I. D., P. B. Carne, J. F. Lawrence, E. S. Nielsen, J. P. Spradberry, R. W. Taylor, M. J. Whitten and M. J. Littlejohn, eds. The Insects of Australia: A Textbook for Students and Research Workers. Volume I and II. Second Edition. Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press.1993
* Edward Grumbine, "Ghost Bears: Exploring the Biodiversity Crisis" reflects growing concerns. Insects are major indicatorsof environmental destruction and impending mass extinction.1994
* Hoy, M. "Insect molecular genetics". An introduction to principles and applications.
*Vladimir Nikolayevich Beklemiwev Методология систематики (Methodology of systematics).KMK Scientific Press Ltd.1995
*Yuri Petrovich Korshunov andPavel Yunievich Gorbunov "Butterflies of the Urals, Siberia and Far East" published.1996
*Microcosmos released in France.1997
*Perry Adkisson receivesWorld Food Prize for his work onIntegrated Pest Management .1998
*Paul R. Ehrlich publishes "Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environment Rhetoric Threatens Our Future" (1998, co-authored with his wife)
*Phylocode proposed following a meeting atHarvard University .1999
*Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen instrumental in setting up theGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility 2000
*Loïc Matile "Diptères d'Europe Occidentale" Tomes 1 and 2 "Atlas d'Entomologie".Editions N. Boubée.Paris.2001
* First volume ofAmerican Beetles published.Ross H. Arnett, Jr. andMichael C. Thomas .2002
*Alex Rasnitsyn withD.L.J. Quicke "History of Insects". Kluwer Academic Publishers.2004
* Gilbert, L.I. (ed.). 2004. "Comprehensive molecular insect science", 7 vols. Elsevier Pergamon, published in St. Louis
* A paper in "Science " found thatCulex pipiens mosquitoes existed in two populations in Europe, one which bites birds and one which bites humans. In North America 40% of Culex pipiens were found to be hybrids of the two types which bite both birds and humans, providing a vector forWest Nile virus . This is thought to provide an explanation of why the West Nile disease has spread more quickly in North America than Europe.2005
* TheInsect Biocontrol Laboratory at theHenry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in the United States developsDNA fingerprinting tools that match hard-to-identifylarva e to adults that have been positively identified.
*Michael S. Engel andDavid Grimaldi "Evolution of the Insects" published.See also
List of entomologists
*Timeline of entomology — for a list of other available time periods
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