anotia — Ausencia congénita de una o de ambas orejas. Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
ANOTIA — vulgo Anout, Insul. parva maris Baltici in Dania, inter Iutiam Septentrionalem et Hallandiam, provinc. Sueciae; inter Syrtes posita … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Anotia — No ear. The term “anotia” usually refers to congenital (from birth) absence of the external ear, the auricle, the visible part of the ear. * * * Congenital absence of one or both auricles of the ears. [G. an priv. + ous, ear] * * * an·otia an ō… … Medical dictionary
Anotia — beausystė statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Anotia ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ausų trūkumai … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
Anotia — beausystė statusas T sritis embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Anotia ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ausų ydos … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas
анотия — (anotia; ан + греч. us, otos ухо) аномалия развития: отсутствие ушной раковины … Большой медицинский словарь
Аноти́я — (anotia; Ан + греч. us, ōtos ухо) аномалия развития: отсутствие ушной раковины … Медицинская энциклопедия
Microtia — For the orchid genus, see Microtis. For the vole genus, see Microtus. Microtia Classification and external resources Unilateral grade III microtia (more often affecting the right ear) … Wikipedia
Otoplasty — Otoplasty: the pre operative front aspect (left), and the post operative front aspect (right) of an infantile otopexy (ear pinback) correction to a girl. Otoplasty (Greek ōtoûs, ear + plassein, to shape) denotes the surgical and non surgical… … Wikipedia
List of diseases (A) — A listing of diseases.DiseasesTOC Aa Ab* Aagenaes syndrome * Aarskog Ose Pande syndrome * Aarskog syndrome * Aase Smith syndrome * Aase syndrome * ABCD syndrome * Abasia * Abdallat Davis Farrage syndrome * Abdominal aortic aneurysm * Abdominal… … Wikipedia