

Blurr is the name given to five different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He frequently appears as a blue Autobot who transforms into a swift car.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Blurr

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Autobot Cars
function =Data Courier
partner =Haywire
motto ="The faster it is, the better I like it."
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Car
series =
engvoice =John Moschitta, Jr.
japanvoice =Ken Yamaguchi
Blurr is the fastest Autobot on land. He was used primarily by the Autobots as a high speed messenger. Blurr was also portrayed having extremely fast speaking mannerisms, and a nervous streak when dealing with his superiors. Despite this he is a loyal warrior and friend. When he became a Targetmaster he was paired with Haywire, an impulsive and excitable Nebulan youngster. [ [ Autobot Targetmaster: Blurr ] ]

Animated Series

Blurr first appeared in "". He continued to appear in season 3 of the television series as one of Rodimus Prime's closest allies.

Noted for his fast talking, and quick (often annoying) wit, he could possibly be seen as a replacement for Bluestreak, who was formerly among the fastest Autobots.

Blurr was typically shown as a companion to Wheelie or Wreck-Gar, who also had unique styles of speaking. Blurr and Wheelie could be seen a comic relief amongst the Season 3 cast.

Blurr first appeared in the movie, but continued to have several notable appearances over the course of the show. In "Five Faces of Darkness" he and Wheelie are charged with delivering the Transformation Cog to Metroplex. This subplot runs through the entire five parter, and introduces the Predacons, a new Decepticon Combiner team. In addition they are the first to meet Sky Lynx, an arrogant but heroic Autobot transport shuttle, and Marissa Fairbourne of the EDC.

Following this Blurr would have a starring role in "Forever is a Long Time Coming", in which he, Blaster and Wreck-Gar assist a young Alpha Trion in a Quintesson overthrow. Blurr would also be a key player in the retrival of the "Quintesson Journal".

Later Blurr appears in "Face of the Nijika", where he is injured and for the first time talks at normal pace. Blurr would also be among the uninfected Autobots to team up with Optimus Prime in "The Return of Optimus Prime".

In the three part fourth series, "The Rebirth", Blurr became a Targetmaster, with his partner Haywire.

His voice was supplied by well-known fast-talking actor John Moschitta, whose vocal talents complemented Blurr's high-velocity nature.

Transformers: The Headmasters

In the Japanese exclusive "" series the events of The Rebirth were ignored. Blurr continued to appear as a member of the cast, and never became a Targetmaster. Instead he joined Rodimus Prime and Kup in searching for a new homeworld for the Transformers.

In the Japanese version of the animated series, they portrayed Blurr as stuttering, not speaking quickly as he did in the English version.

Marvel Comics

Blurr first appeared in the "" limited series as one of the Autobot crew led by Fortress Maximus. He became a Targetmaster in the fourth and final issue of the series. Blurr first appeared in the regular Transformers series in issue 42, where he quickly joined up with the Earth Autobots, and eventually served under Optimus Prime.

Although Blurr didn't receive a big role in the U.S. comics, he played a large role in writer Simon Furman's U.K. stories. Blurr's first chronological appearance came in the Marvel U.K. "Transformers " arc. He was unwittingly sent by Unicron alongside Hot Rod and Kup, thwarting the future Decepticon Galvatron in his plan to destroy Unicron in 1986 with aid from the present day Ultra Magnus. He would appear in many of the movie-future themed stories, time-traveling again with Kup and Hot Rod (now Rodimus Prime) to recapture Galvatron and stop Death's Head, battling against the Unicron-controlled Decepticons on Cybertron in Prime's absence and battling the Quintessons on Earth. Things would come to a head when Galvatron's continued presence in the past (along with Scourge and the now-deceased Cyclonus) opened a time rift that threatened to destroy Earth and Cybertron. Blurr was part of the group led back by Rodimus Prime to deal with the threat, but even they could not stand against Galvatron and his ally - a clone of Megatron (believed by all to be the real thing). Only Optimus Prime's defeat of Galvatron and Shockwave depositing Cyclonus' body into the rift saved everything. Blurr and the other future Autobots returned find to their own time-stream changed to a different, darker future, where Galvatron was alive and ruling most of Cybertron. Blurr was killed in the early exchanges with this new Galvatron, and his decapitated head used by Galvatron to taunt Rodimus Prime.


Blurr appeared in the 1986 story and coloring book "The Lost Treasure of Cybertron" by Marvel Books.

Dreamwave Productions

In Dreamwave's Generation One series Blurr was a member of a cell of Autobots led by Kup. They were in resistance to the leadership of Shockwave on Cybertron. After they managed to rescue Prime (at first not believing it to be him), Blurr and the rest of the group helped Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus overthrow Shockwave.

Although Targetmaster Blurr received biography pages in Dreamwave's "More Than Meets The Eye" series, he never appeared in the comic stories before the company closed.


*G1 Blurr (1986):This version of Blurr is show-accurate to . It comes with an electro-laser and a shield. Blurr's tech specs portray him as having a Speed rating of 10 [ [ Blurr (1986) - Autobot Data Courier ] ]

*G1 Targetmaster Blurr (1987):This version is a remold of the previous Blurr, and it portrays Blurr as a Targetmaster. It comes with his partner Haywire, who can also act as a gun. Blurr's Speed rating is only 7 for this version. [ [ Blurr (1987) - Autobot Data Courier - ] ]

Cultural impact

With his top speed of 800 miles-per-hour, "Forbes" named Blurr as the fastest fictional car in 2008. [cite news | title = The Fastest Fictional Cars | publisher = Forbes | date = 2008-05-07 | url = | accessdate=2008-05-16]

Transformers: Armada

Transformers character
name =Blurr
japanname =Silverbolt

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
rank =
function =
partner =Incinerator
motto ="Stand up, keep fighting!"
alternatemodes =Cybertronian car, (resembling a Maserati MC12)
series =
engvoice =Brian Drummond
japanvoice =Isshin Chiba
Blurr (Silverbolt in Japan) appeared in the Transformers: Armada series.

Animated series

In the Transformers: Armada animated series, Blurr's portrayal was faithful to his tech spec. He was portrayed as a brave officer and a veteran of many battles. When he is first seen in the series, Blurr meets his mini-con partner Incinerator. He is portrayed as a snob, and was even once claimed to be anti-social from Hot Shot. It is learned that Blurr was sent to aid the Autobots due to a message from his past mentor, Scavenger. After a failed attempt at capturing a Mini-Con which involved tension between Blurr and Hot-Shot, the two Autobots are able to bond and became friends as well as rivals. Throughout the entire Armada series, Blurr is seen as being very patient at times, yet he still maintains his snob attitude to even his own teammates. During a training exercise, Blurr tells Smokescreen that he won't be able to keep up to the pace that Hot Shot and himself are going. To Blurr's dismay, Smokescreen is able to beat the obstacle course in a very unorthodox way.

At one point he saved the life of the rookie Side Swipe from Decepticon execution. Unfortunately this leads the young Autobot to hero-worship him. When Blurr comes to Earth, Side Swipe follows, but Blurr is soon able to unload him on Hot Shot - much to the latter's exasperation. Returning to Cybertron later in the series, Blurr is revealed to be a veteran pilot as he seen piloting the Autobot ship. Blurr's no-nonsense attitude made him a valuable ally. However, it also led to friction between him and Hot Shot, as well as Rad, Alexis and Carlos. He survives the series-ending battle against Unicron. Unlike his G1 counterpart, Blurr talks at a normal pace and doesn't have a mouth. [ [ Armada Blurr with Incinerator ] ]

Dreamwave Productions

Blurr also appeared in the accompanying Armada comic by Dreamwave, although with a much more minor role. He was one of a team of Autobots led by Jetfire who investigated unusual Space Bridge activity at the Decepticon HQ - unaware it had been taken over by Unicron's Heralds. Bludgeon was still present, and he stalked Jetfire's team from the shadows, severely wounding Blurr. He survived, but did not appear again until towards the end of Dreamwave's Energon comics.


*Armada Blurr (2002):Blurr is a futuristic grey car, that is able to have flight mode with the insertion of his mini-con Incinerator into his back area. This flight mode brings out two missile launchers that shoot once mini-cons are attached(much like the whole Armada series). His hands are not the regular sized holes for Armada figures, thus this figure can not hold anything other than his own weapons. [ [ Blurr (Autobot Deluxe Vehicles, Transformers: Armada) ] ] :In 2003 Toys R Us stores sold Blurr and Incinerator with a bonus Mini-Con. He came randomly packaged with Buzzsaw, Drillbit or Duelor.:This toy was later redecoed as "Transformers: Universe" Swerve with Roadhandler. [ [ Blurr (2002) - Autobot - ] ]

Transformers: Cybertron

Transformers character
name =Blurr

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
rank =7
function =Informant
partner =
motto ="With reconnaissance, speed is even more important than the information itself!"
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Car (resembling a Maserati MC12)
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
His bio seemingly painted him as a different character than Armada Blurr. This Blurr was a retired race champion who now resided on Velocitron teaching rookie Transformers how to race. Though he appears to be a harsh taskmaster, this masks a genuine affection for his students. He takes their successes and failures to heart, and demands nothing less than the best - from them and him. [ [ Ben's World of Transformers (Cybertron) ] ]

Animated series

Although there is a civilian Autobot vehicle in the TV series that resembles Blurr, he was unnamed and didn't transform into robot mode. 'Blurr' comes in blue, red and green versions. He had some dialogue in the episode "Hidden", and made several cameo appearances.

Fun Publicatons

Longrack appeared in the text story from Fun Publications called "Force of Habit." This story explained where he was during the events of the "Cybertron" story. Ultra Magnus was the commander of various Autobot ships sent to other planets in search for the Cyber Planet Keys. Longrack served as captain of the Spanner which was sent to Delta Draconis. Among the ship's crew were Armorhide, Blurr and Checkpoint.

Blurr, Excellion, Longrack, and Swerve appeared among Override's troops in the Transformers Collectors Club exclusive story "The Dark Heart of Sandokan" by Benson Yee.


*Galaxy Force Blurr vs. Buzzsaw:The Armada Blurr mold was remolded and released first in "Galaxy Force" in a two-pack set also under the name Blurr which also included Buzzsaw. This remold did not include the Mini-Con that came with the Armada version but gained a new Force Chip gimmick.

*Cybertron Blurr (2005):This later came to America as an individual release. This new mold also included a change in the head, making it more resemble the design of the original G1 Blurr, including the trademark "antenna" on the top of his head. He came with two missiles, two missile launchers, and a Speed Planet Cyber Key with the number d0y2 on it.:The release of Blurr in Cybertron Deluxe wave 3.5 was packaged with a DVD containing the third episode of Transformers: Cybertron, called "Hidden". He appeared in the episode, unnamed, in vehicle mode only.

Transformers: Animated

Transformers character
name =Blurr

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Autobots
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Futuristic Sports Car (resembles a Mach 5).
series =
engvoice =John Moschitta, Jr.
japanvoice =
Blurr is the name of an Autobot in the series from Cartoon Network. He is a homage to the Generation 1 character of the same name, even having the same voice actor. In addition, he is also a homage of Cheetor in the recently shelved Transtech series.

Blurr is seemingly the fastest Autobot, perhaps the fastest of all Transformers. He can travel on his feet-wheels in robot mode and as a vehicle has been seen to drive right up walls.

Animated series

He first appears in the season 2 episode, "Velocity", in which he competes in Master Disaster's illegal street racing tournament and usurps Bumblebee's self-proclaimed title of "fastest thing on wheels". During that time, he was controlled by Master Disaster's AllSpark-powered remote device, and when it was destroyed, he regained control and saved Sari and Bumblebee from Blitzwing before driving off.

Blurr returned in the two-part season two finale episode "A Bridge Too Close", in which he was seen in robot mode for the first time. He is revealed to be an intelligence agent for the Elite Guard, sent to keep an eye on the earth Autobot crew. His personality reflects that of his G1 incarnation, in that he speaks at an extremely fast rate and has a tendency to rattle on in long-winded speeches. His cover is blown when Bumblebee, presuming him to be a Decepticon, attacks. After clearing up the misunderstanding, Blurr leads the Autobots to the Decepticons' base. Once inside, Blurr uses his speed to place stasis cuffs on Blitzwing and Lugnut, rendering them offline. During the battle between the Autobots, Decepticons and Starscream's clones, while putting stasis cuffs on Skywarp, Blurr falls into the Decepticons' open Space Bridge with Skywarp and Thundercracker after being encased in Mixmaster's special cement. The bridge's target coordinates had not been programmed, and all three were sent to an unknown location in the galaxy.

Animated toys

*Animated Deluxe Blurr (2008/not yet released):A Deluxe sized mold. [ [ As of yet unheard of Animated figs in Wal-mart computer. - TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards ] ]

Transformers: Timelines

Transformers character
name =Blurr

caption =Timelines Blurr toy
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
rank =8
function =Data Interceptor
partner =
motto ="The smarter I am, the faster you die."
alternatemodes =Car (resembling a Maserati MC12)
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
In the Transformers: Timelines series Blurr is an evil alternate reality version of Generation 1 Blurr. []

Fun Publications

Blurr appeared as a member of Optimus Prime's forces in the "Shattered Glass" story.


*Timelines Blurr (2008):Blurr is a remold of Cybertron Blurr with a new head. [11]


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