- UR-200
The UR-200 was an
intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed byOKB-52 of Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey in theSoviet Union . It was known during theCold War by theNATO reporting name SS-10 and internally by theGRAU index 8K81.:TheICBM design was authorized by the Decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU ofMarch 16 andAugust 1 ,1961 .:Draft project was finished on Jule1962 .:It first flew onNovember 4 ,1963 atBaikonur (cosmodrome and test range, also known as "Turatam" (railway station name) or "Leninsk" (city name)). The tests were finished onOctober 20 ,1964 (9 missiles were launched).Description
The UR-200 was a two-stage liquid-propellant universal
ICBM for delivery of replaceable payloads to the range up to 12000km, launch of interceptor satellites for space defense, naval recon satellites, and orbital maneuvering warheads.Operational history
; USSR: Before entering service with
Strategic Rocket Forces , the UR-200 program was replaced by the R-36 (also known as "SS-9 Scarp" (NATO reporting name ), "8K67" (GRAU index), or "RS-19" (for use in international agreements)).Related developments
UR-100 "minor" missile in development set of "UR-100..UR-200..UR-500" line
*UR-500 "major" missile in development set of "UR-100..UR-200..UR-500" line
*R-9 Desna bySergei Korolev
*R-16 byMikhail Yangel ee also
List of missiles
*List of rockets Template group
list =
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