Frenzy (Transformers)

Frenzy (Transformers)

Frenzy is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Frenzy

caption =Frenzy box art
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Communications, Go-Bots
function =Warrior
partner =Laserbeak
motto ="Sow panic and surrender will bloom!"
alternatemodes =Microcassette Tape
series =

engvoice =Frank Welker
Frenzy's is often partnered with Soundwave, along with other cassette Decepticons Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw. Because of his coloration on the original cartoon, he is sometimes identified as Rumble. The toy is colored blue and indigo, but his cartoon model is red, black, and gold. His toy-accurate color scheme in the Marvel Comics series remained intact, and following media such as Dreamwave and IDW's comics followed the toy's colors as well. [ [ Who's Who in the Transformers Universe - Frenzy ] ]

Animated series

The animated series accidentally swapped the color schemes for Rumble and Frenzy - Rumble was now colored as Frenzy and vice-versa.

In the animated series, Frenzy was not as prominent a character as Rumble, first appearing in the episode "Countdown To Extinction" and made few appearances after that, usually appearing alongside Rumble.

Marvel Comics

According to the Marvel Transformers comics Rumble and Frenzy are brothers. Unlike the cartoon version, Marvel Frenzy had powers based on sonics rather than piledriver arms.In the comics Frenzy was one of the Decepticons that originally attacked the Ark and subsequently fell to Earth. Reconfigured into the Earth mode of a microcassette he participated in many of the early battles against the Autobots. Until, that is, he was one of those who went with Megatron in his raid against the Autobot base, summarily getting deactivated by Omega Supreme along with Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Rumble and Buzzsaw. That would be all the US comics heard from Frenzy for a while but the UK comics had him returning much sooner in the "Target: 2006" storyline, where, after escaping from the Ark with Thundercracker they and Shockwave would be displaced into a limbo dimension to make way for time-travellers Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr, where they battled against Optimus Prime, Prowl and Ratchet, as well as parasitic aliens feeding off their emotions. Working together to find a way out they returned to reality when Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge time-jumped back to the future. In the UK comics he seemingly rejoined the ranks of the Decepticons, while he was freed from the Autobot base in U.S. issue 41.

Transformers: Generation 2

Frenzy would meet his end in the final issue of the Generation 2 series. After battling against Jhiaxus' Generation 2 Transformers the combined Autobot/Decepticon alliance were attacked by The Swarm. In an attempt to slow it Frenzy had Wheeljack patch him into a massive source of sonic energy. Although he succeeded in temporarily halting the swarm, the sonics proved too much for his system and he was literally shaken apart.

"Oh. Oh, man! I'm gone! Solid gone..." - Frenzy's last words

Dreamwave Productions

Frenzy would first be seen in "The War Within" prequel series, as part of the massive Decepticon assault on Iacon city led by Shockwave, along with Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Bludgeon, Brawl, Chopshop, Dirge, Octane, Onslaught, Ramjet, Tantrum, Venom and Vortex. In the third series, he and Rumble inadvertently wrecked Shockwave's attempts to study the Seeker clones that Megatron had used to conquer Cybertron.

When the Ark fell to Earth in 1984 Frenzy was among the Decepticons on board. Battling the Autobots repeatedly, they were eventually defeated by a combined human-Autobot alliance. They were to be taken back to Cybertron, but were sabotaged by rogue elements of the U.S. military, who wanted to build weapons using Transformers technology (unaware they were being indirectly manipulated by Shockwave). Unable to do this, they began to control the Transformers themselves.

Frenzy was among the Transformers who briefly fell under the control of the terrorist, Lazarus. Bumblebee, Frenzy, Grimlock, Laserbeak, Prowl, Ravage, Soundwave and Starscream were forced to attack the Smitco oil refinery in the Arctic to display their power for sale to the highest bidder.

Frenzy would not appear again until the following year, when both sides were lured to the wilderness in Alaska by a mysterious beacon. Both sides battled until the arrival of a force led by Shockwave and Ultra Magnus, who defeated Megatron and arrested all present as war criminals. Desperate to save their own necks, Frenzy and Rumble both joined up with Shockwave and were assigned by him to guard the badly damaged Megatron. They failed as Starscream was able to dump Megatron's body in space (reminiscent of his fate in the movie). They were then sent by Shockwave on a critical mission - reviving the Stunticons. They were then co-opted by Starscream and head to Earth with him,Soundwave, Skywarp, Thundercracker and the Combaticons. They defeated most of the Autobots still on Earth, but are themselves attacked by Sunstorm. After Starscream defeated him(with aid from the Autobots) he returned to his base to find Soundwave, Rumble and Frenzy acting oddly. The reason why would soon become clear - Megatron had returned, backed by the Predacons, and Soundwave had been taking orders from him all along.Any further tales of Frenzy would never be told, as Dreamwave would go into receivership from there.

Transformers/G.I. Joe

Frenzy also appeared in Dreamwave's Transformers/G.I. Joe series, as one of the Decepticons allied with Cobra. Reconfigured with the alternate mode of a hand grenade, Frenzy battled the G.I. Joe member Beach Head, but was killed when Beach Head managed to signal the rest of G.I. Joe to open fire on a fully loaded bomber next to Frenzy, badly damaging him. He was subsequently destroyed by a sustained barrage. Not only does Frenzy have an intense hatred of humans, calling them "meat", but he and Rumble are described as brothers in this continuity as well.

Devil's Due Publishing

In the G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers comics printed by Devil's Due Publishing, Frenzy was one of the Decepticons discovered by Cobra in the Ark, although they were reactivated later than the others. Frenzy was reprogrammed by Cobra Commander to follow his orders, although he retained his original Cassette and robot alternate modes. Destro used a newly purchased Soundwave, Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Laserbeak and Ratbat along with stolen Cybertronian technology to attack a military base - only to be attacked by the newly formed G.I. Joe.

There is an interesting art error here. Rumble appears to get shot in the head and killed while under Destro's command, yet Rumble is among the Decepticons who break free next issue (and is clearly identified as Rumble by Soundwave). This leads to the possibility that it was intended to be Frenzy, not Rumble, who was killed, and an art error led to their colour schemes being mixed up. The TPB of the comic series corrected the error and showed that it was Frenzy who was killed.

IDW Publishing

After the Transformers license passed to IDW Publishing, Frenzy appeared as one of the Decepticons under Starscream's command in the alternate reality "" tale "Hearts of Steel". He was seen warning the unscrupulous businessman Bonaventure to turn back, but relented when the human talked of an alliance, and took him to see Starscream. He did not appear after this, but he was most likely destroyed when John Henry and Bumblebee diverted the Decepticon train convoy into a chasm.

Frenzy made his first appearance in the main IDW continuity in issue 1 of "" miniseries. Captured by the guard of the Senator after Megatron's riot at the energon mine, Rumble and Frenzy convinced the unwilling Megatron to help them escape. Breaking free and incapacitating the guards, the three fugitives took the ship underground, unaware they had attracted the attention of Sentinel Prime. After getting involved in underground bloodsports in Kaon, Rumble and Frenzy have become awed by Megatron's violence and charisma, and have been shown as loyal acolytes staying by his side. After Soundwave offered Megatron the use of advanced weaponry, Frenzy and Rumble were modified to be able to work with him.

Frenzy makes his first "modern" appearance in the second issue of IDW's "All Hail Megatron" series, set one year in the future of their Transformers continuity. In this Frenzy is portrayed as his traditional role as a minion of Soundwave with his traditional blue color scheme and as such is a microcassette tape "unleashed" on Megatron's orders against an entire battalion of human military ground forces that had gathered in Central Park as part of a counter offensive against Megatron's assault on New York. This Frenzy is also possessed of sonic powers but they induce delusional nightmares and horrific hallucinations in those that hear it. It appears to affect everyone including Frenzy himself, who's been reduced to a maniacal figure who attacks his prey with what look like drills instead of forearms (probably a nod to the piledrivers Rumble uses) in an almost berzerker fury. Only Soundwave, it seems, is immune to this frequency. Its reported later in the issue that Frenzy succeeds in wiping out the entire ground force by himself.


*Generation 1 Frenzy (1984):Based on a Microman mold. Shares a mold with his brother Rumble. Frenzy also holds the distinction of being the only one of the original Transformers toys produced by Hasbro for four concurrent years (he was available with Ratbat as late as 1987). [ [ Frenzy (1984) - Decepticon Warrior - ] ]

*Generation 2 Frenzy:Frenzy was released in Generation 2 as a Go-Bot, sharing the same mold as the Autobot Blowout and Go-Bot Megatron. His alternate mode was a Porsche 959.:The accompanying biography indicated he still loved to fight, considering it his reason for living. Causing chaos, despite his physical weakness, he has earned the respect of his fellow Decepticons. [ [ Frenzy (1995) - Decepticon Warrior - ] ]

Transformers: Cybertron

The Terrorcons called Scrapmetal by Hasbro were called Ramble by Takara, the Japanese name for Frenzy's brother Rumble. This had lead to some fans calling the red Scrapmetal Rumble and the blue one Frenzy. The blue redeco of Scrapmetal was never released by Hasbro, only the red and yellow variants.

2007 Transformers movie

Transformers character
name =Frenzy

caption =Frenzy in the 2007 Transformers movie
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Micro Vehicles
Fast Action Battlers
rank =7
function =Hacker
partner =Barricade
motto ="Sow panic and surrender will bloom."
alternatemodes =GPX BCDW9815CNP Boombox
Mobile phone (head)
Car Stereo
series =Transformers movie toys
engvoice =Reno Wilson
japanvoice =
Frenzy appears in the 2007 live-action "Transformers" movie directed by Michael Bay. He takes on the stealth spy role that was originally Soundwave's. The movie's creators have stated that the character design had evolved too far from being Soundwave.

In the film, Frenzy is small, and very thin, standing at 1.2 m (around 4 feet) tall [ [ The Making Of The Transformers Movie - Movies - ] ] . It is implied that he is also lightweight, given the ease with which a stewardess on Air Force One is able to pick him up while in his alternate mode. His alternate mode is shown as a silver GPX boombox, with round speakers and blue diode-lights. [cite news|url=|title=GPX Makes 'Frenzy' Debut in "Transformers"|publisher=TMCnet] At one point, he is decapitated and survives as just his head, scanning a mobile phone belonging to Mikaela to continue his task. His weapons include a small automatic weapon on each hand and CD-like shurikens that fire out of his chest. His character is manic (living up to his name), sometimes comedic, and he is the only Decepticon with blue colored optics, rather than the usual red.

Although his small size makes him useless in battle against the Autobots, Frenzy proves irreplaceable to the Decepticons as he single-handedly found the All Spark and reported its location to the other Decepticons. The character is thus given a great deal more screen time than the other Decepticons. However, he constantly speaks in fast Cybertronian, and is often damaged in battle.

According to the voice actor, these were the only English words spoken by Frenzy in the film, [ [ - Merrillwood - live interactive internet television - a semper mental production - live from the future with stuart paap - lovestream - filmnut - coin-op tv live - super awesome amazing - the blood stream ] ] although he can be heard saying a few other intelligible English words throughout the movie (eg. "Megatron melting!", "Witwicky", "Megatron! Megatron! Megatron!", "oh shit"). Michael Bay also stated on the DVD commentary most of Frenzy's words are "Tutankhamen" said very fast.

Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday

Frenzy first appeared in the prequel novel "". Here, he was portrayed as being smaller than the other Decepticons, but still able to engage in combat with the likes of Jazz. He participated in Blackout's attack on the Autobots, double-teaming Optimus Prime, although they failed. Later, in the final assault he was taken out by Jazz.

Movie plot

Frenzy first appears when he infiltrates Air Force One to hack into the U.S. military's mainframe to know Megatron's location, but the military officials disrupt the downloads and send three secret service agents after the infiltrator. Frenzy kills those agents while escaping. Frenzy actually flips the bird [ [ YouTube - Frenzy Flipping off Secret Service. ] ] at the humans when he gets into Barricade. He then aids Barricade in locating Sam Witwicky. When let loose on Sam and Mikaela Banes, Frenzy attacks Sam but is decapitated by Mikaela using a reciprocating saw (a circular saw in the comic adaptation). He survives the injury, sprouts spider-like legs for movement and is able to reformat his head into her mobile phone (though his body remains behind, inert), hiding within her bag.

Later, he infiltrates the Hoover Dam and uses the power of the All Spark to regenerate his lost body. In the original script as well as the comic adaptation, he reattaches his original body, which is brought to him by the other Decepticons. He then proceeds to shut down the cooling systems, resulting in Megatron's reawakening, and alerts the Decepticons to the All Spark's presence. While attacking a group of humans in the control rooms, Frenzy accidentally slices his head in two with his own ricocheting shuriken, apparently killing himself. His final words are a barely intelligible "Oh shit!"

Although damaged and presumed dead in the context of the movie, the movie toy line clearly indicates that Frenzy survived, having a red "Allspark Power" redeco of Barricade and Frenzy, as well as mentioning in the biography for Jolt that Frenzy slashed Jolt's tires after the battle for the Allspark.

Transformers: Meet the Decepticons

According to the book "Transformers - Meet The Decepticons" by Jennifer Frantz, Frenzy can emit a scream which shuts down computers, and can also turn into a car stereo which plugs into Barricade. This book had all six Decepticons leaving Earth together after being defeated by the Autobots, instead of having most of their numbers die.

Video Game

Frenzy is a non-playable character in the video game, but is mentioned in several missions. In the Decepticon campaign the player has to save Frenzy from Sector 7 when playing as Barricade.

Movie Toys

*Movie Deluxe Class Barricade with Frenzy (2007):Frenzy comes with the Barricade figure. He folds and stores inside Barricade's chest (front end in car mode). []

*Movie Deluxe Class First Encounter Barricade with Frenzy (vs. Bumblebee) (2007):Frenzy once again comes with Barricade as he is packaged in a box with the classic Camaro form of Bumblebee. [ [ transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Movie Fast Action Battlers Disc Blast Decepticon Frenzy (2007):A Deluxe sized toy with simplified transformation for younger children. Transforms into a boombox.

*Movie Deluxe Class Recon Barricade with Frenzy (2007):Frenzy once again comes with Barricade in the repaint of Barricade. Frenzy's colors are blue, which is more reminiscent to the original toy and Dreamwave comics version as opposed to the cartoon series version.

*Movie Deluxe Class Screen Battles: First Encounter Barricade with Frenzy (2008):Frenzy once again comes with Barricade, this time in a diarama box with figurines of Sam, Mikaela, and a non-transforming, but more film-accurate robot mode Frenzy. The Frenzy included with Barricade is molded in black with no paint applications. To prevent the redundancy of having 2 Frenzies in the same box, the black version is permantly fixed inside Barricade (although he can be removed by disassembling a portion of the Barricade toy) [ [ - The Ultimate Transformers Resource ] ] .

*Target Exclusive All-Spark Power Barricade with Frenzy (2008):Barricade gets yet another repaint. Light blue "energon" paint apps have been applied in different locations on Barricade. This figure includes a red version of the Frenzy figure, which more closely matches his G1 cartoon colors.

Non-transforming merchandise

*Movie Robot Replicas Decepticon Frenzy (2007):A poseable, non-transforming action figure that is the most accurate-looking in comparison to his film counterpart. Comes equipped with chest shuriken and an attack claw that can be attached on either arm. []

hattered Glass

Transformers character
name =Frenzy

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Communications
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Micro Cassette
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
This Frenzy is an alternate version good of the Generation 1 character from the BotCon exclusive "Shattered Glass" comic, in which the Decepticons are on the side of good and the Autobots on the side of evil. Presumably like all Decepticons of his world, he is heroic and opposed to the evil Autobots.

Fun Publications

Frenzy appeared as a member of Megatron's forces in the "Shattered Glass" story.


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