Armand Gensonné

Armand Gensonné

Armand Gensonné (August 10 1758–October 31 1793) was a French politician.

The son of a military surgeon, he was born in Bordeaux, Gascony, and studied Law before the outbreak of the French Revolution, becoming lawyer of the "parlement" of Bordeaux. In 1790 he became "procureur" of the Bordeaux Commune, and in July 1791 was elected by the newly created "départment" of the Gironde a member of the court of appeal.

In the same year he was elected deputy for the "départment" to the Legislative Assembly. As "rapporteur" of the diplomatic committee, in which he supported the policy of Jacques Pierre Brissot, he proposed two of the most revolutionary measures passed by the Assembly: the decree of accusation against the King Louis XVI's brothers (the Comte de Provence and the Comte d'Artois) on January 1 1792, and the declaration of war against the Habsburg ruler Francis II (April 20 1792).

He was a denouncer of the intrigues of the court and of the "Comité autrichien", but the violence of the extreme republicans, culminating in the riots of 10 August, alarmed him.

Elected to the National Convention, where he was regarded as one of the most brilliant of the group of orators from the Gironde (although he always read his speeches), Gensonné denounced, on October 24, the actions of the Paris Commune following the September Massacres. At the king's trial in late December, he supported an appeal to the people, but voted for the death sentence.

As a member of the Committee of General Defence, and as president of the Convention (March 7–March 21 1793), he shared in the harsh attacks of the Girondists on The Mountain. On June 2, after François Hanriot's anti-Girondist intervention, he was among the first of those inscribed on the prosecution list. Gensonné was tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal on October 24 1793, sentenced to death and guillotined.



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