- Livingston Farrand
Livingston Farrand,
M.D. ,LL.D. (June 14 ,1867 -November 8 ,1939 ) was an Americanphysician ,anthropologist ,psychologist ,public health advocate andacademic administrator .Born in Newark,
New Jersey , Farrand received in undergraduate degree from Princeton in 1888, and went on to the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons where he earned hisM.D. . He attended the universities of Cambridge and Berlin. After graduating, he went on to serve an adjunctProfessor ofpsychology at Columbia and after joiningFranz Boas on expeditions to thePacific Northwest (notably, theJesup North Pacific Expedition ) he became a full professor ofanthropology .He became executive secretary of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis and then in 1914 became President of the University of Colorado, and held that position until 1919. During
World War I he was director inFrance of theInternational Health Board , 1917-19 .His public health work led to his appointment asChairman the Central Committee of theAmerican Red Cross and he worked to fighttuberculosis for theRockefeller Foundation inFrance in 1917.In 1921, he became the fourth president of
Cornell University . Under his leadership, Cornell's enrollment and endowment increased rapidly. He also expanded Cornell-in-China with theUniversity of Nanking and in 1931 saw the arrival in Ithaca of students from theSoviet Union . The unified College of Engineering was created as was the College of Home Economics.He contributed many articles to psychological and anthropological publications; his articles treat principally of the anthropology of American Indians. He was the brother of
Max Farrand .External links
* [http://www.cornell.edu/president/history_bio_farrand.cfm Cornell Presidency: Livingston Farrand]
* [http://www.colorado.edu/ArtsSciences/students/farrand.html Colorado Presidency: Livingston Farrand]
*Cornell University Library Presidents Exhibition: Livingston Farrand ( [http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/presidents/view_item.php?sec=3&sub=11 Presidency] ; [http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/presidents/view_item.php?sec=4&sub=22 Inauguration] )
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.