List of photographic films

List of photographic films


[cite web | url= | title=Fujifilm consumer film line-up | accessdate=2007-04-14] [cite web | url= | title=Fujifilm professional film line-up | accessdate=2007-04-14]

Velvia 50

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 50/18°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 13x18cm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 9
* Latitude: ±½ stop
* Color saturation: Very high
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Landscape and nature scenes.
* General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.

Velvia 100

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10"
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Very high
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
* History: Set to replace 'classic' Velvia 50.
* Primary usage: Landscape and nature scenes.
* General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.

Velvia 100F

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
* Latitude: ±½ stop
* Color saturation: Very high
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 160 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 80 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage:
* General characteristics: Very high contrast, very high saturation.

Provia 100F

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
* Latitude: ±½ stop
* Color saturation: Very high
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage:
* General characteristics:

Astia 100F

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10"
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 7
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Subdued
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Fashion, portraits, interior, products.
* General characteristics: Soft tones

Provia 400X

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 11
* Color saturation: High
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
* History: Replaced Provia 400F
* Primary usage: Sports, journalism, stage shows, astrophotography

64T type II

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 64/19°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 10
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Natural
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Product photography and reproducing illustrations or paintings.
* General characteristics: For tungsten lighting.

ensia 100

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35 mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 8
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Natural
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General
* General characteristics:

ensia 200

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 200/24°
* Available formats: 35 mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 13
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Natural
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 140 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 60 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General, indoor
* General characteristics:

ensia 400

* Type: Color Reversal
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35 mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 13
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Natural
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 135 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 55 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Sports, portraits, nighttime, astrophotography.
* General characteristics:

Pro 160S

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 160/23°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5", 8x10", 9x12cm, 13x18cm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 3
* Latitude:
* Color saturation:
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
* History: Replaced NPS160
* Primary usage: Portraits
* General characteristics:

Pro 160C

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 160/23°
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, 220, 4x5"
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 3
* Latitude:
* Color saturation: Enhanced
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
* History: Replaced NPC160
* Primary usage: Portraits, fashion, architecture, interior.
* General characteristics:

NPL 160

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 160/23°
* Available formats: 120, 4x5", 8x10"
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude:
* Color saturation:
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Studio portraits, copying.
* General characteristics: For tungsten lighting.

Pro 400H

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History: Used to be called NPH400
* Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

Pro 800Z

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 800/30°
* Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 115 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History: Used to be called NPZ800
* Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
* General characteristics:

=Superia Reala=

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35mm, 120
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer, fine grain.

uperia 100

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 100/21°
* Available formats: 35mm, 120
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 63 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

uperia 200

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 200/24°
* Available formats: 35mm, 110
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

uperia X-tra 400

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

True definition 400

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer, fine grain.

uperia X-tra 800

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 800/30°
* Available formats: 35mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

uperia 1600

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 1600/33°
* Available formats: 35mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 7
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

Press 400

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 400/27°
* Available formats: 35mm
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 4
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.

Press 800

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 800/30°
* Available formats: 35mm, 110
* Granularity: (x 1000): RMS 5
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power: contrast 1000:1 125 line/mm, contrast 1.6:1 50 line/mm
* History:
* Primary usage: General.
* General characteristics: 4th Color layer.


[cite web | url= | title=Ilford consumer and professional films |accessdate=2007-04-14]

Delta 100

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 100, DIN 21
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
* Granularity: Extremely Fine
* Resolving power: High
* History: 100 speed version of Delta released in 1992
* Primary usage: General black and white photography
* General characteristics: Extreme contrast, fine-grain, fairly wide latitude

Delta 400

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity: Fine
* Latitude: EI 200/24 to EI 3200/36
* Resolving power:
* History: The Delta films are Ilford's answer to Kodak's T-grained films (T-Max). Unveiled in 1990, it uses Ilford's core-shell crystal technology. The current version was released in 2001.
* Primary usage: All-purpose black and white film
* General characteristics: Relatively fine grain and high contrast, good speed

Delta 3200

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 1000/DIN 31
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity:
* Latitude: EI 1600/33 to EI 6400/39, up to EI 25000/45 with push processing
* Resolving power:
* History: Available since 1998 as a competitor to Kodak's T-Max 3200. Unlike Kodak's emulsion, it is available in 120 format.
* Primary usage: Low light and extreme low light depending on what speed it is exposed and developed at.

XP2 Super

* Type: Black and White (Chromogenic Dye)
* Speed: ISO 400/DIN 27
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 800/30
* History: Replaced the original XP2, Ilford decided not to Call it XP3
* Primary usage: A medium speed, C41 (One hour photo) process film.

Ortho Plus

* Type: Black and White Orthochromatic Copy Film
* Speed: ISO 80/DIN 20 in Daylight, ISO 40/DIN 17 in Tungsten
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Primary usage: Copy work, B&W duplicating, alternative processes, creative portraiture.
* General characteristics: Orthochromatic, thus subjects that reflect red light show little density on the negative. Very fine grain and high resolving power. Highest contrast and Dmax of all Ilford films.

Pan F Plus

* Type: Black and White (Silver, Panchromatic)
* Speed: ISO 50/DIN 18
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity: Very Fine
* Latitude: EI 25/15 to EI 50/18
* Resolving power:
* History: Available since 1992
* Primary usage: Portraiture, Landscape, Still life.
* General characteristics: Very fine grain and high resolving power. High contrast and Dmax.

FP4 Plus

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 125, DIN 22
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
* Granularity: Very Fine
* Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 200/24
* Resolving power:
* History:
* Primary usage: General Black and White Photography, Landscape Photography
* General characteristics: Very fine grain, Medium-high Contrast

HP5 Plus

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
* Granularity:
* Latitude: EI 400/27 to EI 3200/36
* Resolving power:
* History:
* Primary usage: Photojournalism, amateur, students.
* General characteristics: Very grainy

FX 200

* Type: Black and White with Extended Red Sensitivity
* Speed: ISO 200, DIN 24
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity: Medium-Coarse
* Latitude:
* Resolving power:
* History:
* Primary usage: Infrared Photography
* General characteristics: medium grain, sensitive to IR up to about 750nm

Pan 100

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 100, DIN 21
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity:
* Latitude: EI 50/18 to EI 200/24
* Resolving power:
* History:
* Primary usage:
* General characteristics:

Pan 400

* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120
* Granularity:
* Latitude: EI 200/24 to EI 3200/36
* Resolving power:
* History:
* Primary usage:
* General characteristics:


[cite web | url= | title=Kodak consumer film | accessdate=2007-04-14] [cite web | url= | title=Kodak professional products | accessdate=2007-04-14]

Black and white films

* Panatomic-X
* Plus-X
* Tri-X
* High Contrast Copy
* Technical Pan
* Litho film
* IR film

Color Films

* Kodak Gold
* Ektachrome
* Kodachrome
* Portra

Portra 800

* Type: Color negative
* Speed: ISO 800/30°
* Available formats: 35mm, 120, 220
* Granularity: (x 1000):
* Latitude: Wide.
* Color saturation: Natural.
* Resolving power:
* History: Updated in 2004, then again in 2006, the 2006 version still has 800-2 written on the negs.
* Primary usage: Weddings, portraits, fashion.
* General characteristics:


* Type: Black and White
* Speed: ISO 400, DIN 27
* Available formats: 35 mm, 120, Sheet Film
* Granularity:
* Latitude: EI 400/27 to EI 3200/36
* Resolving power:
* History: introduced in 1954
* Primary usage: Photojournalism, amateur, students.
* General characteristics:




Rollei R3 Film

Rollei IR 820

ee also

List of discontinued photographic films


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