Jane Zhang

Jane Zhang

Infobox Chinese-language singer and actor
name = Jane Zhang

caption = Jane Zhang being interviewed by the Sohu newspaper on August 23, 2006
tradchinesename = 張靚穎
simpchinesename = 张靓颖
pinyinchinesename = Zhāng Liàngyǐng
birthname =
ancestry =
birthdate = birth date and age|mf=yes|1984|10|11
birthplace = Chengdu, Sichuan, China
deathdate =
deathplace =
restingplace =
restingplacecoordinates =
othername =
occupation = Singer
genre = Mandopop
instrument =
voicetype =
label = Huayi Brothers
yearsactive = 2005 – present
spouse =
partner =
children =
parents =
influences =
influenced =
website = [http://www.janezhang.com www.janezhang.com]
hongkongfilmwards =
goldenbauhiniaawards =
hkfcsawards =
goldenhorseawards =
goldenroosterawards =
ntsawards =
awards = Super Girl
2005 Third place

Jane Zhang also known as "Zhang Liangying" (zh-stp|s=张靓颖|t=張靚穎|p=Zhāng Liàngyǐng, (born October 11, 1984) is a Chinese pop singer where she came to prominence after her third-place performance in the 2005 season of the "Super Girl" contest, a national all-female singing competition in the People's Republic of China. [cite news | first = Jeremy | last = Goldkorn | title = The final week of TV sensation Super Voice Girls | url = http://www.danwei.org/media_and_advertising/the_final_week_of_tv_sensation.php | publisher = Danwei.org | date = 2005-08-24 | accessdate = 2007-07-29] Throughout the competition, she sang in English, Spanish and Cantonese in addition to Mandarin Chinese. cite web
url = http://english.cri.cn/3126/2007/04/09/272@213998.htm
title = The 7th Music Chart Awards held
publisher = CRIENGLISH.com
date = 2007-04-09
accessdate = 2007-09-18

She was given the nickname "The Dolphin Princess" during the competition cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/3086/2007/07/05/1301@246328.htm|title= Zhang Liangying, Cui Jian Sing for Football Fans|pubisher=CRIENGLISH.com|accessdate=2007-10-28] for her ability to sing in the whistle register.cite web|url = http://bjtoday.ynet.com/article.jsp?oid=22100077 | title = Hitting Glass-Shattering High Notes|publisher = Beijing Today|accessdate=2007-10-28] She was given this nickname because Chinese musicians refer to the whistle register as the "dolphin vocal sound" (zh-s|s=海豚音) due to the similarities between the pitch of the dolphin and the whistle register.cite web|title=Vitas meant to be heard, not sung|author=Chen, Steven|url=http://stevenlichen.com/2007/06/21/vitas-meant-to-be-heard-not-sung|accessdate=2007-10-28]

Zhang's debut album was titled "The One" and was produced by Craig Williams.cite news | title = Super Girl Jane Zhang Goes to America to Record New Album | url = http://www.china.org.cn/english/NM-e/175115.htm | publisher = China.org | date = 2006-07-19 | accessdate = 2007-07-20] Her next album, "Update", broke away from the Chinese pop scene by combining elements of R&B and jazz.cite web|url=http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-08/02/content_6465539.htm|title=Zhang Liangying releases second album|author=Mingxin, Bi|publisher=Xinhuanet.com|date=2007-08-02|accessdate=2007-09-14] After the release of "Update", Zhang participated in a World Peace One concert that was designed to increase awareness and activism for world peace, and to raise funds for humanitarian relief. [cite web
url = http://www.worldpeaceone.com/WP12007/events.html
title = World Peace One - The Event
publisher = World Peace One
accessdate = 2007-10-27
] Other participating artists included U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and Green Day. [cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/4026/2007/02/02/202@192028.htm|title=Zhang Liangying and Madonna to record song for world peace|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2007-02-02|accessdate=2007-10-28]


Early years

Zhang was born in Chengdu, Sichuan. Her father was an engine attendant for a transportation company in Chengdu, and her mother was a shop assistant. [cite web|url=http://ent.qq.com/a/20070905/000049.htm|title=张靓颖童年父母离异 15岁到酒吧卖唱挣钱|publisher=QQ.com|accessdate=2007-11-19zh] During her childhood, she performed at her parents' workplace on several occasions. However, her parents divorced when she was 13; two years later, Zhang's father died. This forced her to work outside of school; she started to sing at a local public house, where her uncle played the accompaniments.cite web|url=http://www.sznews.com/ent/content/2007-09/04/content_1479541_2.htm|title=张靓颖童年照曝光 母女俩每月仅靠100元生活|publisher=SZ News|date=2007-09-04|accessdate=2007-11-24zh]

While performing at the pub, Zhang was exposed to a wide variety of music genres, and developed a taste for American country singers in addition to Western pop singers, such as Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera. Because she was unable to afford her own music players, Zhang frequently borrowed walkmans and headphones from her classmates, and skipped lunches to save enough money for cassettes. After graduating from college, she studied at Sichuan University's Foreign Language Department where she was majoring in English; she dropped out soon after to compete in the 2005 "Super Girl" competition. [cite web|url=http://www.people.com.cn/GB/50142/50814/54140/54481/3821530.html|title=“大学生年度人物”和“年度魅力人物”评选|publisher=People.com.cn|accessdate=2007-12-02zh]

2005: Super Girl competition

Zhang auditioned for the "Super Girl" contest in 2005. "Super Girl" (zh-st|s=超级女声|t=超級女聲) is the Chinese equivalent to the popular "Idol" franchise where only female contestants were allowed to participate.cite web|url=http://www.danwei.org/media_and_advertising/the_final_week_of_tv_sensation.php|title=The final week of TV sensation Super Voice Girls|author=Marcom, Ben and Goldkorn, Jeremy|publisher=Danwei.com|date=2005-08-24|accessdate=2007-07-29] [cite news | first = Jim | last = Yardley | title = Popularly-voted 'Super Girls' sizzle China so | url = http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-09/05/content_475127.htm
publisher = New York Times | date = 2005-09-05 | accessdate = 2007-10-27
] She auditioned in Chengdu, and after progressing through the preliminary rounds, she entered the national competition with Li Yuchun and He Jie (zh-st|s=何洁|t=何潔).

Throughout the series, she had established a fan base whose members called themselves "Liang Fen" (zh-s|s=凉粉), a phrase that combined the Chinese pronunciation of her name and the English word "fan." The term "Liang Fen" originated from Hong Kong years ago, but is now used to define a particular type of bean jelly snack in central China.

Zhang demonstrated her ability to sing in foreign languages, with performances of "I Still Believe,"cite episode
title = Super Girl Season 2 - Chengdu Final
series = Super Girl
serieslink = Super Girl (contest)
airdate = July 1, 2005
season = 2
] "What's Up,"cite episode
title = Super Girl Season 2 - National Final
series = Super Girl
serieslink = Super Girl (contest)
airdate = August 26, 2005
season = 2
] "Beautiful,"cite episode
title = Super Girl Season 2 - National Round (Top 15)
series = Super Girl
serieslink = Super Girl (contest)
airdate = July 15, 2005
season = 2
] and "Don't Cry for Me Argentina."cite episode
title = Super Girl Season 2 - National Round (Top 8)
series = Super Girl
serieslink = Super Girl (contest)
airdate = August 5, 2005
season = 2
] As such, she was recognized by judges, critics and musicians to be the most talented singer in this competition.Fact|date=December 2007 Some critics even regarded her as one of China's best artists. [cite web|url=http://c-star.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=69&Itemid=66|title=C-Star Singing Competition - Singing is Believing: Jane Zhang speaks about C-STAR|publisher=C-Star|accessdate=2007-10-27] Nevertheless, she was not the most popular contestant among young supporters. Her final number of votes by text messaging was 1.3 million. Consequently, she placed third behind Li Yuchun and Zhou Bichang. [cite web|url = http://www.visawang.com/English/study/world/200509/2303.html|title = Li Yuchun voted Super Girl|publisher = Visawang.com|date = 2005-09-17|accessdate = 2007-10-08] Her loss did not come as a shock because Li and Zhou had garnered more popularity during the competition. Their creative eccentricity and tomboyish appearances triumphed over Zhang's "old, introverted, [and] pretty-girl" image. [cite news | first = Benjamin | last = Joffe-Walt | title = Mad about the girl: a pop idol for China | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/china/story/0,7369,1586968,00.html | publisher = The Guardian | date = 2005-10-07 | accessdate = 2007-07-30]

Performances in Super Girl competition

2005-2006: "The One"

After the competition ended, Zhang was invited to visit Sichuan University, her alma mater, during its orientation week celebration in early September. She performed her own rendition of Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine" there. [cite web|url=http://www.shoushen.com/Article/mingxing/mxing/2006-03-23/20060323155933.html|title=张靓颖音乐减肥|author=佚名|publisher=Shoushen.com|date=2006-06-03|accessdate=2007-12-02 zh] On September 26, 2005, she became the first Super Girl contestant to hold a personal music show for her fans. Numerous celebrities attended the show, including Huang Jianxiang, a host on CCTV's football shows, Phoenix TV host Zeng Zimo, and Taiwanese singer Sky Wu. [cite web|url=http://www.cnhan.com/big5/content/2005-09/28/content_520268.htm|title=張靚穎歌友會大牌云集 姚明送來簽名球衣|publisher=Cnhan.com|date=2005-09-28|accessdate=2007-12-03 zh] Zhang also signed a contract with CCTV to play the supporting role in "The Song of the Movie", a stage music show produced by Taiwan pop musician Jonathan Lee. Harlem Yu and Yuan Quan also starred in the musical, which opened in Beijing in December 2005 and later in Hong Kong. [cite web|url=http://www.china.org.cn/english/NM-e/145975.htm|title=Zhang Liangying hits HK limelight|publisher=China.org.cn|date=2005-10-20|accessdate=2007-09-15]

In January 9, 2006, her first EP, "Jane·Love" (zh-st|s=Jane·爱|t=Jane·愛) was released. The EP, which cost 2 million yuan to produce, [cite web
url = http://en.ce.cn/Life/entertainment/news/200512/22/t20051222_5598460.shtml
title = Zhang Liang Ying to release debut album
publisher = CRIENGLISH
accessdate = 2007-10-29
] contains six tracks in total: 3 songs and 3 instrumentals. In China alone, over 210,000 copies of the EP have been sold. [cite web|url=http://www.tobygad.com/html/news.html|title=Toby Gad - News|accessdate=2007-09-22] On Forbes' list of Top 100 Richest Celebrities from China, Zhang was placed 55th. [cite web|url=http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2006-03/13/content_534226.htm|title=Forbes announces Chinese star rating|publisher=China Daily|date=2006-03-13|accessdate=2007-10-28]

Her debut album, "The One", was released on October 11, 2006, her 22nd birthday. [cite web|url=http://www.china.org.cn/english/NM-e/182001.htm|title=Zhang Liangying Releases Debut Album on Her Birthday|publisher=China.org.cn|date=2006-09-22|accessdate=2007-09-14] During the production of the album, Zhang visited the United States to collaborate with music producers Craig Williams and Peter Hyams, the latter of whom had worked with Celine Dion and R. Kelly. [cite web|url=http://english.jschina.com.cn/gb/jschina/english/entertainment/entertainmentevents/userobject1ai1300243.shtml|title=Super Girl Jane Zhang Goes to America|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2006-07-19|accessdate=2007-09-15] "The One" contains ten songs, three of which are in English; the three English songs were produced by Williams. cite web|url=http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-02/02/content_5686598.htm|title=Zhang Liangying to record song for world peace|author=Yan, Wang|publisher=Xinhuanet.com|date=2007-02-02|accessdate=2007-09-15]

She has also sung many popular theme songs for various films and series, including "Only for Love" (zh-st|s=我用所有报答爱|t=我用所有報答愛) for the film "The Banquet" [cite web|url=http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/pid-1004509597/|title=Movie Soundtrack: The Banquet Original Movie Soundtrack (OST)|publisher=YesAsia.com|accessdate=2007-09-16] and "Unparalled in the World" (zh-st|s=天下无双|t=天下無雙) for the TV series "The Return of the Condor Heroes". The popularity of both songs was reflected on numerous Chinese music charts. [cite web|url=http://global.yesasia.com/musicNews/index.asp?section=videos&code=c&lang=en|title=Entertainment News (Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Korean)|publisher=YesAsia.com|date=2007-10-31|accessdate=2007-11-05] "Only for Love", which was a collaboration with Chinese pianist Lang Lang, [cite web
url = http://english.cri.cn/3086/2006/12/28/60@178428.htm
title = Zhang Liangying to guest star in Lang Lang's concert
publisher = CRIENGLISH.com
date = 2006-12-28
accessdate = 2007-10-24
] was nominated for Best Original Film Song at the 2007 Hong Kong Film Awards. [cite web|url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465676/awards|title=Ye yan (awards)|publisher=Imbd.com|accessdate=2007-09-17]

2006-present: "Update"

In February 2007, she was invited by World Peace One (WP1) to join a hundred world-renowned singers and bands to record a song called "Give Your Love". This was aimed to bring attention to all cultures of the globe. This project aims to promote awareness of the poverty of third-world countries.cite news
title = Silky Chinese voice to join world superstars at show
url = http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-02/01/content_5684738.htm
publisher = Xinhua News Agency
date = 2007-02-01
accessdate = 2007-07-20
] Zhang was the only Asian female singer who received an invitation to participate [cite web
url = http://news.stareastasia.com/tag/jane-zhang/
title = Jane Zhang
publisher = Star East Asia Entertainment News
accessdate = 2007-10-24
] and it was reported that Craig Williams recommended Zhang to the organiser of the event.

Zhang performed her first North American concert on March 31, 2007 in Pasadena, California. [cite news | title = Jane Zhang's North American Concert Begins | url = http://www.janezhang.com/english/news/13/30.html | publisher = JaneZhang.com | date = 2007-03-28 | accessdate = 2007-07-20] Famous Japanese musician Kitarō and Gavin Christopher also attended the concert, in which Gavin Christopher and Zhang sang "I Will Be There" together. [cite web|url=http://www.womenofchina.cn/news/entertainment/15474.jsp|title="Super Girl" Holds First Concert in North America|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2007-04-03|accessdate=2007-09-15] On April 8, 2007, she was awarded the "Best Singer Award" in the 2007 Music Chart Awards ceremony was held in Beijing Exhibition Centre Theater.

Her July 28, 2007 concert in Beijing also set a record for the most expensive VIP seating for a mainland Chinese artist. [cite news | title = Record Ticket Prices for Jane Zhang Concert | url = http://english.cri.cn/3086/2007/07/12/63@248871.htm | publisher = CRIENGLISH.com | date = 2007-07-12 | accessdate = 2007-07-20] She performed live versions of hit songs from "The One", new songs from her second album "Update", which was released in August 2007, as well as Richard Marx's signature ballad "Right Here Waiting" and Beyoncé Knowles's "Listen" from the award-winning Broadway musical "Dreamgirls".cite web|url=http://english.sina.com/life/p/1/2007/0731/120311.html|title="Super Girl" star shines at Beijing night|publisher=Sina.com|date=2007-07-31|accessdate=2007-09-14]

On August 2, 2007, her second album, "Update" was released. When asked about the album's name, Zhang explained that the album is an upgraded step from "The One". The songs broke away from the Chinese pop scene by combining elements of R&B and jazz. One of her tracks, "We Are Together" (zh-st|s=我们在一起|t=我們在一起), was produced for a project by the United Nations Children's Fund.

Zhang was invited, along with 130 other renowned Chinese performers [cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/4026/2007/08/06/44@257990.htm|title="We Are Ready" - Beijing is Ready!|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2007-08-06|accessdate=2007-10-28] such as Elva Hsiao, Joey Yung, Alan Tam, Wang Feng, Eason Chan, Hacken Lee and Jackie Chan [cite web
url = http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=306627
title = Jackie Chan records Olympics 2008 song
publisher = Ninemsn.com.au
date = 2007-10-24
accessdate = 2007-10-24
] to record "We Are Ready" in July 2007 for the countdown to the 2008 Summer Olympics. It was released on August 2. [cite web|url=http://www.bjreview.com.cn/olympic/txt/2007-07/31/content_70936.htm|title=Musicians Sing "We Are Ready" for Olympics|publisher=Beijing Review|date=2007-07-31|accessdate=2007-09-15] "We Are Ready" was composed by Peter Kam and Keith Chan, [cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/4026/2007/08/08/1481@258962.htm|title= "We Are ready", An Inspiring Song for 2008 Beijing Olympics|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2007-08-08|accessdate=2007-10-28] at the request of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), for the celebration of the one-year countdown to the start of the 2008 Olympics. On August 8th, the artists who recorded the song gathered at Tiananmen Square, and performed the song live for the first time. [cite web|url=http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/olympics/2007-08/06/content_6012937.htm|title=Beijing 2008: We are ready|publisher=Reuters|date=2007-08-06|accessdate=2007-09-15] In addition, Zhang, along with Wang Leehom, Stefanie Sun, and Wang Feng, recorded the theme song of the 2008 Beijing Olympics torch relay, "Light the Passion, Share the Dream" (zh-st|s=点燃激情,传递梦想|t=點燃激情 傳遞夢想).

To commemorate her two year career, Zhang plans to visit her hometown, Chengdu and perform a live concert there. [cite web|url=http://news.sina.com.tw/ents/sinacn/cn/2007-11-21/094735185581.shtml|title=张靓颖EP《Dear Jane》内容曝光 演唱会化身魔术师|publisher=Sina|date=2007-11-24|accessdate=2007-11-24zh] In Chengdu, she will promote and release her second EP, entitled "Dear Jane EP". The EP contains three songs, highlighting and reflecting Zhang's personal experiences and her career so far. [cite web|url=http://news.sina.com.tw/ents/sinacn/cn/2007-11-21/094735185581.shtml|title=張靚穎全新EP下月發行 魔術裝書寫心情日記(圖)|publisher=Sina|date=2007-11-21|accessdate=2007-11-24zh]

Huang Jianxiang scandal

In 2007, Zhang was rumoured to be dating Huang Jianxiang, a football commentator who had received international attention during the 2006 FIFA World Cup commentary incident on June 26, 2006 when he provided biased comments during the match between Australia and Italy. [cite web
title=Controversial sports host Huang leaves CCTV
author= Nan, Yu
publisher=China Daily
] Their rumoured relationship was well publicised and Zhang had been blamed as the "third woman" who caused Huang Jianxiang's 2006 divorce. [cite web|url=http://www.theglobalgame.com/blog/?cat=83|title=The Global Game | Left Wing (Crossing soccer with life)|author=Yueha, Wu|date=2006-11-29|accessdate=2007-10-28] The pair appeared on a talk show on January 11, 2007 and vehemently denied their relationship. [cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/4026/2007/01/12/269@184430.htm|title=Huang denies rumoured|publisher=CRIENGLISH.com|date=2007-01-12|accessdate=2007-10-28]

Vocal ability

Zhang, a spinto soprano, has been compared with other whistle register masters such as Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Sarah Brightman. Her vocal ability ranges from the D below middle C to the G above soprano C that was demonstrated in her rendition of Minnie Riperton's "Lovin' You" when she was performing on "Super Girl". As such, she has been given the nickname "The Dolphin Princess" as Chinese musicians refer to the whistle register as the "dolphin vocal sound" (zh-s|s=海豚音).



* 2006: "The One"
* 2007: "Update"


* 2006: "Jane.Love EP"
* 2007: "Dear Jane EP"



* 2005: "You Were Born for Dreams" (zh-st|s=你为梦而生|t=你為夢而生) for the play "Song of film"(zh-st|s=电影之歌|t=電影之歌)
* 2005: "I Am a Dreamer" (zh-st|s=我是做梦者|t=我是做夢者) for the play "Song of film" (zh-st|s=电影之歌|t=電影之歌)
* 2008: "Impressions of the Xihu Rain" (zh-st|s=印象西湖雨|t=印象西湖雨) for the play "Impressions Xihu"

Film and TV Series

* 2006: "Only for love" (zh-st|s=我用所有报答爱|t=我用所有報答愛) for the film "The Banquet"
* 2006: "Unparalled in the World"/"The Only"(zh-st|s=天下无双|t=天下無雙) for the TV series "The Return of the Condor Heroes"
* 2008: "New Endless Love" for the TV Series "New Endless Love"
* 2008: "Heroes" for the film The Forbidden Kingdom
* 2008: "Painted Heart" (zh-st|s=画心|t=畫心) for the film "Painted Skin"


* 2007: " Give Your Love" for "World Peace One" (WP1)
* 2008: "I love this city' for Chengdu Tourism

2008 Summer Olympics

* 2007: "We Are Ready" for the one year countdown to the "2008 Summer Olympics"
* 2008: "Light the Passion, Share the Dream" (zh-st|s=点燃激情,传递梦想|t=點燃激情 傳遞夢想) for the "2008 Beijing Olympics torch relay"
* 2008: "Beijing Welcomes You" for the 100 day countdown to the "2008 Summer Olympics"


External links

* [http://www.janezhang.com Jane Zhang's Official website]
*zh [http://blog.sina.com.cn/zhangliangying Jane Zhang's Blog on Sina]
* [http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=157028289 Jane Zhang's Official Myspace page]

NAME = Jane Zhang
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Artist, singer
DATE OF BIRTH = birth date and age|mf=yes|1984|10|11
PLACE OF BIRTH = Chengdu, Sichuan, China

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