List of geographers

List of geographers

This list of geographers is presented in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surnames). "See also: List of Graeco-Roman geographers."


* Peter Adams
* Agatharchides
* Agathedaemon of Alexandria
* Johnathon Agnew
* Stuart Aitken
* John Logan Allen (Wyoming, USA)
* A. W. Andrews
* Alypius of Antioch (Roman Empire, fl. circa 450)
* Hafiz-i Abru (Persia, 15th century)
* Ash Amin
* Jacques Ancel
* Karl Andree (Germany, 1808-1875)
* Richard Andree
* Aaron Arrowsmith
* Väinö Auer
* Félix de Azara


* David Baines
* Oliver Edwin Baker
* Abu Abdullah al-Bakri (1014-1094)
* Robert Balling
* Keith Barber
* John George Bartholomew
* Oliver Bašovský (Slovakia, 1930-2003)
* Ibn Battuta (Morocco, 1304-1369)
* Frederick William Beechey
* Walter Behrmann
* Charles Tilstone Beke
* Lev Semenovich Berg
* Brian J.L. Berry
* Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi (Persia, 850-934)
* Luiza Bialasiewicz
* Abū Rayhān Bīrūnī (Persia, 973-1048)
* Martyn J. Bowden
* Isaiah Bowman
* William R. Black
* Joan Blaeu (Amsterdam 1596-1673)
* Harm de Blij
* Henry Bloemen
* Nick Blomley
* Alison Blunt
* Franz Boas
* Bruce Braun
* Edward William Brayley
* Conrad Malte-Brun
* Stanley Brunn
* William Bunge
* Philip Burden
* Anne Buttimer
* Sir Richard Francis Burton, Royal Geographical Society
* Prince Roland Bonaparte


* Manuel Castells
* Richard Cathcart
* Reily Connaughton
* Andreas Cellarius
* Samuel de Champlain
* Chen Cheng-Siang Chen
* George Chisholm (geographer)
* Walter Christaller (Germany 1893-1969)
* Richard Chorley
* A. Rees Clark
* Claudius Clavus (Claudus Claussøn Swart)
* Paul Cloke
* Philip Cluwer
* Denis Cosgrove (England 1948)
* Kevin Cox
* Susan Cutter
* John Antony Cramer
* James Croll
* Mike Crang
* Phill Crang
* Jovan Cvijić (Serbia 1865-1927)


* Jack Dangermond
* William Morris Davis (USA, 1850-1934)
* Alexander Dalrymple
* Christian Daudel (France, b. 1955)
* Frank Debenham
* John Dee (England, 1527-1608)
* Jared Diamond (USA, 1937)
* Al-Dinawari (828-898)
* Benjamin Y. Dixon
* Dicaearchus (Greece, circa 350-285 BC)
* Vasily V. Dokuchaev
* Ján Drdoš (Slovakia, b. 1934)
* Michael Drozdiak
* Erich von Drygalski


* William Gordon East
* Eratosthenes (Greece, 276-194 BC)
* Stuart Elden
* Lawrence Estaville
* Lewis Evans (surveyor)
* George Everest


* Ahmad ibn Fadlan (10th c.)
* Ghazi Falah
* Ibn al-Faqih (10th c.)
* Abu al-Fida (Abulfeda) (Syria, 1273-1331)
* Colin Flint
* Gemma Frisius (Netherlands, 1508-1555)
* Masahisa Fujita


* Alfons Gabriel
* Francis Galton
* Johann Georg August Galletti
* Abu Said Gardezi (d. 1061)
* Henry Gannett
* William Garrison (geographer)
* Johann Gottlieb Georgi
* Artur Gavazzi (Croatia, Slovenia, 1861-1944)
* John Alan Glennon
* Johann Georg Gmelin
* Reginald G. Golledge
* Michael Frank Goodchild (1944 -)
* Jean Gottman
* Mark Graham
* Derek Gregory
* Pyrs Gruffud
* Lev Gumilev
* Arnold Henry Guyot


* Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (Iran)
* Toni Hagen
* Torsten Hägerstrand (Sweden, 1916-2004)
* Peter Haggett
* Mohammad Reza Hafeznia (Iran)
* Yaqut al-Hamawi (1179-1229)
* Hamdani (893-945)
* Martin Hampl (Czech Republic, b. 1940)
* Susan Hansen
* Richard Hartshorne (United States, 1899-1992)
* Karl Haushofer
* Cole Harris
* David Harvey (United States, Britain, b. 1935)
* Henri Hauser
* Ibn Hawqal (d. after 977)
* Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (Iraq, 965-1039)
* Zheng He
* John Heap
* Sven Hedin
* Gamal Hemdan (Egypt, 1928-1993)
* Alfred Hettner
* Hipparchus (Greece, 190-120 BC)
* Thomas Holdich
* John Holmes (professor)
* Johann Homann(Germany, 1664-1724)
* J.F. Horrabin
* Paul D.M. Hughes
* Alexander von Humboldt (Germany, 1769-1859)
* Carl Humann
* Ellsworth Huntington
* Thomas Hutchins


* Muhammad al-Idrisi (Dreses) (Islamic Spain, 1100-1166)
* Cosmas Indicopleustes


* Jane Jacobs
* Kim Jeong-ho
* Alexander Keith Johnston (1804-1871)
* Alexander Keith Johnston (1844-1879)
* Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov
* Ibn Jubayr (1145-1217)


* Felix Philipp Kanitz
* Mahmud al-Kashgari (1005-1102)
* Robert Kates
* David Keeling
* Artimus Keiffer
* Ibn Khordadbeh (820-912)
* Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (780-850)
* Richard Kiepert
* Heinrich Kiepert
* Al-Kindi (Alkindus) (801-873)
* Audrey Kobayshi
* Peter Kozler
* Stepan Krasheninnikov
* Peter Kropotkin
* Robert Kruse
* Mark Kemp


* Yves Lacoste
* Joannes de Laet
* William Lambton
* Andrew Latham
* Eric Laurier
* Liu An (China, 177-122 BC)
* Philippe Le Billon
* Peirce F. Lewis
* David Ley
* Michal Lukniš (Slovakia, 1916-1986)


* Paul MacVean
* Halford John Mackinder (UK, 1861-1947)
* Ahmad Bin Majid (b. 1432)
* Conrad Malte-Brun
* Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun
* Kenneth Mason
* Doreen Massey
* Abu al-Hasan 'Alī al-Mas'ūdī (896-956)
* René Matlovič (Slovakia, b. 1967)
* Otto Maull
* John May
* Emil Mazúr (Slovakia, 1925-1990)
* Linda McDowell
* Donald McNeill
* D. W. Meinig
* Anton Melik
* Alfred Merz
* Megasthenes
* August Meitzen, (Germany 1822-1910)
* Anton Melik (Slovenia, 1890-1966)
* Guenter Meyer (Germany)
* Nicolae Milescu
* Don Mitchell
* Jozef Mládek (Slovakia, b. 1939)
* Brent W. Moll
* Mark Monmonier
* Johnathan R. Moravek
* Jedidiah Morse
* William G. Moseley
* Hamdollah Mostowfi (1281-1349)
* P.O. Muller
* Al-Muqaddasi (945-1000)


* Christophe Neff
* Bernard Neitschmann
* Joseph Nicollet
* Richard Nostrand
* Pedro Nunes


* Erich Obst
* Vladimir Obruchev
* Miles Ogborn
* Gunnar Olsson
* Kenneth Olwig
* Gearóid Ó Tuathail


* Joseph Partsch
* Pasqualetti
* Pausanias (Greece, fl. circa 150)
* Albrecht Penck
* Walther Penck
* Chris Philo
* Pavol Plesník (Slovakia, b. 1920)
* Philip Porter
* Posidonius (Greece 135-51 BCE)
* Marco Polo
* Allan Pred
* Nikolai Przhevalsky
* Pseudo-Scymnus
* Ptolemy (Roman Egypt, circa 85-165)
* Pytheas (Greece, fl. circa 360 BC)


* Sarah A. Radcliffe
* Friedrich Ratzel
* Amin Razi (Persia, 16th century)
* Elisee Reclus
* Piri Reis (Turkey, 14651554)
* James Rennell
* Orlando Ribeiro
* Ferdinand Baron Von Richthofen 19th Century
* Barry Riddell
* Carl Ritter (Germany, 1779-1859)
* Arthur H. Robinson
* Joseph Rock
* Friedrich Gerhard Rohlfs
* Bernard Romans
* Thomas E. Ross
* William Roy
* Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (Islamic Spain, 1126-1198)
* Ibn Rustah (Persia, d. 903)

* David Sadler
* Arun Saldanha
* Marwyn Samuels
* Milton Santos (Brazil, 1926 -- 2001)
* Saskia Sassen
* Carl Sauer (USA, 1889 -- 1975)
* Fred K. Schaefer (Berlin, Germany 1904-USA, 1953)
* Steven Schnell
* Henry Schoolcraft
* Scymnus
* Leopold von Schrenck
* Allen J Scott
* Ellen Churchill Semple
* Johan Sems (Netherlands, 1572-1635)
* Edward Shackleton, Baron Shackleton
* Andrew Shears
* Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky
* Shen Kuo (China, 1031-1095)
* Eric Sheppard
* Yuly Shokalsky
* James R. Shortridge
* Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (Persia, 980-1037)
* Neil Smith
* Paul Allen Siple
* Evelyn Stokes (New Zealand, 1936-2005)
* Strabo (Roman Empire, Greece, circa 63/64 - circa 24 BC)
* Su Song (China, 1020-1101)
* Edward Soja (Spain, 1942)
* Oskar Spate
* John Speke, Royal Geographic Society
* Simon Springer
* Ulf Strohmayer


* Ralph Stockman Tarr
* Johann Heinrich von Thünen (Germany, 1783-1850)
* Nigel Thrift
* Waldo R. Tobler
* Wilhelm Tomaschek
* Roger Tomlinson
* George Trebeck
* Emil Trinkler
* Carl Troll
* Yi-Fu Tuan (United States, China, b. 1930)
* Billie Lee Turner II
* James A. Tyner
* Marinos of Tyre


* Edward Ullman


* Villalba Giovanni


* Alfred Russel Wallace
* Michael Watts
* Alfred Weber (Germany, 1868-1958)
* John C. Western
* Gilbert F. White
* Alan Wilson
* Charles W. J. Withers
* Denis Wood (United States, 1945 - )
* John Kirtland Wright
* Thomas James Henry Wallis


* Xu Xiake


* Naomasa Yamasaki
* Ya'qubi (d. 897)


* Michal Zaťko (Slovakia, b. 1933)
* Martin Zeiller (Germany, 1589-1661)
* Wilbur Zelinsky (United States, B. 1921)
* Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermann

ee also

*List of cartographers
*List of Muslim geographers

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