- Byte (magazine)
Infobox Magazine
title = Byte
| image_size = 200px | image_caption = "Byte" Vol 1. No. 4, cover dated December
editor = Virginia Williamson
frequency = Monthly
circulation =
category =Computer magazines
company =CMP Media
firstdate = September 1975
country =United States
language = English
website = [http://www.byte.com/ www.byte.com]
issn = 0360-5280
finaldate = July 1998
finalnumber ="Byte" magazine was an influential
microcomputer magazine in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, because of its wide-ranging editorial coverage. Whereas many magazines from the mid-1980s had been dedicated to theMS-DOS (PC) platform or the Mac, mostly from a business user's perspective, "Byte" covered developments in the entire field of "small computers and software", and sometimes included in-depth features on other computing fields as well, such assupercomputer s and high-reliability computing."Byte" started in 1975, shortly after the first personal computers appeared as kits advertised in the back of electronics magazines. "Byte" was published monthly, with a yearly subscription price of $10.
How "Byte" started
In 1975
Wayne Green was the Editor/Publisher of "73" (anamateur radio magazine) and his ex-wife, Virginia Londner Green, was the Business Manager of 73 Inc. In the August 1975 issue of 73 magazine Wayne's editorial column started with this item."The response to computer-type articles in 73 has been so enthusiastic that we here in Peterborough got carried away. On May 25th we made a deal with the publisher of a small (400 circulation) computer hobby magazine to take over as editor of a new publication which would start in August ... BYTE."cite journal | last =Green | first =Wayne | title =73 Staff | journal = 73 Amateur Radio | issue =179 | pages = 2 | date = August 1975 | url = http://www.swtpc.com/mholley/73_Magazine/Aug1975/73_Aug1975.htm | accessdate =2007-10-09]The new editor was
Carl Helmers and in the first anniversary issue he wrote:"BYTE began with its first issue dated September 1975. That first issue was assembled from scratch in seven weeks of hectic activity starting May 25 1975."The new magazine, "Byte", was published by a new company, Green Publishing. The first 4 issues were produced in the offices of 73 and Wayne Green was listed as the publisher. One day in November 1975 Wayne came to work and found that the Byte magazine staff had moved out and taken the January issue with them.cite journal | last = Carlson | first = Walter| title = Green: a shade ahead of the market - Wayne Green | journal = Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management | date = January 1985 | url = http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3065/is_v14/ai_3584572 | accessdate = 2008-01-16 "Green relates that when he arrived at the office one day in November 1975, when the fifth issue was in the works, he found that everything had been moved out--the shoeboxes, the back issues, the articles and the bank account--by his general manager, who also happened to be his first wife, from whom he was divorced in 1965." ] The January 1976 issue has Virginia Green listed as Publisher.
The February 1976 issue of "Byte" has a short story about the move. "After a start which reads like a romantic light opera with an episode or two reminiscent of the Keystone Cops, BYTE magazine finally has moved into separate offices of its own."
Wayne Green was not happy about losing "Byte" magazine so he planned to start a new one called "Kilobyte". "Byte" quickly trademarked KILOBYTE as a cartoon series in "Byte" magazine. The new magazine was called "Kilobaud". Wayne's name was never mentioned in Byte magazine for over 10 years. There was competition and animosity between Byte Publications and 73 Inc. but both remained in the small town of
Peterborough, New Hampshire .The early years
"Byte" was able to attract advertising and articles from many well-knowns, soon-to-be-well-knowns, and ultimately-to-be-forgottens in the growing microcomputer hobby. Articles in the first issue (September, 1975) included "Which Microprocessor For You?" by
Hal Chamberlin , "Write Your Own Assembler" byDan Fylstra and "Serial Interface" byDon Lancaster . Advertisements fromGodbout , MITS,Processor Technology ,SCELBI , and "Sphere" appear, among others.Early articles in "Byte" were do-it-yourself electronic or software projects to improve small computers. A continuing feature was "Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar", a column in which electronic engineer
Steve Ciarcia described small projects to modify or attach to a computer (later spun off to become the magazine [http://www.circuitcellar.com Circuit Cellar] , focusing on embedded computer applications). Significant articles in this period included theKansas City standard for data storage on audio tape, insertion of disk drives into S-100 computers, publication of source code for various computer languages (Tiny C, BASIC, assemblers), and breathless coverage of the first microcomputeroperating system , CP/M. "Byte" ranMicrosoft 's first advertisement, as "Micro-Soft", to sell a BASIC interpreter for 8080-based computers.Growth and change
In spring of 1979, owner/publisher Virginia Williamson sold the magazine to
McGraw-Hill . She remained publisher through 1983 (a total of about 8 years from inception) and subsequently became a vice president of McGraw-Hill Publications Company. Shortly after the IBM PC was introduced, in 1981, the magazine changed editorial policies. It gradually deemphasized the do-it-yourself electronics and software articles, and began running product reviews, the first computer magazine to do so. It continued its wide-ranging coverage of hardware and software, but now it reported "what it does" and "how it works", not "how-to-do-it." The editorial focus remained on any computer system or software that might be within a typical individual's finances and interest (centered on home andpersonal computer s).From 1975 through 1986, "Byte" covers usually featured the artwork of
Robert Tinney . These covers made "Byte" visually unique. The color scheme was often a dull green that evoked the color of a printed circuit board. In 1987, the replacement of Tinney's paintings with product photographs (together with the discontinuation of Steve Ciarcia's "Circuit Cellar" column) marked the refocusing of the magazine from technical people to management.Around 1985, Byte started its own online service called BIX (Byte Information eXchange) which was a text only BBS style site running on the
CoSy conferencing software. McGraw-Hill also used the same software internally.Fact|date=January 2008 Access was via local dial-in or for additional hourly charges, theTymnet X.25 network. Monthly rates were $13/month for the account and $1/hour for X.25 access. UnlikeCompuserve , access at higher speeds was not surcharged. Many of the Byte staff were active on the service. Later, gateways permittedemail communication outside the system."Byte" continued to grow. By 1990, it was a monthly about an inch in thickness, a readership of technical professionals, and a subscription price of $56/year (quite pricey). It was the "must-read" magazine of the popular computer magazines. Around 1993, "Byte" began to develop a web presence. It acquired domain name [http://www.byte.com byte.com] and began to have discussions and post selected editorial content.
Likewise, it has developed a number of national sister editions; in
Japan , inGermany , and the latest "Byte" edition in Arabic, published in Jordan.The controversial end of "Byte"
In 1998, still growing, "Byte" was purchased by CMP Media, a successful publisher of specialized computer magazines. CMP ceased publication (ending with the July 1998 issue), laid off all the staff and shut down "Byte"'s rather large product-testing lab. Subscribers were offered a choice of two of CMP's other magazines, notably CMP's flagship publication about Windows PCs. Subscribers were shocked and horrified, and angrily speculated on the Internet that CMP had purchased "Byte" to destroy it as a competitor.Publication of "Byte" in
Germany andJapan continued uninterrupted. The Arabic edition ended abruptly.Many of "Byte"'s columnists migrated their writing to personal web sites. The most popular of these was probably
science fiction authorJerry Pournelle 'sweblog " [http://www.jerrypournelle.com The View From Chaos Manor] " derived from a long-standing column in "Byte", describing computers from a power-user's point of view.In 1999, CMP revived "Byte" as a web-only publication. In 2002, the site became subscription-supported. The wide-ranging editorial policy continues. The site features numerous articles onopen-source projects, including a continuing column onLinux byMoshe Bar . Jerry Pournelle was retained to continue writing "The View From Chaos Manor", which from December 2003 again appears in print in English, in the programming magazineDr. Dobb's Journal .References
*Ranade, Jay; Nash, Alan (1993). "The Best of Byte". McGraw-Hill Companies. 641 pp. ISBN 0-07-051344-9.
External links
* [http://www.byte.com/ BYTE.com] (subscription-supported)
* [http://www.byte.com.tr/ BYTE Turkey (Only active monthly printed BYTE magazine)] (subscription-supported)
* [http://www.halfhill.com/bytefaq.html Tom's Unofficial BYTE FAQ:The Death of BYTE Magazine] – By former Byte journalistTom R. Halfhill , on his personal website
* [http://www.devili.iki.fi/library/publication/10.en.html HomeLib] On-line index for early issues of Byte
* [http://www.quickerwit.com Quickerwit.com] On-line reviews index to Byte from 1994 to 1998
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