
Oxcars logo.jpg
Frequency Annually
Location(s) Barcelona, Spain
Years active 3
Inaugurated 2008
Most recent October 28, 2010
Genre Free culture
Website whois--x.net/english/the-oxcars

The oXcars are a non-competitive awards ceremony held at Sala Apolo in Barcelona, Spain, in October each year. They are a public showcase that puts the spotlight on cultural creation and distribution carried out under the paradigms of shared culture.[1] Through presentations and symbolic mentions of works in a series of categories, real legal solutions are shown using parody as a strategy. The award categories include: Music, Animation, Theatre, Human Tools, Future Markets and Great Leftovers of Spanish Culture, among others .[2]


About the oXcars

The oXcars are an awards ceremony organised by X.net (previously eXgae, until November 2010),[3] a non-profit organisation that explores alternative models for cultural diffusion and royalties management. In 2008 and 2009 the oXcars were organised with the collaboration of Conservas, and in 2010 with Conservas, Red Sostenible and Telenoika.[4]

The awards ceremony is an overview of the most outstanding projects in the field of free/libre culture and knowledge, with live music, videos, brief presentations, performances and readings. Since 2009, the oXcars have coincided with the FCForum, an international conference in which organisations and experts in the field of free/libre culture and knowledge gather for the purpose of devising a global strategic framework and an international framework for coordination.


oXcars 2008
  • Music
  • Film
  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Animation
  • Literature
  • Millions of Visits in Your Bedroom
  • Great Human Tools
  • Future Markets
  • Culture existed before the Cultural Industry
  • Great Leftovers of Spanish Culture


2008 oXcars

The participants of the first oXcars, on October 28, 2008, were Leo Bassi, The Pirate Bay, literary collective Wu Ming, filmmaker Guillermo Zapata (director of the short film Lo que tú quieras oír, Pablo Soto (developer of the Manolito P2P software), Platoniq, Alan Toner, FreeCinema, Griffi from Sólo los Solo, Molleindustria (with the video game Free Culture Game), Enrique Sierra from 127.es, the Blender Foundation with the 3D short film Big Buck Bunny, Realidades Avanzadas and Matt Black (Coldcut).[5] The evening was rounded off with live sets by K-Sero+Off://TV, Filastine and La Màquina de Turing.[6] [7] [8]

Related activities

A series of activities related to free/libre culture were organised on October 29 and November 1, in conjunction with the 2008 oXcars. They included talks, debates, round table discussions and practical workshops on licences, examples of free culture, anonymity and cryptography on the net, production and royalties management for audiovisual projects, and Safe Creative, a service that allows users to register works with any type of licence at no cost. Activities also included the launch of the book New Thing by Wu Ming and a screening of the film Steal this film, part 2.[9]

2009 oXcars

The participants of the 2nd oXcars were Duquende, the playwright Rodrigo García, the creators of the Internet series Malviviendo, Derivart, the Taller de Musics Original Jazz Orquesta, the writer Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Riot Cinema Collective, Jamendo, Ilegal Art, FreeCinema, the publishers Alqua, the artist Evan Roth, the comedian Rémi Gaillard, psst!3 (collaborative film project), Shelios, short film maker David O'Reilly, Compartir Dòna Gustet, Xavier Theros and Martín Fernández (MotionGraphics). The evening ended with a concert and live DJ set by Daedelus and Martin Vallejo.[10]

2010 oXcars

The participants of the 3rd oXcars in 2010 were the writer José Luis Sampedro, The Pinker Tones, Kate Madison and Actors at Work Productions (creators of the film Born of Hope), dance company Akram Khan, the writer Belén Gopegui, Miguel Brieva, Triolocría, design studio Lava with their Free Magenta campaign (against the Deutsche Telekom patent on the colour magenta), gastronomic blogger Txaber Allué, hip-hop crew At Versaris, the Reactable (collaborative electronic music instrument), the free culture and copyleft festival Te Pica la Barba (with the animated short film Sopa, by Irene Iborra and Jossie Malis), Rojadirecta (a portal that offers sports broadcast through streaming or P2P applications), Koulomek, the Tweetpeli (a collaborative film made through Twitter), leerestademoda.com, Ploomba (a free piped music service), Jerzy Celichowski (from Open Society Archives), European Digital Rights, Public Domain Day, La Máquina que guía los rayos del sol (animations), Martín Hernández (MotionGraphics) and Kevin Nicoll (illustration).[11] [12][13]

2011 oXcars

Participants at the 2011 oXcars included John Perry Barlow, celebrating 15 years since the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, the Mundo Today satirical group with updates on the latest in social policy, filmmaker Stéphane Grueso with !Copiad Malditos! which is the first TVE documentary with a Creative Commons licence, and the band Las buenas noches, who make their music under the Creative Commons paradigm.

See also


This article incorporates information from this version of the equivalent article on the Spanish Wikipedia.
  1. ^ "La gala de los oXcars exalta la circulación libre de la cultura". El País. http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cataluna/gala/oXcars/exalta/circulacion/libre/cultura/elpepucul/20081023elpcat_20/Tes. Retrieved March 7, 2011. 
  2. ^ "Las categorías y los eXponsors". La-EX. http://la-ex.net/proyectos/las-categorias-y-los-exponsors. Retrieved 7 de marzo de 2011. 
  3. ^ "EXGAE cambia de nombre a'La EX' tras las amenazas de la SGAE". El Mundo. November 29, 2010. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/11/29/navegante/1291045521.html. Retrieved March 7, 2011. 
  4. ^ "Program". oxcars10.la-ex.net. http://la-ex.net/english/the-oxcars/oxcars08/program/. Retrieved March 7, 2011. 
  5. ^ Los Oxcars y Bassi pasan del 'glamour' El País
  6. ^ "Miel y plumas contra la SGAE en la primera edición de los Oxcar". El periódico de Aragón. 30 de octubre de 2008. http://www.elperiodicodearagon.com/noticias/noticia.asp?pkid=451434. Retrieved May 13, 2011. 
  7. ^ "Y el oXcar va para... alguien que no tiene copyright". Diario ADN. October 27, 2008. http://www.adn.es/cultura/20081027/NWS-0933-oxcars-gala-copyleft.html. Retrieved May 13, 2011. 
  8. ^ "Talleres prácticos". La-EX. http://la-ex.net/proyectos/programa/sabadotaller. Retrieved March 7, 2011. 
  9. ^ "Gala antiSGAE en Barcelona: P2P o muerte". El Mundo. November 3, 2009. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/10/30/navegante/1256917941.html. Retrieved March 7, 2011. 
  10. ^ "Los antiOscar de la cultura libre premian a José Luis Sampedro". laverdad.es. October 29, 2010. http://www.laverdad.es/murcia/v/20101029/cultura/antioscar-cultura-libre-premian-20101029.html. 
  11. ^ "OXcars para la cultura libre". Diario ADN. October 24, 2010. http://www.adn.es/cultura/20101024/NWS-0702-oxcars-piratas.html. Retrieved May 13, 2011. 
  12. ^ "Seis velas por seis años de lucha contra el canon digital". El Mundo. October 29, 2010. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/10/29/barcelona/1288347187.html. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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