Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1580–1589)

OttomanPortuguese conflicts (15801589)

The fourth Ottoman-Portuguese Conflicts (15801589) was an armed military conflict between the Portuguese Empire and the Ottoman Empire, in the Indian Ocean.

The Ottoman Navy, from 1580 to 1584 for the first time attacked only the Portuguese ships in the Indian Ocean. In 1585 Mirali Beg seized the Portuguese harbors in East Africa (Baraawe, Jumbo and Muqdishu).

In 1586 the Portuguese army repelled the Ottomans under Patta and Melinde, but a Portuguese fleet was destroyed by a storm near Yemen and nearby in the Mombasa River.

Mombasa was seized by the Ottomans, but the African tribe of Zimba joined the Portuguese and retook the city. The city lost most of her population during the massacre that followed her fall, and had to be rebuilt and repopulated by the Portuguese.


  • Attila and Balázs Weiszhár: Lexicon of War (Háborúk lexikona), Athenaum publisher, Budapest 2004.
  • Britannica Hungarica, Hungarian encyclopedia, Hungarian World publisher, Budapest 1994.

See also