Buzzsaw (Transformers)

Buzzsaw (Transformers)

Buzzsaw is the name of several fictional characters in the fictional Transformers universes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name = Buzzsaw

caption =
affiliation = Decepticon
subgroup = Cassettes
function = Spy
partner = Soundwave
motto = "My bite is worse than my bark."
alternatemodes = Mechanical condor/
series =
voiceby = Frank Welker
Buzzsaw is a Decepticon Transformer which transforms from a mechanical golden condor into a microcassette tape. He works in tandem with his partner Soundwave, and fellow cassettes Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy, and Ratbat. Buzzsaw's name derives from his micro-serrated beak, which can slice through most materials. He excelled in espionage due to his small animal form, and is far braver than the cowardly Laserbeak.

Animated series

Buzzsaw would occasionally appear in the animated series, usually partnered with Laserbeak on spying or attack missions. However, he was featured far less than Laserbeak, likely because Buzzsaw was included with the Soundwave toy, so featuring Laserbeak would boost Laserbeak's sales.

Transformers: The Headmasters

Buzzsaw also appeared in several episodes of the Japanese "" series, being one of the cassettes who recovered Soundwave's body after his fatal duel with Blaster, rebuilding him into Soundblaster. He went on to battle Twincast (the similarly rebuilt Blaster) and his cassettes on several other occasions.

Marvel Comics

Buzzsaw was one of the original ten Decepticons that crashed to Earth in the "Ark". After being reactivated and given the Earthen mode of a condor, Buzzsaw would participate in many of the early battles against the Autobots, seemingly taking Laserbeak's place as Shockwave's petuntil a disastrous raid by Megatron led to Buzzsaw, along with Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Rumble and Frenzy, getting deactivated by Omega Supreme. Buzzsaw was eventually rescued, along with the other captive Decepticons by Ratbat's forces. He would then participate in the battles against Scorponok's Decepticons and then against the Autobots, toppling Omega Supreme, using their united force. None realized, however, that it was all a ruse by Starscream to gain the power of the Underbase for himself. The Autobots and Decepticons would then unite to stop him, but Starscream's power was too great, and Buzzsaw was one of those deactivated. He was not seen again. Interestingly, Buzzsaw was capable of speech in the comic book, unlike the cartoon.

Devil's Due Publishing

In the third G.I. Joe vs the Transformers crossover from Devil's Due Publishing, Buzzsaw (in his golden color scheme) was one of the Decepticons under Serpent O.R. who attacked Autobot Capital City. He appeared again as part of the Decepticon reinforcements sent to stop an Autobot/G.I. Joe breakout. With the eventual defeat of Serpentor, Buzzsaw's fate is unknown.

"Transformers: Timelines"

In the 2006 BotCon story and the accompanying tech spec for the Laserbeak toy released at the convention it was revealed that after the end of the Great War, Divebomb of the original Predacons had rebuilt Laserbeak, Buzzsaw and Ravage into Predacons as part of a secret project to overthrow the Maximals. Ravage swiftly grew discontented and left to work for the TriPredacus Council. When Megatron and his crew stole the Golden Disc, Divebomb, knowing of his plans to alter history, ordered Laserbeak and Buzzsaw's ship to assist them. They badly damaged the "Axalon", but were distracted by the Maximal ship "Chromia 10" long enough for the Axalon to find their weak spot and destroy them, ending Buzzsaw's career at last.

IDW Publishing

Buzzsaw made his first appearance in the IDW Publishing continuity in issue #2 of "", where he, Ravage and Laserbeak were shown to be already working with Soundwave, unlike Rumble and Frenzy. Accompanying Soundwave to a clandestine meeting with Megatron, leader of the underground gladiator games. When they realised Autobots had tracked them, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw took out one while Ravage dealt with the other.


*Generation 1 Buzzsaw (1984):Buzzsaw was a Transformer which transforms from a mechanical golden condor into a microcassette tape. Buzzsaw was packaged with Soundwave. He shares a mold with Laserbeak and Garboil. [ [ Buzzsaw (1984) - Decepticon Spy - ] ]

*Timelines Buzzsaw (2005):A redeco of Energon Divebomb.

Beast Wars

Transformers character
name = Buzz Saw

caption = Buzz Saw box art
affiliation = Predacon
subgroup =
rank =5
function = Aerial surveillance
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Bee
series ="Beast Wars"
voiceby =
In the "Beast Wars" toy line, Buzz Saw is the name of a Predacon, a recolor of the Waspinator toy.

"For the similarly named Fuzor Predacon; see Buzzclaw"

The CGI artists used the "mutant" head as a model for Waspinator's animated appearance. Many of the first season toys came with a "mutant" head optional along with the robot's normal head. In the comic, the artist choose to draw Buzz Saw's normal robot head to differentiate him from Waspinator.

IDW Publishing

"Buzz Saw did not appear in the animated series, but made an appearance in the IDW's "" comics series in 2006. Instead of being partnered with Waspinator as on his tech specs, he worked with Lazorbeak. This comic team-up may be a reference to the G1 Buzzsaw and Laserbeak who both served under Soundwave, or possibly a homage to the fact that Waspinator and Terrorsaur often teamed up in the "Beast Wars" animated series.


Buzz Saw's toy was a redeco of Waspinator. In Japan it was packaged individually or paired with Wolfang.

Beast Machines

Transformers character
name = Buzzsaw

caption = "Beast Machines" Buzzsaw toy
affiliation = Maximal
subgroup =
function = Aerial Reconnaissance
partner =
motto = "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
alternatemodes = Technorganic wasp
series =Beast Machines
voiceby =
In the "Beast Machines" toy line, Buzzsaw is the name of a Maximal who transforms into a technorganic wasp, who was saved from Megatron's virus by Rattrap. It has been heavily speculated that he may in fact be the Predacon character from "Beast Wars". This character did not appear in the TV series.

3H Enterprises

Although there was no toy of Buzzsaw in the "" toy line, the character of "Beast Machines" Buzzsaw appeared in the "Transformers: Universe" comic book.


*Beast Machines Buzzsaw:This figure was based on drawings by Hasbro designer Tim Bradley. [ [ Transformers - More Than Meets The Eye, Robots In Disguise - Transformers @ The Moon - ] ]

Transformers Armada

Transformers character
name =Buzzsaw

caption =
affiliation =Mini-Con
subgroup =
function =
partner =Dualor & Drill Bit
motto =
alternatemodes =Bucket-wheel excavator
series =

voiceby =
In the "" series, Buzzsaw is the name of a Mini-Con, a member of the Destruction Team. He transforms into a bucket-wheel excavator.


*Armada Buzzsaw:He was later recolored green as part of the "Road Assault Team" and as numerous Japanese-exclusive repaints. In addition, the mold was also used later for the Japanese promotional "Megalo Micron" named Zigzag, and the "Cybertron" Mini-Con Landslide. The entire destruction Team could bond with Cyclonus.

*Energon Buzzsaw:Various special 6 packs of Mini-Cons was released in the "Energon" line. One contained the Night Attack and Road Wrecker teams. The toys were identical to the Armada versions.

Transformers: Cybertron

Transformers character
name = Buzzsaw

caption = "Cybertron" Buzzsaw toy
affiliation = Decepticon
subgroup =
function = Aerial Attacker
partner =
motto = "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
alternatemodes = Helicopter
series = ""
voiceby = Taketora (Japan)
In "" ("Transformers: Galaxy Force" in Japan), Buzzsaw is again the name of a Decepticon.

Animated series

Buzzsaw appeared in the "Cybertron" television series during the announcement at the "Great Race" on Velocitron in one episode, but he never took on robot mode or was named.

Fun Publications

Runamuck, Skywarp, Brushguard, and Buzzsaw appeared among Cannonball's troops in the Transformers Collectors Club exclusive story "The Dark Heart of Sandokan" by Benson Yee.


*Cybertron Buzzsaw:This character transforms into a helicopter, and is a retool of the "Armada" Cyclonus toy, with a new head design, and is an homage to "Beast Wars" Buzzsaw. In Japan he was packaged with "Cybertron" Blurr, but in the U.S. the two toys were packaged separately.:The release of Buzzsaw in Cybertron Deluxe wave 3.5 was packaged with a DVD containing the third episode of Transformers: Cybertron, called "Hidden". Oddly, he did not appear in that episode.

hattered Glass

Transformers character
name =Buzzsaw

caption =Soundwave with Buzzsaw
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Communications
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Micro Cassette
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
This Buzzsaw is an alternate version good of the Generation 1 character from the BotCon exclusive "Shattered Glass" comic, in which the Decepticons are on the side of good and the Autobots on the side of evil. He appears to be colored like Generation 1 Steeljaw. Presumably like all Decepticons of his world, he is heroic and opposed to the evil Autobots.

Fun Publications

Soundwave appeared as a member of Megatron's forces in the "Shattered Glass" story.


External links

* [ "Generation 1" Buzzsaw at Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki]
* [ Buzzsaw's Transformers Universe profile]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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