Anthony G. Collins

Anthony G. Collins

Anthony G. Collins is the 16th President of Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He began serving as president on July 1, 2003.

Born in 1949, Collins grew up outside Melbourne, Australia, earned an undergraduate civil engineering degree from Monash University, and then master's and doctoral degrees from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. Prior to his doctoral studies, he worked for both Australian Consolidated Industries and Utah Development Company.

After receiving his Ph.D. in 1982, Collins launched his career at Clarkson as an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering. Subsequently rising to the rank of professor, he also assumed increasing levels of administrative responsibility, including department chair, dean, vice president for academic affairs, and provost. He has received the John W. Graham Faculty Research Award, the Distinguished Teaching Award, and two Outstanding Advising awards. In February 2007, Collins was recognized by Lehigh University for his accomplishments in advancing engineering education and as a leader in higher education, when he received the Lynn S. Beedle Award.

Collins was recognized for his accomplishments in advancing engineering education and as a leader in higher education.

A leader in shaping the academic component of the University's strategic plan, Collins was also a primary architect of the "Vision of a Clarkson Education" that has guided evolution of the curriculum since 1995. His encouragement of an interdisciplinary approach in teaching, research and coursework helped lead to development of project-based team learning that has earned Clarkson national recognition. He has established productive liaisons with government representatives at all levels that have assisted in spurring a dramatic increase in sponsored research support.

Collins has focused on the theme "Evolution to Excellence" for his presidency, and in his inaugural address he described three key building blocks in Clarkson's ongoing pursuit of excellence: elevating the University's academic reputation, strengthening financial resources, and increasing the engagement of alumni.

He is vice-chair of the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), an executive board member of the Central New York Metropolitan Development Authority (MDA), president of the Seaway Private Equity Corporation (SPEC), vice president of the Associated Colleges of St. Lawrence Valley, and a board member of CITEC Manufacturing & Technology Solutions and the New York Indoor Environmental Quality (NYIEQ) Center.

In 2005 Clarkson University launched its "Defy Convention" marketing program to build the image and visibility of academic quality among diverse audiences.

In fall of 2006, Collins and his family moved into a new president's house on campus. In 2003 the University Board of Trustees had chosen to sell the previous president's house (known as Hepburn House) due to its deteriorating condition and distance from the campus. Collins and his family lived in their own home in the Village of Potsdam until the move. Funding for the new home came completely as donations from the trustees and not from the university's general fund or other gifts. The trustees said that they believed it was important for the president's house to be on campus. In addition to serving as living space for the president and his family, the new home is designed for hosting students, prospective students, faculty, alumni and university benefactors.


*This article is derived from the [ Official Clarkson University Web page for Anthony G. Collins] , which has been released under the GFDL in an email to the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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