

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Fredrik

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Fredrik is a male given name, and is derived from the Germanic name Fridric, from "frid" meaning "peace" and "ric" meaning "ruler" or "power". The most common variant spelling of this name is Frederik, although the English spelling Frederick is more common than either. Fredrik replaced the Anglo-Saxon name Freodheric, and has been a rare first name in England since this time.

In Sweden, Fredrik first fell into usage in the 14th century, and became increasingly common after the 18th century. It is currently 81st in Sweden's most popular names, and 14th in Norway. It has a name day in Sweden, on July 18. Common diminutive forms include: Fred, Fredde, Freddie and Rikke.

Famous people with this name

*Fredrik Bajer: winner of the Nobel Prize in 1908 for peace
*Fredrik Letzler: Swedish freestyle swimmer
*Fredrik Ljungberg: Swedish footballer
*Frederik Paludan-Müller: Danish poet
*Frederik Pohl: American writer
*Fredrik Reinfeldt: Swedish Prime Minister
*Frederik Stang: Norwegian politician
*Fredrik Thordendal: Swedish musician
*Frederik Willem Eeden: Dutch philosopher
*Fredrik Karlsson: Another ordinary person with the name Fredrik

Other instances of this name

*There have been two Kings of Sweden with this name: Fredrik I (1720-1751) and Adolf Fredrik (1751-1771)
*The name Fredrik is also the basis for two European surnames:
*Frisian: Vick
*German, Polish: Frick

Variations of this name


*Czech: Bedřich
*Dutch: Frederik
*Spanish: Federico
*Italian: Federico
*French: Frédéric, Frédérick
*English: Frederick
*Portuguese: Frederico
*Latvian: Fricis
*Slovene: Friderik
*German: Friedrich
*Hungarian: Frigyes
*Icelandic: Friðrik
*Polish: Fryderyk
*Frisian: Freddercke / Freerk


*Italian: Federica
*English: Frederica
*French: Frédérique
*Danish: Frederikke
*Norwegian: Fredrikke
*German: Friederike
*Polish: Fryderyka
*Spanish: Federica
*Greek: Frideriki

External links

* [ Name statistics] from Statistics Sweden
* [ Name statistics] from Statistics Norway
* [ Behind the Name]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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