- List of photographic processes
This page list various photographic processes.
Chromogenic positive (Ektachrome )
**E-4 process
**E-6 process
*Chromogenic negative
**C-41 process
**RA-4 process
*Dye destruction
**K-12 process
**K-14 process
*Dye transfer print
*Carbon print , 1862
*Lippmann process , 1891
*Autochrome Lumière , 1903
*Autochrome Lumière
Ink jet
**Iris print
*LightJet Black and White (Monochrome)
Abration tone
*Acetate film
*Albumen print , 1850
*Aristo paper
*Autotype B
*Baryta coated paper
*Bayard process
*Bichromate process
*Bichromated gelatin
*Bichromated gum arabic
*Bichromatic albumen
*Bitumen of Judea
*Bromoil Process , 1907
*burneum C
Calotype , 1841
*Carbon print , 1855
*Carbro Print
*Casein pigment
*Cellulose diacetate negative
*Cellulose nitrate negative
*Cellulose triacetate negative
*Charbon Velour
*Chrysotype , 1842
*Collodion paper
*Collodion process , 1851
*Collotype , 1870
*Color paper
*Contact print
*Contact sheet
*Copper Photogravure
*Crystal photo 1850
*Cyanotype , 1842D
Daguerreotype , 1839
*Dry collodion negative
*Dry collodion process
*Dry plate
*Dye coupler process
*Dye destruction process
*Dye diffusion transfer process
*Dye transfer print E
*Enamel photograph
*enamaline F
*Ferroprussiate paper
*fluorotype G
*Gaslight paper
*Gelatino-Bromide emulsions , 1875
*Gelatin-silver process
*Gem tintype
*Ghost photograph
*Gum Bichromate Print
*gum bichromate
*Gum Dichromate
*gum printing = *Photoglyphic
*Gum over platinum H
*Hyalotype -1850
*Hydrotype I
*Intermediate negative
*Iron salt process
*Ivorytype -1855J
*Jews pith K
kallitype L
*linotype M
*Meisenbach process
*metotype N
Oil printing process
*Ozobrom process
*Ozotype process P
Palladiotype , 1914
*Palladium Print
*Palladium processing
*Paper Negatives
*Pinatype process
*Platinotype , 1873
*Plumbeotype R
Salt print
*Salted paper
*Self-toning paper
*Sepia paper
*Silver bromide
*Silver chloride collodion
*Sun printing T
*Tintype or Ferrotype
*transferotype U
uranium print V
*Van Dyke
*Vescicular film
*Vignetting W
Wash-off Relief
*Waxed paper
* Wet collodion process
* Wet collodion plate
* Wet plate process
*Wothlytype References
[http://www.usask.ca/lists/alt-photo-process/index.html Alternative Photographic Process Mailing list archive]
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