

Infobox Swiss town
subject_name = Rolle
municipality_name = Rolle
municipality_type = municipality
imagepath_coa = |pixel_coa=
image_photo = Rolle Castle.jpg
image_caption = Castle of Rolle

languages = French
canton = Vaud
iso-code-region = CH-VD
district = Rolle
postal_code = 1180
municipality_code = 5861
area = 2.72
elevation = 376|elevation_description=
population = 4901|populationof=2006
website =
mayor = |mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
places =
demonym =
neighboring_municipalities= Bursinel, Essertines-sur-Rolle, Gilly, Mont-sur-Rolle, Perroy, Tartegnin, Lake Geneva
twintowns = Wallisellen (Switzerland)|

Rolle is a municipality in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It is the seat of the district of the same name, and is located on the northwestern shore of Lake Geneva ("Lac Léman") between Nyon and Lausanne. Rolle is approximately 30 kilometres (19 miles) northeast of Geneva (Genève) in the La Côte wine-growing region, and commands spectacular views of the high Alps. [cite web
title=Trip through the vineyards of La Cote

It is also the location for the main campus of Institut Le Rosey, one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the world. [cite web
date=July 5, 1999
title=Where you learn to be a billionaire
] Notable former residents of Rolle, and alumni of Le Rosey, include: Aga Khan IV, King Albert II of Belgium, King Baudouin I of Belgium, King Fuad II of Egypt, King Ntare V of Burundi, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavī, and Prince Rainier III of Monaco. [cite web
date=February 17, 1993
title=In Switzerland, Democracy at the Summit
] Rolle is also the birthplace of Frédéric-César de la Harpe (1754-1838), who was the tutor of Alexander I of Russia and was largely responsible for the independence of the Canton of Vaud from the Bernese. [cite web
title=Switzerland is yours

External links

* [ Rolle Office of Tourism]


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