Timeline of computing 1980–1989 — History of computing Hardware before 1960 Hardware 1960s to present Hardware in Soviet Bloc countries Artificial intelligence Computer science Operating systems Programming languages … Wikipedia
Historia de la computación — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La computadora no es un invento de alguien en particular, sino el resultado evolutivo de ideas y realizaciones de muchas personas relacionadas con áreas tales como la electrónica, la mecánica, los materiales… … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Historia de la computación — La computadora u ordenador, no es un invento de alguien en particular, sino el resultado evolutivo de ideas y realizaciones de muchas personas relacionadas con áreas tales como la electrónica, la mecánica, los materiales semiconductores, la… … Wikipedia Español
Intel 8086 — Produced From 1978 to 1990s Common manufacturer(s) Intel, AMD, NEC, Fujitsu, Harris (Intersil), OKI, Siemens AG … Wikipedia
Timeline of computing 1950–1979 — History of computing Hardware before 1960 Hardware 1960s to present Hardware in Soviet Bloc countries Artificial intelligence Computer science Operating systems Programming languages … Wikipedia
MYCRO-1 — The MYCRO 1 was a microcomputer manufactured and sold by Mycron of Oslo, Norway. Built around the Intel 8080 CPU, it was probably the first commercial single board computer. External links Picture of a MYCRO 1 with additional floppy controller… … Wikipedia
List of machines running CP/M — Many microcomputer makes and models could run some version or derivation of the CP/M disk operating system. Eight bit computers running CP/M 80 were built around an Intel 8080/85, Zilog Z80, or compatible CPU (for CP/M 80). CP/M 86 ran on the… … Wikipedia
Lars Monrad Krohn — (born July 14, 1933) is a Norwegian engineer and entrepreneur. He graduated from the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Institute for Radio Technology, (NTH, Institutt for Radioteknikk) in 1959. His master thesis addressed construction of… … Wikipedia
TDV 2200 — was a series of terminals produced by Tandberg Data from the early 1980s.By far the biggest customer of these terminals was Norsk Data, who sold a customized rebranded version of the TDV 2215 as the ND NOTIS terminal. Other customers included… … Wikipedia
Liste D'entreprises Norvégiennes — Participez au projet entreprises La liste ci dessous ne pouvant regrouper l ensemble des entreprises norvégiennes, elle propose de rassembler les grandes entreprises (plus de 250 employés) ou encore les PME dont la notoriété est incontestable.… … Wikipédia en Français