- Psi Scorpii
Starbox short | name=ψ Scorpii | epoch=
J2000.0 | constell=Scorpius | ra=16h 12m 00.0s | dec=−10° 03' 51" | spectral=A3IV | appmag_v=+4.93 | dist_ly=165 ± 8 | dist_pc=51 ± 2 | names=15 Scorpii, HR 6031,
HD 145570, SAO 141022,
HIP 79375 Psi Scorpii (ψ Sco / ψ Scorpii) is astar in theconstellation Scorpius . Psi Scorpii is a white A-typesubgiant with anapparent magnitude of +4.93. It is approximately 165light years fromEarth . subgiant-star-stub ((Starbox bref | name = ψ Scorpii | époque =J2000.0 | constell =Scorpion | RA = 16 h 12 m 00.0 < sup> s | déc =- 10 ° 03 '51 "| = spectrale A3IV | appmag_v = 4,93 | dist_ly = 165 ± 8 | dist_pc = 51 ± 2 | noms = 15 Scorpii, HR 6031,
HD 145570, SAO 141022,
HIP 79375))" 'Psi Scorpii"' (ψ Sco / ψ Scorpii) est unétoiles dansconstellation Scorpion . Psi Scorpii est un blanc [ [stellaire classification | A-type]subgiant d'unmagnitude apparente de 4,93. Il est situé à environ 165années-lumière deTerre . ((subgiant-star-stub))
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.