Mepco Schlenk Engineering College

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Mepco Schlenk Engineering college
Motto Work is Worship
Established 1984
Type Private
Principal Balakrishnan
Location Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India
Campus 340 acres (1.4 km2) with wide spread state-of-the-art infrastructure

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College is a private engineering college located in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India.[1] It was founded on 17 October 1984. The institution is sponsored by the Mepco Schlenk Charities, a social welfare organization of the Metal Powder Company Limited, Thirumangalam and its German collaborator, Schlenk. The college was affiliated with Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai till 2001 and later with Anna University, Chennai, but since 2007 it has been affiliated with Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli.[2][3]


Courses offered

Under Graduate

  1. B.E (Civil Engineering)
  2. B.E. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
  3. B.E. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
  4. B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)
  5. B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
  6. B.Tech. (Information Technology)
  7. B.Tech. (Bio-Technology)[4]

Post Graduate:

  1. M.B.A.
  2. M.C.A
  3. M.E. (Communication Systems)
  4. M.Tech. (Nano Science & Technology)
  5. M.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)
  6. M.E. (Structural Engineering)
  7. M.E.(CAD/CAM)
  8. M.E. (Industrial Safety Engineering)
  9. M.E. (Power Electronics and Drives)


Department of electronics and communication engineering

Electronics and communication department is the first preference of engineering aspirants every year since this course provides ample job opurtunities both in private as well as in central and state govt.Every year the cut off required to join this course is increasing.The dept has centralized building with air-conditioned labs.The academic professionals has MOU with various central govt depts.Various research process are done every year and therby we are serving the nation.

Department of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering was established in 1984 and was groomed under the leadership of Dr. M.S.Palanichamy [1]. Civil Engineering Department secured "The Best Department of the year" award from Anna University for the year 2002. Anna University has recognised the Department of Civil Engineering as Research Centre to pursue full time and part time Ph.D. Students bagged 63 University ranks out of 150 including 10 first ranks among 15 batches. Students are provided hands on training by the construction section of the college.

It offers following courses :

  1. B.E. Civil Engineering
  2. M.E. (Structural Engineering)
  3. Ph.D. (Full Time & Part Time)

A separate CADD centre with ANSYS, SCADDS RC-Design & Drafting suite, STRAP, NISA FEM package, Architectural Desktop 2.0 (AutoCAD 2000), NISA CIVIL, STAAD Pro 2000, 3D Home Architect, 3D Studio and Auto Civil software. The department library has 977 books, 18 journal subscriptions and 65 conference proceedings. It also has provision for keeping the project work records and M.E. thesis of the students. It also offers several consultancy commercial tests.

The department has recently been encumbered by the exodus of faculties like Benny Joseph [2][3], N.Mahendiran [4], R.Velmurugan [5], L.Andal and T.Sekar [6]

Department of Management studies(MBA)

The Department of Management Studies was started in the year 1994 with the approval of AICTE. MBA is being offered as a two year full time management programme affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, with an intake of 60 students per batch.

The Department of Management studies is equipped with experienced and qualified (4 PhD's) team of 9 full-time faculty members, and a good number of visiting faculty from industries and professional groups.

The department has a spacious air conditioned exclusive library with rich collections of latest management literature of Indian and foreign syllabus accommodative books of leading international authors, a separate computer lab supplemented by a luxurious seminar hall and an exclusive audio visual learning center which is equipped with VCD system, VCR, LCD Projector, overhead projector, slide projector and multimedia systems. It has a long list of audio, video cassettes and CDs on management subjects developed by Indian and foreign pedagogues and consultants in management education. A separate placement cell is also efficaciously functioning in the college and a considerable number of our students have been recruited by leading companies.

On completing the second semester, the students are placed in industrial and professional enterprises for practical training with a view to get them exposed to corporate realities and try their hand in assisting the management in their various decisions. Besides assisting them in their policy implementation and execution process the students are undergoing another project assignment in reputed industrial concerns during the fourth semester. It provides them ample scope to understand the intricacies of management in the real life situation.

The department is headed by the director Dr. S.Tamilselvan

Department of Biotechnology


Realizing the emerging prospects of biotechnology in India and abroad, our institution launched a programme in B.Tech industrial biotechnology during the academic year 2002-2003. The college administration is driving away all its resources to develop a center for biotechnology that is equipped with essential infrastructure for teaching and research. In this direction, a separate department with state-of-the-art facilities spread across 20,000 sq ft (1,900 m2) of laboratory space is established in our campus.

Course offered

B.Tech. Industrial Biotechnology Programme

The duration of this programme is of eight semesters (four years) with core and elective subjects taken during the first seven semesters. A total of 38 core subjects, 6 elective subjects, 18 laboratory courses, research project work and industrial training are required for graduation.


On going research activity in the department

Molecular bar coding of beneficial microorganisms isolated from environment Extraction of R Nase P from shrimpEGS based gene knock out of shrimp infecting virus Cloning and expression of human Interferon Gamma R Nase P based diagnostic of Salmonella infection in chicken eggs Generation of disease free tissue culture based banana plantlets Development of subunit vaccines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Faculty

The department has well qualified, internationally trained and dedicated faculty members specialized in various aspects of Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Biochemistry, Environmental Biotechnology, Modeling and Simulation, Bioinformatics, Plant Biotechnology, Bioprocess and Chemical Engineering.


The department has modern laboratory cum teaching facility with sophisticated instruments and equipment for Molecular biology, Bioprocess technology, Chemical engineering and Down-stream processing to perform research in genetic manipulations in microorganisms, production of recombinant proteins, process optimization, protein purification and biological assays. The laboratories are presently equipped with instruments such as Gel documentation system (Vilber & Lourmat, France), DNA engine (MJ Research, USA), UV spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Japan), High speed centrifuge (Hitachi, Japan), DNA concentrator-gel dryer (Savant, USA), Sonicator (Sonics, USA), Electroporator (Biorad, USA), DNA sequencing and protein electrophoresis apparatus (Biorad, USA), Fermentor (Bioengineering, Switzerland). Heated incubator (Sanyo, Singapore), FPLC (Amersham Biosciences, USA), Water bath shaker (NewBrunswick, USA), Table top centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany), Ice machine (Sanyo, Japan), Refrigerated centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany), CO 2 incubator (Thermoelectron, USA), Ultracentrifuge Beckman, Switzerland), ScintillationCounter (Bioscan,USA), Lyophilizer (Martin Christ, Germany), Water purification system (Millipore, France), Auto clave (Sanyo, Japan), Deep freezer (NewBrunswick, USA). Ultrafiltration unit (Millipore, USA), Laminar hoods ( Esco, Singapore) etc.

In addition, -20 °C (Bluestar, India) and -80 °C freezer (Cryoscientific, India), refrigerators, incubators, laminar hoods (Cleanair, India), microscopes, autoclave, ovens, rocker, heat exchangers, fluidized bed column apparatus, Orifice meter etc. are available for research and teaching purpose. A full-fledged Bioinformatics laboratory is coming up to cater the needs of the students and scholars to practice DNA and protein sequence analysis, molecular folding and database mining in the biotechnology center.

The students get opportunity to learn the modern aspects of biotechnology by understanding the basic principles of molecular biology and chemical engineering. The infrastructure available in the department and prevailing academic environment in the campus will offer them an excellent atmosphere for career building.

A separate laboratory for plant and animal tissue culture are being set up. These laboratories will focus on development of transgenic plants and animal cell lines.

Academic achievement

The students and faculty strive hard to achieve academic excellence. The hall mark of this was the performance of our students in the recently conducted university examination where our department stood first in the third semester Oct-Nov 2003 Anna university examination.

Salient features

The department will provide training and research programs in the following aspects;

Molecular Biology

Developing RNase P- mediated gene inhibition in both plants and animals. Identification of superior plant based stain for proteomic research Bio processing

Inventing improved industrial methods for novel compounds Enzyme immobilization for biodegradation Purification of enzymes Developing single cell protein Modeling and simulation of biological kinetics by using fermenter Bioinformatics

Genomics and proteomics studies Developing superior algorithm for gene identification Chemical Engineering

Growth and characterization of biological crystalsModeling and simulation of bioprocesses Down stream processing of recombinant proteins and other fermentation products

Department of Information Technology


To impart a balanced quality technical education and to produce competent and renowned IT professionals excelling in emerging technologies and uplifting the nation globally.

Salient features of the Department

  • More than 50 technical papers presented by the faculty in various national and international conferences.
  • Organization of faculty development programmes on latest developments like UML, Rational Suite Enterprise, IBM DB2 etc.
  • Regular credit courses on advanced topics are run to supplement the curriculum.
  • Participation of students in international contests.

Courses Offered

  • The Department offers B.Tech degree in Information Technology from Anna University.

The Faculty

The department is headed by Prof.T.Revathi, who has 20 years of rich academic and research experience. She is Supported by a team of well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty members in the field of Web Technology, Component based technology, Software Engineering, Mobile computing, Multimedia, Database Systems, Microprocessor based System design, Operating System, Computer Architecture, Image Processing, Neural Networks and Computer Networks.


The department has two laboratories which are equipped with latest systems. Apart from this the faculty members cabin are provided with clients to enhance research and development and for effective teaching. Servers

  • GNU/Linux
  • Windows

All the Servers are connected with 64 Pentium based systems through state-of-the-art networking with the use of manageable and auto sensing switches. Internet Facilities

  • 1 Mbit/s leased line
  • 8 Mbit/s downstream and upstream bandwidth


Software development lab

It is equipped with latest systems and Rational Suite Enterprise software for developing Quality software Projects.

Multimedia lab

It is equipped with Pentium IV based systems having facilities like Web cameras etc., is exclusively available for developing multimedia based software.

The laboratories are kept open from 8:50 AM to 9:30 PM on all working days for the effective utilization of these facilities. Students are free to access Internet in the laboratories. Latest software on GNU/Linux and Windows are available.

Department Library

  • Number of Titles available: 500
  • Number of Volumes available: 450
  • Number of CD's available: 100

Awards and achievements of the institution

  • Five of the undergraduate courses were subjected to accreditation by the National Board of Accreditation in the past, and all of them have been awarded the highest grade of 'A'. As on APRIL 20, 2006, the following departments have been accredited with the highest grade of 'A': BE Civil Engineering, BE Electrical & Electronics, Engineering and BE Electronics & Communication Engineering [7].
  • The college has received ISO 9002 certificate from M/s. DNV, Netherlands.
  • The college has been selected as a Center of Relevance and Excellence (CORE) in Industrial Safety and was inaugurated by Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam [8].
  • Selected by Education Consultants India Ltd., New Delhi as one of the 10 Institutions in India for overseas projects in technical education [9].
  • Infrastructure Facilities to the tune of Rs.50 Crores [10]
  • Undertaken 28 sponsored research projects from AICTE, DST, CSIR, MEPCO, and TNSCST.
  • Ranked among the "Top 100 Engineering colleges" in India by Outlook magazine [11] and Dataquest.

The college has won various awards since its inception. Some among the few are mentioned below.

Awards from ISTE

  • Prestigious Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan National Award for having the Best Overall Performance in the year 1998 and 2005 [12].
  • Best ISTE staff Advisor Award for the years 2009-10,200506,200405,200203,2001-02.
  • Best ISTE Students' Chapter Award from the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section for the year 1998-'99 and 200708
  • Best student awards form the year 2005-10.

Awards from IEEE

  • Prof.'S.Balakrishnan',Principal is the recipient of the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award for 2005-06 in the Asia-Pacific Region (Region-10).
  • IEEE Exemplary Student Branch Award for 2003-04 and 1997-98 for outstanding performance.
  • IEEE RAB Larry K.Wilson Regional Student Activities Award for the year 1996 and 2003.
  • Prof. S. Salivahanan, Former Prof & Head of ECE department is the recipient of the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award for 1996-97 in the Asia-Pacific Region (Region-10).

Awards from SAE

  • Won the Best Innovation Award for the academic year 2006-2007.
  • Dr. N.Bose, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department won the "Best Faculty Advisor Award" from SAE Southern Section for the year 2007-2008.
  • Mr. Vishaul Ravi, Student Convenor, SAE Collegiate Club, won the SAE Student Scholarship Award for the year 2007-2008.

Others Awards

  • Dr. A.Battacharya Memorial Trophy 2001 for the Institution of Engineers Students' Chapters for its Best performance National Level.
  • Students of the college regularly bag competitive prizes at national level technical symposia, cultural events and sporting meets. International publication in reputed conferences is also on the rise.


The college has MoUs with leading organizations like

  • Indira Gandhi National Open University [13], New Delhi as Partner in Advance Learning System (PALS) to their Management Education through interactive Delivery System (MEIDS) programme.
  • Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research [14] (IGCAR) for mutual benefits in the fields of educational training and scientific & industrial research.
  • Infosys, Bangalore [Campus Connect]
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions [15] (CTS), Chennai, a global software industry for a strategic partnership
  • BHEL, Trichy [16] for a closer industry & institute interaction and also for inplant training and project works.
  • The British Council Institution, Chennai
  • IBM, India Limited for IT enrichment.
  • Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI)[17], Chennai
  • TIFAC CORE, New Delhi
  • Teezle, India & US - as part of Teezle's Academic Initiative, to strengthen industry institute relationship and to enhance Teezle's products and services through campus research & development


The college has Mineral water plant within the campus with a capacity of 10,000 litres per day. Within the college campus are located the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank (TMB) with ATM facility, STD / ISD pay phone, photo copying centre, canteen, parking lot, stand-by power generators, a separate telephone exchange, television facilities in the hostel, water treatment plant, Students' Amenities for day-scholars, etc. for the comfort of students and staff. Currently three of the hostels have been provided with WI-FI connectivity. Most of the student population of Mepco stays on campus in hostels. The single gender hostels, five for gents and three for ladies respectively, are named after important rivers in India:

  • Godavari
  • Kaveri
  • Krishna
  • Narmadha
  • Brahmaputra
  • Ganga
  • Yamuna
  • Sindhu

College Rules

The college rules contribute to the professional and personal development of students. A culture of zero tolerance to ragging [18] caught on much sooner in Mepco than many other professional institutes across India. Nevertheless, the rules of college bear testimony to the institute's inflated sense of right to interfere with the lives of students and faculties for no verifiable benefits. Smoking and the consumption of any alcoholic beverage is strictly prohibited within and around the campus facilities and strict punitive actions follow course, if anybody is found violating them. Interaction among opposite sex outside the lecture halls is viewed as taboo unless it is only about academics. The institution in its attempt to sanitize the world has resorted to single minded rules which lack a coherent thought process and inhibits the growth and development of a creative mind.

Clubs and Associations

A number of clubs and professional organisations at Mepco serve as an important nodal point in students' life. Students enthusiastically perform managerial, organisational and participatory roles in these clubs and societies.

  • Renewable Energy Club (Sponsored by MNRE)
  • Management Association
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Student Branch (29861)(IEEE)
  • Indian Society of Technical Education([ISTE][19])
  • Computer Society of India (CSI)
  • Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE)
  • Institution of Engineers - India (IEI)
  • Science Forum
  • Maths Club
  • Microsoft Campus Club(MCC)
  • Literary Association
  • Debate Club
  • Fine Arts Club
  • Photographic Club
  • Reader's Club
  • Blue sky
  • National Service Scheme(NSS)

Besides regular 'Personality Development' Classes are conducted to groom the students' personality, which helps the students to face the campus interviews with ease and show up with a better form.

External links


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